Bueno, viendo que el último post del Admin fue anteayer, les he dejado mis impresiones en el libro de visitas (CBOOK) de su web (
http://openmugen.sourceforge.net/ ).
A ver si me apoyáis y también les dáis un empujoncito, que se lo merecen...
Aqúí lo que les he puesto:
Hi to the dev's ofOpenMugen, i wanted to explain something. I dont know if you are conscious of the growing Scene of PSP. Well, if you have a look at ANY forum, you will see post asking: Will we see a MUGEN on PSP?
And the answer is always the same:
No, because the Mugen code is not free, so we have to wait to the guys over there at OpenMugen to finish their work. This is not a "YOU MUST DO IT FOR ME AND NOW" thing, but I wanted to encourage you and to say that now that you've reached this far, don't give up now. I'm on a Development team for PSP, and we would be so glad to port your OPENMUGEN to PSP. I leave my mail if you want to contact me.
(Sorry for my bad english)
No está mal, no?
PD: Also, Elektroplankton