Pues eso ya esta disponible la version 1.14.02, yo voy a probarla pero lo que no entiendo muy bien es que es eso de DISC and DISC LESS...
Fw 3.55 GH/WNK & Kmeaw Base Update:
http://www.fileserve.com/file/6Qr8jF6Las mejoras son estas:
Change Logs:
v1.14.02 (1.15RC)
* FW 3.55 - Disc and discless suport (/app_home)
* Update downloads provided in single packages
* A lot of stuff to come in next release
Acaba de salir la version 1.15.00, aqui las mejoras:
Added: Support for "Black Screen Games" from external USB HDD (thanks to anonymous#3 for the idea)
Added: Launch "Black Screen Games" with [SELECT]+[X] key combination
Added: Control console with peek/poke/peekl support via telnet to port 8080
Added: LV2 GameOS memory [HEX view] and [Save to file] in FILE MANAGER
Fixed: Blu-ray to AVCHD conversion
Fixed: Memory allocation for RemotePlay
Changed: [Last game] application (separate download)