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Para todo el que no lo haya visto ya, id corriendo a ver "Bowling for Columbine", extraordinario documental sobre el tema de las armas de fuego en EEUU, que es sencillamente sobrecogedor.
Escrito originalmente por JUANI RULES
Yo les recomiendo a todos que despues de ver "Bowling...." se lean el libro "Estupidos Hombre Blancos" de Micheal Moore (el autor de la pelicula)
Editado: Juani con lo de stocks, si no ando equivocado, hace referencia a las acciones en bolsa de la empresa, no al stock de juegos.
Editado: Juani con lo de stocks, si no ando equivocado, hace referencia a las acciones en bolsa de la empresa, no al stock de juegos.
Escrito originalmente por JUANI RULES
Pero si lees mejor vas a ver que se refiere a los retailers (vendedores) del juego
Pero si lees mejor vas a ver que se refiere a los retailers (vendedores) del juego
December 29, 2003 -- IN this season of ecumenical brotherhood, here's a suggestion for how to advance the cause of peace: Sell your stock in Take-Two Interactive Inc.
In case you can't quite place the name, New York-based Take-Two Interactive is a Nasdaq-traded company in the video game business.
Over the last couple of years, the company has been one of Wall Street's hottest stocks, climbing by more than 500 percent to a high of nearly $42 per share earlier this year.
Take-Two was founded in 1993 by a young fellow named Ryan Brant, who was apparently raised in a family steeped in its own Vice City values. Ryan's daddy, Peter, a polo-playing fop from Greenwich, Conn., did time in federal prison for tax fraud after trying to write off $1.5 million worth of massages, jewelry, scalp rubs and what-not as business expenses.
Last spring, Dad was hit with more tax woes when federal prosecutors filed a suit against him and his partner - art dealer Larry Gagosian - alleging that they owe $26 million in taxes on fine art sales dating back to 1990.
Dad was an original investor in Master Ryan's excellent adventure, and currently collects $474,000 per year from the company in return for leasing it some of the New York real estate he owns. That lease is set to expire in the new year.
THE Securities and Exchange Commission got interested in Take-Two last year after the company restated its financial results for most of the previous two years. The restatement followed reports that the company had been claiming revenues from fictitious sales.
Now the SEC seems ready to act. Earlier this month it issued the company something known as a Wells Notice, which amounts to a "your time is up" letter; its purpose is to inform the target of an SEC investigation that fraud charges are about to be filed against it. Ryan Brant received an additional Wells Notice himself, as did two former officials who the company did not name - meaning that the SEC plans to include all three as defendants in its complaint.
Bottom line: Stay away from this stock - far, far away - and you'll be doing both your wallet and your fellow man a favor. Happy New Year.
Leyendo el final me parece mucho que esta diciendo que vendas tus acciones porque Take-Two ha cometido fraude y algo mu malo pasara
HERE'S the game's basic bit: You're a cocaine dealer, see, and you get ripped off in a drug deal that goes bad. So your mission is to get your drugs and your money back - by committing as many violent, homicidal crimes as you can possibly think up.
You can pursue your goal by killing Haitians, of course, but you can also kill anyone (or everyone) else. You can machine-gun them, beat them with baseball bats, chop them up with machetes or run them over with stolen cars.
And when you do, everything will look incredibly and shockingly real, with blood spewing everywhere.
You can kill a cop, steal his gun, and then use it to shoot someone else. Or you can pick up a prostitute and have sex with her in the back of your stolen car, then beat her to death - or shoot her, bludgeon her, whatever you want.
In fact, "whatever you want" is what the game is all about. Thanks to its artful and complex programming and its incredibly realistic graphics, the game creates the impression of being inside a totally unscripted, live-action drama in which you can manufacture your mayhem as you go along.
Escrito originalmente por €ñµff_£ïêßt_Ïkð
El juego no puede ser tan bueno.stop.A este hombre le ha encargado el articulo la gente de take-two.stop.Cuanto mas leo esta parte mas ganas me dan de probar un GTA.