NBA LIVE 09 error crc

Ya van por 5 copias de seguridad distintas , la última "NBA.Live.09.PAL.XBOX360-RANT" , que me da fallo CRC

Paso el abgx, todo bien menos este fallo de CRC, avisa en rojo e informa que no está bien.
Cómo se soluciona.


Aquí va la respuesta del abgx
\\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...
Server file GameNameLookup.csv no newer than local file - not retrieving
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

E:\NBA.Live.09.PAL.XBOX360-RANT\rnt-nba9.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "E:\NBA.Live.09.PAL.XBOX360-RANT\rnt-nba9.000"
Size: 7835492352 bytes (SplitVid 2nd wave)
Files in ISO: 56, Folders in ISO: 5
Total bytes used: 6545424081 (89.68%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename: nbazf.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2008/08/18 23:11:06
Game Name: NBA LIVE 09
Developer: Electronic Arts Canada
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Sports
Achievements: 23 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX CRC = 8FED4846
XEX Media ID: 6B2DA473FA413EBF75327266-6653832E

NBA Live 09

Region Code: 0x00FF0000

Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2008/08/22 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2008/09/17 10:55:54
SS CRC = 5D88054D (RawSS = 210632F9)
SS Media ID: 6B2DA473FA413EBF75327266-6653832E (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2008/08/22 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = D4975E56
DMI Media ID: 6B2DA473FA413EBF75327266-6653832E (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
PFI matches known data (2nd wave)

Video partition found
Video is zero padded
Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94)
Video partition matches known data (2nd wave)

Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
Looking for 5D88054D8FED4846.ini in the online verified database
Server file 5D88054D8FED4846.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

Using 5D88054D8FED4846.ini (318 bytes)
Video CRC matches
V0 CRC matches
V1 CRC matches
PFI CRC matches
DMI CRC matches
SS CRC matches
Xex CRC matches
AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
Game CRC = C39A14F2

Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities:

1. This is a bad rip (the most likely cause). If you're checking a DVD backup
and have AnyDVD or a similar app installed, make absolutely sure the process is
killed! If this is a scene release, search for it on and look at the
column "Bad CRC or Needs Fixing". If you see a <!> icon, hover over it with
your mouse to read the alt text. If it says something like "Bad game data CRC"
or gives the name of a fix (PPF patch), we already know about it. It's also
highly recommended to run abgx360 again with AutoFix set to level 3 if you
applied a PPF to make sure stealth files haven't been corrupted. See "What is
AnyDVD style corruption?" in the GUI Quickstart tab for more info on game data

2. Your CPU/RAM/HDD/data bus is unstable and corrupted the data during
extraction/burning or while checking the CRC. Make sure to run the sfv and try
extracting it again (assuming you have the sfv/rars) and recheck the ISO/DVD to
see if you get the same CRC.

3. Game data was intentionally modified for some reason. Microsoft does not
take kindly to modifications for any purpose, and even benign changes to game
data or settings will get you banned from Xbox Live!

4. The verified Game CRC in the database is wrong (very unlikely).

Stealth was verified but game data wasn't
Hecha un vistazo a este hilo a ver si te puede ayudar: hilo_minitutorial-configuracion-abgx-1-0-1_1254338
Ten en cuenta q este programa debe conectarsea internet para acceder a las bases de datos q tienen sobre el juego(SS,DMI,PFI....)
Lo mejor es que hagas tú mismo la copia de seguridad a partir de tu juego original, tal y como está explicado en los tutoriales del foro.
2 respuestas