NASCAR 21: Ignition - ¡Ya a la venta!

Bienvenidos al hilo oficial de NASCAR 21: Ignition.
Grandisima noticia que salga en Ps4, no las tenia todas conmigo de que finalmente fueran a sacarlo en esta plataforma. El juego a ver como es en la practica, pero tiene pintaza, ya que han trabajado en todo lo que cojeaba el Heat, tanto dentro de la pista como fuera.

Una mala noticia es que no vayan a estar las 3 categorias, ya que los trucks a mi me gustan bastante. Pero si es el precio que hay que pagar en estas primeras ediciones por ofrecer algo de calidad yo lo firmo, mejor poco y bueno como parece que mucho y malo. Caprichos del calendario tampoco estaran dos Superspeedway clasicos como Indianapolis y Auto Club. Pero quedandose con lo bueno hay muchas y muy buenas noticias.

La conduccion aunque traera ayudas para los mas casual, esta basada en el manejo real. A ver como es el funcionamiento en los pit, en las banderas, los daños, si han conseguido introducir llamas, si hay transicion dinamica dia/noche etc. Asi como a ver como se han currado la presentación de las carreras y si han puesto el mitico "drivers, start your engines" o los escaneos de los pilotos entre otros detalles. Tambien espero mas y mejores camaras para jugar.

Muchas cosas por ver y muchas ganas, lo que habra que ver bien es si vale la pena la champions edition por la friolera de 90€ o ya llega con la estandar por 60€. A mi lo de los esquemas de pintura de leyendas en coches actuales me parece un poco chorrada sinceramente, si trajera el coche real aun, pero asi.
Es el primer juego de la NASCAR que va a traer textos en Español?

Pues tiene muy buena pinta todo lo que acabo de leer y si encima está traducido puede ser compra asegurada.
En steam ya esta para reservar, y en la descripcion habla de unas fisicas y conduccion hiperrealista. A ver como es, pero por lo que han dicho han trabajado en cada circuito de manera independiente y cada uno tiene su paquete de aerodinamica y potencia. Sonar suena muy bien.

BurningWheelsM3 escribió:Es el primer juego de la NASCAR que va a traer textos en Español?

Pues tienen muy buena pinta todo lo que acabo de leer y si encima está traducido puede ser compra asegurada.

El del año pasado (Heat 5) lo fueron traduciendo en actualizaciones, pero se quedo en espanglish, no era una traduccion 100%. Para el modo carrera donde hay cosas mas complejas como conversaciones se va a agredecer bastante la traduccion. Se ve que quieren llegar a mas publico porque van a venir bastantes idiomas disponibles, e incluso algo que me sorprende todavia mas es que han traducido voces tambien.
Lo de la fuerza y direccion del viento es nuevo, asi como la temperatura ambiente y algun detallito mas. Ya se ve que habra mas y mejores camaras copkit. Detalle chulo el que el parabrisas se vaya ensuciando, sera que luego en el pit le retiran la lamina?. Las configuraciones predeterminadas se ven igual que en el Heat, aunque me imagino y quiero pensar que el resultado es de una mayor calidad. Esperando el proximo video de circuitos y con ganas de ver mas, se va a hacer larga la espera hasta final de Octubre.
Early Gameplay - Coke Zero 400 at Daytona
La calidad del video es bastante mala esta muy pixelado, pero asi de primeras pareciera que tendria que haber mas luz artificial en la pista, o al menos me da esa impresion. Los Heat en carreras con iluminación artificial eran bastante decentes.

Hoy ha estado el streemer Joey Stone en Daytona entre otros, y al parecer ha salido contento con la primera toma de contacto con el juego, augurando un futuro brillante. La opinion generalizada es buena por lo visto.
Dev Diary #2 - The Tracks
Dev Diary #3 - The People
Ojala la jugabilidad con volante y sin ayudas cumpla las expectativas, porque el juego se ve brutal. En algunos aspectos le veo similitud con el F1 de Codemasters. Creo que su objetivo de recrear lo que es un fin de semana de carrera lo han consiguido con creces.

