Como podreis ver son más
fixes que mejoras:
Some important fixes to this update. It's a touch faster again. These fixes were needed so you could fully enjoy it.
List of improvements in this version are:
- Now will tell you to wait game is loading when it boots
- bug fix for code error forgot to add this in v8.0 (samurai spirits rpg)
- Region selector fix now works in this version
- Added compiler flags for speed not space
- Sfx added back in code to slow to use ( disabled but z80 is being called).
- touch faster little bit less slow down on metal slug1
- Region selector is turned on by holding in the start button now when you swap a cd in keep it held in then it will show up to change regions. Last time it was broken.
Si bien es cierto que
"People will notice it's faster then v8.0 and it has the fixes it needs please enjoy this version."
En los foros se pueden leer cosas como estas de los testers:
League Bowling (Fullspeed)
Metal Slug (Fullspeed? no va fullspeed pero ya pilla los 60fps)
Puzzle Bobble (Fullspeed)
Rally Chase (Fullspeed)
Soccer Brawl (Near fullspeed)
Super Sidekicks (This game have some slowdowns. I didn't realize)
Viewpoint (Now it is not as fast as in 8.0... the speed is perfect!, is fullspeed with no speedups!)
King of Fighters 94- (Fullsped)
King of Fighters 95- (Fullspeed)
King of Fighters 96- very good speed increase
Samurai Shodown 2 - close to full speed
Samurai Shodown 4 - still have minor grafix error, very good increase
Pulstar - Very Good increase, no errors
Aero Fighters 2 - just amazing, perfect, full speed! i cant stop to play!
Double Dragon - Very good increase, minor grafix errors.
Como podeis ver, la emulación empieza a alcanzar unas cotas bastante altas. Las continuas revisiones y actualizaciones con sus "5fps faster" o "10 fps faster" empiezan a dar sus frutos;)
El autor está dando a entender que en cuanto la mayoría de los juegos estén en buen estado se pondrá a trabajar con los FX (y parece que será pronto). Esto está que no para