Nintendo busca socios

According to Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nintendo would wish to collaborate more with the companies of video games American and European as of next spring so in particular increasing his shares of market, President de Nintendo Satoru Iwata even states that there are already 2 interesting offers of alien companies wishing to work with Nintendo, the partnerships with Sega and Namco should be also reinforced during the next year.

Fuente : Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Wow, Nintendo se va a poner las pilas al año que viene [boing] , segun entiendo de la noticia nintendo quiere trabajar mas con compañias Americanas y Europeas y que ya tiene 2 interesantes ofertas interesantes [Alaa!] . El refuerzo con Namco y Sega, magnifico :D.

un salu2!
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