Los pilotos son clavados, y los circuitos se ven espectaculares, hasta el Bristol Dirt que no me despertaba un gran interes en principio pero se ve de pasada en el video y luce increible.

Hablan de IA y circuito dinamico, a lo que entiendo que entraria el ciclo dia/noche en las carreras que lo tengan digo yo. Ademas es que a parte de temperatura y viento hasta tiene diferentes climas, cosa que nunca existio en los Heat, siempre era soleado.

PD: Todo lo del video explicado:
Gameplay demo en Talladega y Pit Stop (baja resolucion). El replay mode se come con patatas al de los Heat.
Pues tiene buena pinta.
Sí que tiene buena pinta, en mi caso me echa para atrás que los óvalos no me llaman nada, aunque veo que hay más circuitos…

Los pitstops parecen una cinemática sin mucho que hacer, imagino que será todo automático.
Confirman salas privadas, soporte para volantes Logitech, Thrustmaster y Fanatec, y que no habra configuracion personalizada del coche en este primer año, contara con las configuraciones predeterminadas mostradas.

@fbetes Trae unos 7 circuitos ruteros de 26 que son en total. Son bastantes en comparacion a otros años, pero la mayoria aunque con diferencias entre ellos son ovales.

El Pit si que parece que no sera jugable, salvo que halla alguna opcion en el juego final para cambiarlo. Lo que si hay es opciones para configuracion la parada en el pit durante la carrera.

EDIT: Mas gameplay en Talladega
Gameplay en Charlotte Roval
Como se ve, como suena... que pintaza tiene, el Roval es uno de los circuitos ruteros mas espectaculares del calendario. Yo ya reserve ayer la version estandar, total no tenia nada que decidir. Por los calculos sera jugable el Martes 26 a partir de las 00:00h, asi que no habra lanzamiento unificado o cosas asi. Deseando que llegue la fecha para poder probarlo.

Parece ser que han confirmado en instagram que los pit, banderas y demas no seran jugables este año, lo dejan para futuros juegos. Y lo de las salas privadas no esta claro, el otro dia con el traductor lo habia entendido mal. Me pregunto a cuantos fps ira el juego, se ve bastante fluido, los otros iban a 30 y rascaban, aunque desde que tengo la Pro con el modo fps me iba mejor la verdad.
Vídeo sobre el Paint Booth
Se escuchan varios comentarios de que la IA es mala solo por el minuto y poco de gameplay del Roval. Yo no digo que sea buena ni mala, ya se vera cuando salga el juego, pero no le encuentro mucho sentido a querer valorar la IA con una sola vuelta a un circuito, es que lo tipico de querer ponerse la venda antes de la herida. Aunque hubo algun detalle que me choco, como por ejemplo coger la curva creo que es la 6 o 7 por dentro, cuando esa normalmente la cogen por fuera de la linea para aprovechar al maximo la pista.

Lo que es cierto como se quejan muchos es que han mostrado muy poco gameplay puro, cuando apenas quedan 10 dias para el acceso anticipado. Desconozco si van a quitar algo del Texas Motor Speedway este fin de semana a parte de la imagen que han mostrado, pero lo dudo mucho si ya han quitado ese video hoy. Y ademas es que ni se sabe si algun youtuber va a tener alguna copia anticipada para mostrar antes de la semana del 26. A mi personalmente tambien me gustaria ver algo mas, porque por ejemplo del desgaste de neumaticos, temperaturas varias y demas detalles del estado del coche no se ha visto nada de nada.
Pues al final si que han quitado gameplay de Texas...y algo largo. Temperaturas de agua y aceite se ven ahi, que de hecho habian salido antes en algun video y no me acordaba [tomaaa]. Pero de neumaticos o estado del coche no se ve nada. Quiero pensar y me imagino que tema de neumaticos, motor o aerodinámica se vera cambiando la pantalla donde ahi se ve la clasificacion como en los Heat, porque lo que es la distribucion de los datos en pantalla es la misma. Y estar tienen que estar porque en las pit options que se ve en pantalla le puedes cambiar las presiones a los neumaticos, meter mas o menos fuel, apretar o aflojar la cuña, poner cinta en la parrilla y reparar los daños. Exactamente lo mismo que en los Heat, pero con la diferencia positiva de que aqui lo puedes cambiar en cualquier momento de la carrera. Del resto bien, esperando a poder probarlo el proximo Lunes por la noche y que no defraude.
Mas de 7 horas de gameplay:

