NEW!!! PogoShell v1.3 + GBA SP = un sueño?

Sunday, 6th April, 2003

O_o Weno pues navegando a estas horas, acabo de fliparlo al ver ke ahi nueva version del PogoShell disponible, la v1.3. Ya sabreis todos lo cojonudo que es por lo tanto, no comments xDDD, para quien no sepa manejarlo aun, por ahi postee en su dia un tuto que os ayudara bastante, buscarlo con la busqueda avanzada.:) Y sin más pasemos a la lista de novedades:

PogoShell v1.3


- Much improved text-reader.
- Halts and turns off sound, should drain much less battery.
- Simple splashscreen functionality
- Included the previously released new mod & bmp plugins.
- Sets up hardware to default values before starting games, should be much more compatible (allthough I can not get Pinball Deluxe to start without reset, grrr :)
- Merged in about half of Hergs changes (most settable options except scroll arrows)
- Experimental XG/EZFlash support with "pluggable" rom switching code (can be replaced to support other carts)
- Save files are now connected to plugin instead of the selected file - this is usually the best behaviour

[flipa] [flipa] [flipa]


PogoShell v1.3
Segun he entendido trae soporte para las XGF y las EZ, alguien lo ha probado?? Yo probe la version no oficial y cuando le doi a cargar alguna rom me salia la pantalla en negro 2 segundos y luego me volvia al menu del pogo, a que se debe???
Pues a mi se me queda bloqueado al ejecutar el juego en la pantalla del menu y no consiguo que funcione el XG...
Para ke os rule con esos cartuchos debereis copiar unos files al root, aki os pego un info ke viene en el pogo:


Just copy the xgflash.sub or ezflash.sub (not sure which
work - if at all - for which cart) file in this directory
into the .shell directory of your root folder and rename
it to cart.sub (replacing the one already present).

so for instance;
copy ezflash/xgflash.sub root/.shell/cart.bin

This is UNTESTED code so far!!


When Pogoshell starts, it looks for the file
and if present, loads it to adress 0x03000000 and uses the code
there to switch romstart and ramstart. Source for both the standard
visoly carts and EZ/ZGFlash is included if you wish to tweak the
behaviour for a special version or support a completely new cart.

Use goldroad assembler to assemble.

-- Sasq
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