We have been busy over the last few months upgrading our existing Cross platform Gameboy Advance / PDA 3D technology OHE as well as creating new technology in the form of the WFR engine.
OHE is the 3D game engine that allows the display of overhead and side on FPS style games. The game views are can be tailored to any sort of game. We have included real-time smooth lighting for in-game dynamic lighting effects as well non real-time true colour smooth lighting for rendering of static geometry at a high colour depth (Great for creating games such as ‘Alone in the dark’)
We would like to introduce our additional new engine codenamed WFR (Wall, floor renderer.) The renderer actually renders walls, floors ceilings, stairs, windows, doors and so on. WFR is essentially a portal based polygon renderer optimised for Doom type environments. The WFR engine differs to Doom in the following ways:
Sloped walls
Real-time smooth lighting
You can jump, fly and crouch
You can look up and down
Our plans are to combine both OHE and WFR engines into the same game. We believe that we can create extremely immersive environments combining both overhead look and first person. In short, we want to give the player the freedom to jump out of their vehicle and run in and out of buildings. We aim to create massively immersive environments where you can go anywhere and interact with whatever you like.
We are primarily seeking funding (publisher or otherwise) to produce products incorporating our latest technologies. Any interested parties should contact Matthew Hopwood at