Con todos los videos que han salido ha dado para ver y enterarse de varias cosas y algunas muy decepcionantes. Como puede ser que vendan unas fisicas y manejo realista, algo que tiene que ir casado con el control con volante y a estas alturas el juego solo acepte un volante Logitech. Desde luego yo tengo cero interes en jugarlo con mando asi que espero que de aqui al lanzamiento se solucione este problema. Y ademas si a estas alturas esta asi el percal con esto, que trabajo ha hecho con volante esta gente hasta ahora, atufa a que han testeado todo con mando, con lo cual las expectativas de que las sensaciones jugables con volante sean buenas me deja bastantes dudas.

Ademas de lo del volante que ya me ha dejado mosca porque es algo muy importante, resulta que hay una ayuda a direccion que a dia de hoy no se puede retirar del todo, y te esta ayudando a girar, lo cual es otra cagada monumental. Igual que el tema de las banderas que esta bastante mal por lo que comentan y es algo vital, o el que no halla stages en una carrera, pero en que cabeza cabe si son puntuables?. Es que son fallos demasiado flagrantes a poco de lanzar el juego y que deberan solucionar si o si, pero la verdad mal empiezan con lo que parecia que iba a ser el juego. Y mira que se ven detalles buenos en el juego y todo, pero la han cagado en cosas muy importantes que a ver como van solucionando.

EDIT: Parece que al final los volantes estan funcionando, aunque por ahora no valen para moverse en los menus solo para jugar. Y mejor todavia es que al jugar con un volante directamente deja de funcionar esa ayuda a direccion absurda que sufre la gente que juega con mando. Y para mas sorpresa despues de los ultimos despropositos descubiertos en el juego y a falta de probarlo comentan algunos que tiene un FFB decente.

PD: @er185 Te dejo la lista de volantes compatibles por si la quieres añadir al hilo:

Comunicado oficial. Estan trabajando en un segundo parche que está pendiente de aprobación por Playstation y Microsoft que saldrá muy pronto y un tercer parche que saldrá más adelante. ... 6064322564

