Bueno aqui teneis los precios "oficiales" y sus caracteristicas de los dos chips mas punteros aqui en Holanda.
25-09-2001 NEO 4 Modchip IS VERTRAAGD
COPIEEN SPELEN ZONDER AR/2 (action replay 2) !
Leverbaar vanaf BEGIN OKTOBER .
De chip moet worden ingebouwd met 36 draden.
Speciale aanbieding voor mensen die al hun ps2 door ons hebben laten ombouwen. Voor Hfl 275,00 bouwen wij uw ps2 om (incl chip). U kunt uw ps2 vanaf : DAT DE CHIP LEVERBAAR IS kosteloos naar ons antwoordnummer opsturen. WIJ BOUWEN DE CHIP IN EN STUREN DE PS2 ONDER REMBOURS NAAR U TERUG.
Vanaf die tijd bouwen wij de neo4 ook Zaterdags in voor Hfl 150,00 (Excl. Chip). HIER MEER INFO OVER DE CHIP: Compatible with the following models: JAP SCPH 10000, JAP SCPH 15000/TI, JAP SCPH 18000, JAP SCPH 3000, JAP SCPH 35000 (Tested) USA SCPH 30001 v1 v2 v3, USA SCPH 30001 v4, USA SCPH 35001 (Tested) EUR SCPH 30004 v3, EUR SCPH 30004 v4, EUR SCPH 35004 (Tested) UK SCPH 30003 v3, UK SCPH 30003 v4, UK SCPH 35003 (Tested) AUS SCPH 30002 v3, AUS SCPH 30002 v4, AUS SCPH 35002 (Tested) ** ALL JAP MODELS = 1 MOD ** ** ALL PAL MODELS = 1 MOD ** ** ALL USA MODELS = 1 MOD ** Game Features PSX Original Imports - NO SWAP PSX Silvers - NO SWAP PSX CDR Backups - NO SWAP PS2 CD Silvers - NO SWAP PS2 CDR Backups - NO SWAP OR PATCH* PS2 DVDR Backups - SINGLE SWAP - NO PATCH** PS2 DVD Silvers - SINGLE SWAP** PS2 IMPORT ORIGINALS - (NO SWAP - In Development) DVD Movie Features MULTI REGION for DVD Movies on all models (No extra wires were used) (1.10, 1.20, 1.30 Tested for UK/EUR/AUS/USA Models - 1.00, 1.01, 2.00 and 2.01 JAP will follow shortly)*** MACROVISION Disabled RGB Green Screen Fixed by correct code injection as opposed to a link wire (I'd just like to confirm here that these functions have been added free of charge whereas the original idea was a cheap add-on. There have been extra wires added and the cost is exactly the same) The mod is comprised of 3 microchips plus various SMC components on a professionally designed PCB giving the mod a neat wafer thin design which fits inside each and every model without compromising any future functions of the PS2. The NEO4 is currently around 33 wires (maybe more for complete features of mod) - this is so the mod will work with ALL models - we could easily have many less wires but then you would have many different mods for each model - not practical. The size of this mod has grown because of the fact that there are so many different models of PS2 and each one has to be patched differently and to achieve optimum performance and reliability it had to be designed in this way. The final number of wires will be announced when we have progressed to our first hardware prototype stage. We are currently working on an ease of upgrade design for the NEO4 so if a better version was designed in the next few months you could easily swap the NEO4 with an upgraded version. *EA Swap Games still require an "EA Patch" - These can be freely obtained from
http://www.eapatcher.com **The DVDR swap is with any original DVD game or demo (the TOC size has to be bigger than the DVDR). This is a simple swap and the original does NOT need to boot - the PS2 just reads the TOC after the NEO4 DVDR Function has been activated. It takes less than 10 seconds and all DVDR's have been tested working 100% with NO PATCHES NEEDED. We recommend DOA2 as the swap disc as the TOC is 4.5GB however we also use magazine coverdiscs with a TOC of 3.5GB and they boot all games with a smaller TOC perfectly. At last AR2/GS2/XFM/MM16 are no longer needed

***You cannot play PAL movies on an NTSC player but you can play NTSC movies on a PAL player. We have got PAL playing on NTSC but it skips frames every few seconds at the moment - we'll work more on this later. There will be three different versions of NEO4 - PAL, NTSC-J & NTSC-U. We are hoping to release the PAL & NTSC-U version by the end of September and the NTSC-J version will follow around 4 weeks later. Official NEO Product Resellers NETHERLANDS
Leverbaar vanaf BEGIN OKTOBER .
De chip moet worden ingebouwd met 36 draden.
Speciale aanbieding voor mensen die al hun ps2 door ons hebben laten ombouwen. Voor Hfl 275,00 bouwen wij uw ps2 om (incl chip). U kunt uw ps2 vanaf : DAT DE CHIP LEVERBAAR IS kosteloos naar ons antwoordnummer opsturen. WIJ BOUWEN DE CHIP IN EN STUREN DE PS2 ONDER REMBOURS NAAR U TERUG.
Vanaf die tijd bouwen wij de neo4 ook Zaterdags in voor Hfl 150,00 (Excl. Chip
+ 1 : Fl. 199.50
+ 5 : Fl. 190.00
+ 10 : Fl. 180.50
Nota:1 florin=75'5 pelas mas o menos