beta 1 del autor de NeoGeo CDZ (el "original" dicho mal y pronto)
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noticias nuevas sobre neocdpsp(basado en NeoGeo CDZ):
zelurker y otras dos personas mas parece que se han puesto de acuerdo para ir mejorando aun mas este emu, uno de ellos se encargara del modo wifi y otro del entorno, la cosa va mejorar muchisimo.
Parece que estan "picados", han vuelto a actualizar el neocdpsp
la lista de cambios es la siguiente:
Version 0.8
- Fixed speed of animations (waterfall in blue's journey...)
- fixed voices too fast in art of fighting (and maybe some others)
- Fixed red and blue inverted when clearing the screen in hardware mode
(it was producing a red sky in crossed swords, and a few bad colors in
some other games).
- Some files were really intended not to be loaded in the neocd, such as
these weird samples in aof, and another in neo turf master. Now they
are correctly ignored.
- The rasterline interrupt is now emulated which enables playing art
of fighting 2 at 115 or 130% (button B when starting a game)
The raster effects are not yet emulated, the background in super
sidekicks2 is now all green !
- A new gui from Radius !
- Added support for the fonts of the SDL_gfx project, and added a font
selector to the new gui
- Fixed the crash in neogeo cd special
- Added more options than what anybody will ever need for the osd :
you can now choose if you want to see or not mp3 tracks, mp3 errors,
if you want a black or transparent background and I added a profiler
display that you can choose from the "Show FPS" option. This profiler
is mainly usefull to me to see where the emulation looses time, but you
can try it if you are curious !
All this is now in the "OSD..." menu.
- Acceleration : a basic optimization for the 68k handlers and I won about
15 fps on the art of fighting main menu, and a trick on the raster
counter helped me to win about 30 fps in ninja commando, and the hall
of fame in magician lord (now maybe you don't have enough time to input
your name in magician lord, oh well...)