Notas del parche Día 1

Xbox Patch / Playstation Patch 1.01

Added support for Logitech G29 and Logitech G920
Fixed an issue on Xbox that could cause the game to enter an unresponsive state if the user is changed during game suspension
Fixed a blurry jumbotron image
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if the console runs out of storage space
Fixed a very rare issue that could cause the game to crash with damage set to Visual Only
Fixed an issue that could prevent races from starting at Daytona
Resized pit options to better accommodate non-English languages
Introduced Charters into Career
Introduced the option to start from scratch again in the Paint Booth
Improved the performance of some smoke effects
Added the "1 can" refueling option to the pit menu
Added additional repair option to the pit menu
Tidied up how the Camaro logo was displayed on custom vehicles
Fixed a progress issue in Career that could occur if the player didn't have an active contract
Fixed an issue that could cause the diagram on the Car Setup screen to appear smaller than intended
Fixed an issue that could player cars to be forced through the floor after a high speed collision
Added additional number styles to the Paint Booth
Fixed an issue that was causing tires pressures to be shown as having negative values
Allow the player to set their own name in Career
Sped up the rate at which cars load in the main menu
Improved texture loading during cutscenes
Fixed an issue that could cause the spotter subtitles to remain on screen
Increased the speed that players cross the start line after a rolling start
Fixed a rare lighting issue at Talladega
Fixed an issue that would cause race results to change after watching a replay
Fixed an issue that was impacting on-track performance while in a pack
Fixed an issue that would prevent the player from restarting a Qualifying session
Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to overlap with AI cars during pit scenes
Updated the control map image
Improved the performance of online games for players with poorer internet connections
Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to park at an incorrect pit stall
Fixed an issue that would cause AI Practice times to display as 0.000
Fixed an issue that would cause the AI to display incorrect qualifying results if the player skips the session
Fixed an issue that would cause the player to lose control of the car after a pit stop
Fixed an issue that would cause the sky to flicker aggressively as the sun set
Improved AI performance around Bristol Dirt
Improved AI pitting behavior
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Pole Sitter achievement/trophy from unlocking correctly
Fixed an issue that was causing track wall colors to bleed onto the track surface
Improved AI behavior around COTA
Improved AI behavior around Charlotte Roval
Fixed an issue preventing 100% length races from completing
Fixed an issue that would prevent a full replay from being played on PlayStation
Fixed an issue that could cause the race to continue to run after the player chooses to restart
Fixed an issue where some drivers were assigned the incorrect number
Updated windshield banner
Improved audio mix for views within the car
Improved AI pit entry behavior
Updated localizations across the game
Improved the AI's ability to drive on dirt!
Corrected the car spoiler colors
Resolved an issue that was causing some logos to appear at a lower quality
Resolved an issue that was causing tires to appear incorrectly during the victory lane sequence
Fixed an issue that could cause the AI to retain control of the player car after multiple yellow flags are triggered
Fixed an issue that could cause the crew chief to appear with an untextured face
Added animation to 1 can pitstop
Improved the responsiveness of the spotter
Fixed an issue that would cause qualifying sessions to end too early
Fixed an issue that was preventing matt textures from being properly displayed
Fixed an issue that could cause the autopilot to retain indefinite control of the player car after a pitstop
Fixed a rare issue that could cause the game to crash when viewing a replay
Fixed an issue that was causing some areas of the Toyota Camry to appear as transparent
Fixed an issue that could cause AI cars to be shown with low levels of detail during a replay
Increased AI speeds across all tracks, making them competitive
Fixed an issue that could prevent cuation flags from being properly displayed
Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when loading into practice sessions at Texas, Indianapolis Road or COTA
Fixed an issue that could cause the cockpit view to stutter while on track
Fixed an issue that was causing the incorrect rim color to be shown on some cars
Fixed an issue that would cause sections of the track to suddenly become invisible at Homestead Miami
Updated the career Playoff logic to make it more accurate
Fixed an issue that could cause the HUD to display inaccurate lap data in qualifying sessions
Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong car to be displayed during Victory Lane scenes
Fixed an issue that would cause damage to carry over between sessions
Fixed an issue that could cars to appear on fire at the start of practice sessions(!)
Fixed an issue that was causing the steering wheel to display if the Steering Animation option was set to None
Added an visual prompt to inform players that they are driving in the wrong direction
Fixed an issue that would prevent the HUD from being correctly updated during road course qualifying
Improved the visual driving line overlay across most tracks
Fixed an issue where the last lap HUD was being displayer as "-1"
Fixed an issue that was causing some audio to still be played when the master volume is muted
Added helper text to main menu options
Fixed an issue that was causing AI drivers to suddenly switch lanes at the start of a race
Fixed an issue that could cause the Paintbooth UI to become inaccurate
Fixed an issue that could cause some logos to be shown at an incorrect size
Fixed an issue that could cause chase cameras to suddenly clip inside the player car on certain tracks
Improved UI performance on console
Updated the wedge values in the pit menu
Fixed a rare issue that could shadows to flicker
Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being returned to the garage during practice sessions
Added music to the start screen
Fixed an issue that caused the player to gain an unfair advantage at the start of a COTA race session
Added an "unsaved changes" warning when loading a livery in Paintbooth
Added missing button prompts to Paintbooth
Fixed an inconsistency in how we displayed some assists in different areas of the game
Fixed an issue that was preventing the game from pausing while suspended
Prevented players from opening the pause menu in areas they were not intended to
Smoothed out the loading process
Fixed an issue that was causing abandoned changes to be retained in the Paintbooth
Fixed an issue that was preventing some cutscenes from being skippable
Fixed an issue that was causing players to place 1st when disqualified from the session
Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to appear to overlap a second version of itself during certain cutscenes
Fixed an issue that could cause cars to be unexpectedly on fire(!) at the start of road course qualifying sessions
Fixed an issue that could cause the Martinsville Blue Emu trophy to appear at a lower quality than intended
Fixed an issue that could result in blank jumbotrons
Removed the grass that was unexpectedly growing on track at Watkins Glen
Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong number of laps to be displayed in the HUD after restarting a race
Improved AI behavior around Texas and Talladega
Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong helmets to be shown in cutscenes
Made on-track cones load in earlier
Fixed an issue where the manufacturer of custom cars was being incorrectly displayed
Fixed an issue that could cause cars to spawn at incorrect locations
Fixed an issue that could cause players to be placed in the wrong starting position after a restart
Fixed an issue where the front splitter of the Camaro would roll around in sync with the wheels
Fixed a number of issues where it was possible to highlight multiple rows in the pit options
Fixed an issue that would prevent the HUD from being hidden when turned off
Updated camera angles for the intro scenes at some tracks
Corrected some of the navigation in the Paintbooth
Fixed an issue that was causing the Car Setup screen to appear at a lower quality than intended
Fixed an issue that could prevent players from gaining control of the car at the start of a race at Watkins Glen
Added rewind and fast forward functions to the replay
Changed Rookie assists in the datapad to match the main menu
Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to be displayed improperly in some cutscenes
Adjusted the pit line exits at most tracks
Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall out of the track at Charlotte Roval
Added button descriptions to the paintbooth
Updated Indianapolis intro scenes to remove "ugly" camera shots
Updated sunset times to be more accurate
Updated an issue that could cause the AI drivers to break formation during race starts
Corrected typos in a few messages
Fixed an issue that could cause road course qualifying sessions to end too soon
Fixed an issue that could prevent the correct localized audio being played on PC
Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the game to crash when left idle
Updated the default pit menu selections
Normalized brightness across camera views
Fixed an issue that was preventing sound effects from being played during pitstops
Fixed an issue that could cause the player driver to get stuck partway through a gear change animation
Fixed an issue that would prevent sound effects from playing while driving over the grass in online sessions
Added the jack arrow decals to custom liveries

