xSorRv5 Update1
What's new:
- Fixed a rare bug which could hang the Xbox after beating a boss.
Many thanks to ChoKoBo for finding a way to reproduce it.
Replace the default.xbe with the one included in this release.
xSorRv5 ported by A600
This is a port for the Xbox1 of bennugd-monolithic (a game development language). This
port is aimed to run the Streets of Rage Remake v5 (other bennugd games may run if they
are compiled with the modules used by SorRv5). It was possible thanks to BoMbErGaMeS Soft,
SplinterGU for bennugd, the Fenix team, the people behind bennugd-monolithic and the SDLx
libs by lantus.
You'll need the SorRv5 release for Windows. Copy the following folders/file to the Xbox:
- Don't overwrite or delete the savegame\savegame.sor included with this release.
- Don't change the vsync option or the Xbox will hang.
- The jump button (B by default) is used to select a menu option and the attack button
(A by default) to cancel.
These "issues" could be solved with a compiled version of SorRv5 with the Xbox in mind but
thanks to Sega that's unlikely to happen.
The HQ2X scaler is too slow, even with the assembler version I added, to be usable so don't
use it

The xresizer.xbe included, allows to resize the screen for those with overscan problems. It
generates a xbox.cfg with this default settings:
The flickerfilter option can be a number between 0 and 5.
Left Analog -> Up / Down / Left / Right
Dpad -> Up / Down / Left / Right
A -> Attack
B -> Jump
X -> Special
Y -> Special Combo
Left Trigger -> Back Attack
Right Trigger -> Series
Black -> Police
Right Analog Thumb -> Exit to Dashboard (Creates Savestate)
Start -> Start
Back -> [ESCAPE]
Almost all controls can be remapped using the menu.
Source code (sources.rar) included.