Shin Unozawa, VP and Representative Director of Namco-Bandai, spoke at a recent conference and declared that the company has a whooping thirty titles in development for the Wii. They are also planning ten titles for the PS3/360 as well.
Nintendo was once interested in purchasing Bandai, however Bandai ended up merging with Namco. Namco was one of the first developers on board the Famicom in Japan. They became a strong supporter of the NES and SNES. Unfortunately, the company departed (as did many others) for the Playstation brand after developing only three titles for the Nintendo 64.
When Satoru Iwata took power in Nintendo in 2002, the new President improved relations with several companies including Namco, Sega and Square-Enix. Eventually Namco would support the Gamecube and even partner up for the TriForce project (a Gamecube with double the RAM, designed for the arcades in partnership with Sega and Nintendo). The company would develop fifteen titles for Gamecube (including Tales of Symponia) and numerous others titles were published (including Baten Kaitos Origins) for the platform.
With companies like Namco-Bandai making a huge shift in development to the Wii, it can only mean one thing; Nintendo is definitely making a comeback like no one has ever seen before.
OMG, voy traduciendo...
Shin Unozawa, VP y director de Namco-Banday hablo en una reciente conferencia y declaro que la compañia tiene 30 titulos en desarrollo para Wii, estan tambien planeando diez titulos para PS3 y 360.
Nintendo estuvo una vez interesado en comprar Bandai, sin embaro esta acabo uniendose con Namco. Namco fue una de las primeras thirds para famicom en su momento. Fueron una baza importante para Nes y SNES. Desafortunadamente para Nintendo la compañia, al igual que otras, se interesaron en Playstation y solo desarrollaron tres tristes titulos para N64.
Cuando Yamauchi cedio el poder a Satoru Iwata el nuevo presidente mejoro las relaciones con muchas thirds incluyendo Namco, Sega y Square-Enix. Namco apoyaria mas la gamecube y incluso participaria en juegos del proyecto Triforce (la cube con extra de ram para arcades). La compañia desarrollaria quince titulos para gamecube (incluyendo Tales of Symponia) y muchos otros titulos fueron publicados (como por ejemplo Baten Kaitos Origins)
Con compañias como Namco y Bandai de vuelta esto solo puede significar una cosa. Nintendo esta preparando un retorno como nunca ha ocurrido en la historia de los videojuegos.
Nota del Traductor: OMG