Fixed an issue that could cause wheels to be shown with missing textures ... atch-Notes

Nuevo superparche 1.02 ... 59-Patch-2
Autentica decepción a dia de hoy con este juego, lo he comprado para nada porque no lo uso, y a saber hasta cuando estara asi la cosa. Ni en mis peores pensamientos me hubiera imaginado que no tendria soporte para volante de salida, si no ni de coña lo hubiera comprado, para que?. Lastima que los que juegan en ordenador y enseñaron el juego me llevaron a la confusión de que si funcionaria en PlayStation tambien, de lo contrario hubiera cancelado la reserva como muchos, los cuales se merecen un aplauso por no contribuir a tan lamentable engaño de vender un juego medio hacer y plagado de errores. Donde se ha visto en pleno 2021 un juego de conducción que no tenga soporte de volante de salida, si hasta el mas cutre lo tiene ya sea mejor o peor. Decepcion mayuscula, yo a dia de hoy este juego no se lo recomiendo a nadie en el estado actual que esta, y de cara al futuro pies de plomo con esta compañia y ver bien lo que trae el juego con los lanzamientos del BTCC, WEC etc. porque no me la cuelan mas. Mucho reclamar un dia tras otro la reserva y hasta despues del lanzamiento no publican que solo Logitech G29 es compatible con PlayStation, y aun asi no se ni si esta funcionando. Una vergüenza.
Disponible el DLC Throwback Pack que incluye a Darrel Waltrip, legendario campeón de la NASCAR, con su clásico diseño de pintura Western Auto y 80 nuevos diseños de pintura para los pilotos existentes. ... CAR21NOVEM
Notas del parche que ya debe estar disponible

Xbox Patch -
PlayStation Patch -
PC/Steam Patch -
Release Dates

Xbox - 11/18/2021
PlayStation - 11/18/2021
PC/Steam - 11/18/2021


Added support for Steering Wheel buttons for in game actions (such as the Pit Menu)
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T-GT Wheel
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T150 Wheel
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T300RS Wheel
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T500 Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Leather Edition Wheel

[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Servo Base Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Pro Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Wheel
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TS-XW Wheel
[PC-only] Reinstated support for Logitech MOMO Wheel Shifter

