La verdad es que a veces es un poco frustrante segun contra quien juegues por internet el tema de los mates y los triples. En mi opinion la culpa es mas de los jugadores que de el juego en si; cierto es que a veces te permite hacer cosas que te quedas
![flipando [flipa]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/flipando.gif)
, pero si la gente tira 40 triples por partido es porque o bien no quieren jugar a basket de verdad, o no saben o solo quieren ganar.
Estoy convencido que si juegas con una persona que mueve el balon, busca bloqueos, hace el dentro fuera y cosas asi no vas a notar para nada cosas raras; pero claro los partidos en el live son otro tema.
Y reconozco que alguna vez se te hinchan las narices y te pones a intentar hacer mates como un animal pero tambien depende de como te lo pases mejor; si jugando al juego o simulando un partido de basket con el juego.
Mismamente si juegas con mi hermano en vez de conmigo notaras diferencia, el juega mas con los postes y penetrando mucho y yo muevo mucho mas el balon.
Por cierto no los he podido probar pero me baje del foro de 2ksports unos sliders de un forero que se llama badboy que segun la gente de por alli son muy realistas; os los cuelgo aqui y si alguno quiere probarlos y comentar que le parecen que lo diga
Aqui van;
Gameplay Settings
Difficulty: Hall of Fame
Minutes: 12
Speed: Normal
Clutch Factor: Off
Real FT%: Off
Presentation Settings
FT Help: Off
Rebounding Icon: Off
Charging: Default
Blocking: MAX
Reaching: MAX
Shooting: MAX
Loose Ball: 21
Coach Settings
Human (Only) - I set my crashboards to zero so that my players actually run down the court to setup and play defense and to also prevent fastbreak abuse from CPU.
Slider Settings (HUMAN)
Close Success: -2 [73]
Mid Success: 0 [75]
3 PT Success: 0 [75]
Dunk Success: +3 [78]
Lay-up Success: -6 [69]
FT Success: -9 [66]
Close Tend: -15 [50]
Mid Tend: -5 [60]
3 PT Tend: -5 [70]
Drive Tend: -15 [50]
Dunk Tend: -10 [55]
Rip Success: 0 [20]
Pick Success: -20 [0]
Pick Strength: -20 [0]
Steal: -65 [0]
Block: -27 [38]
Ball Handling: -5 [60]
Dunk: -14 [47]
Off Aware: -25 [40]
Def Aware: -3 [62]
Off Reb: +10 [75]
Def Reb: -60 [5]
Injury Chance: -15 [5]
Injury Effect: -12 [8]
Clutch Factor: -20 [0]
Slider Settings (CPU)
Close Success: -7 [68]
Mid Success: -4 [71]
3 PT Success: -0 [75]
Dunk Success: -2 [73]
Lay-up Success: -10 [65]
FT Success: -13 [62] This allows bad ft shooters to actually miss rather than cheat.
Close Tend: -65 [0]
Mid Tend: -55 [10]
3 PT Tend: +31 [106]
Drive Tend: -65 [0]
Dunk Tend: -14 [51]
Rip Success: -3 [17]
Pick Success: -20 [0]
Pick Strength: -20 [0]
Steal: -65 [0]
Block: -25 [40]
Ball Handling: -13 [52]
Dunk: -17 [48]
Off Aware: 0 [65]
Def Aware: -2 [63]
Off Reb: -65 [0]
Def Reb: -63 [2]
Injury Chance: -15 [5]
Injury Effect: -12 [8]
Clutch Factor: -20 [0]
One of my game examples:
Pistons VS CAVS (me)
FG: 32/78 - 29/72
FG%: .405 - .402
3PT: 2/15 - 1/6
3PT%: .133 - .166
FT: 10/13 - 13/17
FT%: .769 - .764
Assists: 26 - 14
Turnovers: 14 - 11
Team Fouls: 14 - 11
Rebs: 52 - 39
O. Rebs: 16 - 9
Steals: 6 - 11
BLKs: 5 - 4
Points in the Paint: 32 - 38
Bench Points: 17 - 13
Second Chance PTS: 20 - 6
Fast BRK PTS: 4 - 4
Final Score: 76 - 72
Player Stats:
PTS: Lebron 28, Hughes 12, Ilgauskas 11
REB: Snow 8, Lebron 7, Hughes 4
AST: Hughes 6
BLK: Ilgauskas 3
PTS: Hamilton 17, Billups 12, Rasheed 12, Prince 10
REB: Ben 13, Prince 10, Hamilton 7, Rasheed 5, Billups 4
AST: Hamilton 5, Rasheed 5, Ben 5, Billups 4, Prince 4
BLK: Ben 3, Rasheed 2
I would post more game examples but this is enough. I beat Celtics earlier with Knicks
110-101. I won the first Cavs vs Pistons meeting 100-92. Yesterday Heat beat (me) Chicago 90-72. We both only committed 9 turnovers.
The Good
More Randomness with these sliders. Every game is different including the scoring. Tougher to score in the paint. A lot more midrange. More court spacing. Turnover ratio is lower than B4. More tip-ins or putbacks. CPU actually shoots a minimal amount of threes to NBA standard and not just at end of shot clock. CPU can actually miss fastbreak layups due to heavy traffic, many hands, and defensive hustle.
The Bad
Dunking I would have to say was the toughest for me to fix. Whether players will dunk or not was the issue. Hopefully it is fixed. Sometimes, probably a glitch, but they won't count some of the blocks...maybe its my game. Every once in a while CPU missed some wide open fastbreak layups but it only happened once in a few games.
My Keys To A Successful Game
Lower the defensive pressure to minimal amount if too high in coach settings. I usually get rid of 2-3 zone and full court press and replace them with Box & 1 and Fullcourt Trap. Keep CPU from passing the ball to certain players to slow down their halfcourt offense and lessen the amount of shots. Run the ball around for the best possible shots. Playing arcade style and running inside all day will get you no where. Use smart shot stick techniques to make tough layups. Trust me you will need to cause they won't come easy. I set defense pressure for every guy on REGULAR. Have fun!
Once again gotta give 2kfanman his due credit cause his sliders are what I started from...
Ale ya comentareis; cuando se acabe el curso y vuelva a casa ya jugaremos al 2k6!!!