[PC-only] Reinstated support for Fanatec CSW 2.5 with V3 Inverted pedals
[PC-only] Reinstated support for Thrustmaster T150
[PC-only] Added support for multiple monitors, to use this feature please set the game to Borderless Windowed Mode


Added AJ Allmendinger to the driver roster


Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to unexpectedly slow down at Atlanta
Fixed an issue that was causing the player to drive a lap under AI control at Martinsville
Fixed an issue where the front splitter of the Camaro would roll around in sync with the wheels
Fixed an issue that was causing driver numbers to look squashed in some resolutions
Fixed an issue that would cause the game to reset the player's default view


Improved sensitivity of Yellow Flags, especially on Speedways
Improved player and AI formation on rolling restarts after a Yellow Flag, additional refinement is needed
Improved AI behavior determining need to pit after cautions, additional refinement is needed

Fixed an issue that could cause autopilot to retain control of the player's car if a Yellow Flag is thrown while the player is pitting
Fixed an issue that was causing the player car to not be repaired after a Yellow Flag pitstop
Fixed an issue that was forcing the players to pit if the pit menu was open as a Yellow Flag was triggered


Adjusted the AI to better handle large obstacles on track such as accidents involving multiple cars

Adjusted AI behavior after Yellow Flags
Adjusted AI behavior so that they do not suddenly slow down when exiting the pit at Charlotte
Fixed an issue that would cause AI to receive tire wear at an accelerated rate which resulted in too frequent pitstops


Adjusted the maximum allowed tire pressure to be more realistic
Adjusted damage settings to greatly reduce the frequency of encountering an issue that could prevent damage from being shown on the car after an impact
Fixed an issue that was causing damage sustained in race to be carried over to the start of replays


Adjusted the autopilot to be able to drive the player car with a burst tire when in the pit road
Fixed an issue that could cause the player driver to float outside of the car during pitstop scenes


Adjusted the Calendar so event names and logos no longer overlap
Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong scheme to be shown during Career victory sequences


Added initial implementation of “ghosting” feature to Online play, additional improvements to come

Added a confirmation prompt when leaving an Online lobby
Improved the length of the transition from the Datapad to the track in Online sessions
Fixed an issue that could cause the Online exit prompt to be briefly unresponsive
Fixed an issue that could cause players to see their own scheme as being incorrect in online games
Fixed an issue that could prevent players from the joining their friends if they accept an invite from within another online session


Significantly reduced the stuttering seen in certain camera views in replays
Improved audio in replays so engine sounds and track placement sound more accurate


Added NASCAR Race Car and Ford logos to the Paintbooth templates

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when adding a single decal to a custom car over and over
Fixed an issue in the Paintbooth that could cause the wrong side of the car to be shown
Fixed a corrupted window texture that would be shown on custom Toyotas during cutscenes
[PlayStation-only] Fixed an issue that could cause saves to become corrupt when saving highly detailed custom vehicles


Adjusted Menus in garage so that they can no longer disappear when looking around the car interior
Adjusted the names of certain Audio options for increased clarity
Fixed the Controller Vibration toggle, it is now possible to disable controller vibration
Fixed an issue that could prevent the Pause Menu from being opened
Fixed an issue that could cause the Skip Session button to load the same session when chosen before heading to track

Fixed an issue that could result in the Online Hopper Menus overlapping the Main Menu
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Pause Menu from being opened during qualifying sessions
Fixed an issue that would cause duplicate controller inputs to be registered on the Online Menu
Fixed an issue that could cause a dead state if the player chose to restart the session while shifting focus to the crew chief
Fixed an issue that could cause UI prompts to disappear when the player chooses to restart a race while holding the Datapad


Updated the localization for Online playlists
Added several localizations for the Display and Controls menus ... 07-1-2-5-0
Notas del parche que ya está disponible
Release Dates

Xbox - 12/7/2021
PlayStation - 12/7/2021
PC/Steam - 12/7/2021

Added controller vibration to provide feedback on various track surfaces
Added new controller calibration tools to the pause menu and datapad to assist users reporting issues with acceleration (please refer to the FAQ for additional details)
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Logitech G29 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T-GT Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T80 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T150 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T248 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T300 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T300RS Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T500 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus
[Xbox-only] Added support for Logitech G920 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Leather Edition Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Servo Base Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Pro Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TS-XW Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TX Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus*
[PC-only] Added support for Logitech G920 Wheel buttons to navigate frontend menus

*Note: there is a known issue on Xbox that menu navigation on supported wheels currently has functions that are associated with LB mapped to the View button.

Fixed an issue that was causing cars to be placed in the wrong order after restarts under caution
Fixed an issue that could place the player in first place after every caution restart

Improved the AI's ability to smoothly enter the pit road with other cars around
Fixed an issue that would cause AI to drive into accidents after multiple yellow flags have already been triggered
Fixed an issue that was causing AI drivers to pit after a yellow flag

Fixed an issue that could prevent players from pitting at Daytona
Fixed an issue that would prevent players from successfully pitting if they qualified in first position at Road America
Fixed an issue where a pit crew member might be missing their equipment

Added a feature that will apply improved performance to the player car if they sign a contract with a higher rated team
Fixed an issue that was causing players to start in the wrong position when simulating qualification
Fixed an issue that would place the player 1st on the grid when choosing to qualify last via simulated qualifying
Fixed an issue that could cause the player to be placed 40th on the grid at road courses regardless of where they qualified
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after completing 3 seasons in career

Added a confirmation prompt when exiting an online party
Adjusted when cars are ghosted in online play
Fixed an issue that would cause the driving line assist to be displayed in online sessions when disabled
Fixed an issue that could prevent online races from starting properly
Fixed an issue that would prevent cars from ghosting when using novice assists in some circumstances
Fixed an issue that was preventing players from ghosting in some situations

Fixed an issue that could cause a placeholder texture to be displayed in the cockpit camera during replays

Updated custom schemes to clean up the seams between zones
Fixed an issue that could cause a softlock in the paintbooth if decals were rapidly added
Fixed an issue that was causing gradients to flip in the paintbooth
[PC-only] Fixed an issue that could cause some paintbooth UI elements to appear off screen

Fixed an issue that could cause the lighting to flicker in some situations

Fixed an issue that could prevent tire audio from playing

Fixed a number of issues related to setting deadzones to maximum
Fixed an issue that was causing a brief deadstate when switching the level of assists

Fixed an issue that was causing placeholder online menus to be shown in some circumstances
Fixed an issue that could cause the datapad to go invisible when looking to your crew chief ... 27-1-3-0-0

El Patriotic DLC Pack ya está disponible

¡El juego con licencia oficial de la NASCAR Cup Series de 2021 rinde homenaje a los hombres y mujeres de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos con el DLC "Patriotic" de NASCAR 21: Ignition! Esta colección de contenido adicional desbloquea a Matt Kenseth, legendario campeón de la NASCAR, con su clásico diseño de pintura DEWALT, y más de 80 diseños de pintura para los pilotos de la NASCAR Cup Series de 2021, entre los que se incluyen:
• Aric Almirola – Smithfield Patriotic
• Josh Bilicki – Nurtec/Army
• Alex Bowman – ALLY Patriotic
• James Davison – Nurtec/Navy
• Austin Dillon – Bass Pro Shops Patriotic
• Kevin Harvick – Mobil 1 Patriotic
• Ryan Newman – Kohler Patriotic
• Bubba Wallace – DoorDash Patriotic
Preguntas y respuestas de los desarrolladores del juego.

Parche disponible
Xbox Patch -
PlayStation Patch -
PC/Steam Patch -

Release Dates
Xbox - 1/25/2022
PlayStation - 1/25/2022
PC/Steam - 1/25/2022

[PlayStation-only] Fixed an issue that prevented Thrustmaster T80 and T284 Wheels from appearing in the supported wheel list
[PC-only] Fixed an issue that was causing the Fanatec CSL Elite to have inverted pedals

[PC-only] Fixed an issue that was causing the game to crash when receiving a notification from another application

Fixed an issue that could cause AI to trigger endless yellow flags by not pitting correctly
Fixed an issue that could prevent AI drivers from pitting after successive cautions

Fixed an issue that was causing temperatures to be reported in Fahrenheit when set to metric
Fixed an issue that would prevent a message from being displayed when the controller became disconnected
Fixed an issue that could cause the fuel light to incorrectly turn on after a caution
Fixed an issue that was causing the fuel light to remain on after refueling
Fixed an issue that was causing the cockpit lap counter to not increase
Fixed the Grill Tape HUD option so that it increases when navigating right and decreases by navigating left
Removed the redundant crown icons from online lobbies

Added Stages. They can be enabled in the settings for both Career and Race Now. Note: Yellow flag laps under stages do not count into the next stage
Implemented corner cutting penalties for both online and offline play (note: only available in offline play when Rules are enabled). Players who gain an advantage by cutting a corner will now have the full lap invalidated
Fixed an issue that was preventing the relative leaderboard from being correctly updated after a caution
Fixed an issue that could cause players to be stuck in the garage after disqualification

Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to be damaged at the start of a Practice session

Fixed an issue that could prevent career contracts from being offered to the player in some circumstances
Fixed an issue that could cause the qualifying order for a career race to be lost

Added Private Party sessions for online play. It is now possible to enter online sessions with only your friends. Minimum Party size is 6 players, maximum is currently set to 18 players
Added brief period of AI control at the start of online races to mitigate instances of players swerving at the beginning of a race and causing collisions
Fixed an issue that was preventing players from rejoining their friends after a disconnection

Fixed an issue that could cause visual artifacts to appear in the shadow at the rear of the player car

[PC-only] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after repeatedly changing the resolution

Fixed an issue that was causing duplicate inputs to be recorded on some menus
Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to pan around while navigating the Pause Menu ... 03-1-4-1-0
Parche disponible
Added “Test Drive Next Gen Car” to Race Now menu.

Fixed an issue that could cause player car to not drive straight after a yellow flag restart.
Fixed an issue that could cause wheels to appear to spin while the car was stopped.
Fixed an issue that could cause the car splitter to appear yellow on Playoff schemes.
Fixed an issue that caused some logos to be missing on Denny Hamlin’s Playoff scheme.
[PC-only] Fixed an issue that could cause reflections in the rearview mirror to render incorrectly

Fixed an issue that could cause placeholder textures to appear in the terrain of certain road courses.
Fixed a portion of missing collision in the wall at Charlotte and Charlotte Roval.
Fixed an issue that could cause some signage, billboards, and screens to display placeholder content on various tracks.
Fixed a stability issue at the end of a race at Texas Motor Speedway.

Fixed an issue that could cause the AI to enter the track during the player’s qualifying session.
Fixed an issue that could cause the AI to take control of the player’s car during Qualifying at Michigan after skipping the Practice session.
Fixed an issue that could cause the AI to retain control of the player’s car if they did not pit after the Stage 1 results screen.
Fixed an issue that caused unintended AI behavior after cautions at Bristol.

Fixed an issue that could cause the lap counter to function incorrectly in pit road at Phoenix.
Fixed an issue that could cause the player to pit incorrectly at Daytona.
Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to gloat above the ground in the pit road at Pocono.
Fixed an issue that could cause the pit crew to not be anchored correctly in pit road.

Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to be controlled by AI.
Fixed an issue that could cause players to not be removed from online servers after the race has ended.

Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Road America.
Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Indianapolis.
Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Daytona Road Course.
Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Charlotte Roval.
Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Sonoma.
Adjusted the criteria that triggers corner cutting penalties at Circuit of the Americas.
Fixed an issue that could cause the corner cutting flag to be displayed incorrectly during Practice.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze.

Fixed an issue that could cause lap data to display incorrect times.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Race Results to display incorrect driver positions.
Fixed an issue that could cause the data on the “View Standings” tab to display incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that caused placeholder information to appear in the Results screen.

Fixed an issue that could cause an audio error when the

Added a setting to enable/disable camera shake on impact.
Fixed an issue that caused the option to change the Default Camera View to be missing in the Main Menu and Datapad. ... 95-1-4-5-0
31 respuestas