IBM has announced that their Broadway chip custom-designed for Nintendo's Wii console is not only already in Nintendo's hands but has been since July. "We have been shipping well within this quarter (July)," said Ron Martino, director of IBM Technology Collaboration Solutions. "In fact, we have shipped a significant volume in this quarter."
So what does this news mean to gamers who have been waiting patiently for a release date from Nintendo? Well, considering that Nintendo has had their hands on a large amount of the final Broadway chips since July, we can easily speculate that the Wii could feasibly be released within the next few weeks. Perhaps by the end of the month.
Nintendo has also confirmed their reception of IBM's chip: "The first chips are in our possession," said Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director/General Manager, Integrated Research & Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. "Today's milestone marks the final stage of our drive to reach both core and nontraditional gamers with an inviting, inclusive and remarkable gaming experience."
When I asked Martino about the power behind the Broadway chip, all he could do was compare it to the Wii's predecessor, the GameCube. "Compared to the Gekko in the GameCube, it's 20 percent more power efficient. It also performs significantly better. The key point is that it is Power Architecture-based and custom-made and optimized for Nintendo," he said. "This is a critical milestone for us at IBM. We have been very pleased with the entire development project."
I pressed Martino to compare Broadway to the other consoles they've had an integral part in developing for and he wouldn't budge, only commenting on what Nintendo was able to offer. With this news and Nintendo confirming the shipment of "6 million systems to retailers around the world between its launch in the fourth quarter of 2006 and the end of its fiscal year on March 31, 2007," we fully expect Nintendo to make an official announcement next week during their event in New York City. And as previously mentioned, we expect a release date far sooner than what has been projected.
Fuente: Joystiq
KOTAKU escribió:Frankly, I'm not sure if this is good news, bad news or no news, but IBM confirmed today that they started shipping the brains of the Nintendo Wii for their New York fab plant about three weeks ago.
Ron Martino, director, of IBM Technology Collaboration Solutions, wouldn't tell me how many of the "Broadway" chips have been produced so far or how many they will be able to manufacture by Nintendo's still to be announced launch window later this year. Nintendo also declined to release details about chip production.
While Nintendo hasn't quite gotten around to releasing the date or price for the Wii, I'd be shocked if that information didn't come out at their New York City press event next week.
At least we can be pretty sure that Nintendo has already started, or is gearing up to start, production for the Wii. A July job posting by the company for a "production agent trainee" practically glows with confirmation.
This is IBM's second console launch with Nintendo. The chip manufacturer also designed and produced the Gekko chip for the GameCube. This time around IBM and Nintendo signed a multi-year deal for the chip manufacturer to produce "millions" of the Power Architecture-based chips featuring IBM Silicon on Insulator technology at 90 nanometers.
Yeah, I'm not sure what all of that means either, but I do know that the chip is designed to consume about 20 percent less energy. So there's that.
I tried to get Martino to spill with some more technical details, but he referred me to Nintendo who passed on commenting.
Nintendo was happy to say that the first of the chips, which are being produced at IBM's 300mm semiconductor development and manufacturing facility in East Fishkill, New York, are already in their hot little hands.
"Today's milestone marks the final stage of our drive to reach both core and nontraditional gamers with an inviting, inclusive and remarkable gaming experience," said Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director and General Manager for Nintendo's Integrated Research & Development Division.
Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing and corporate affairs, said all is well in the world of the Wii.
"Everything is on schedule, Nintendo is very happy," Perrin said. "We still plan a hearty launch in Q4."
In a prepared statement Martino said they are proud of their customized Power microprocessor for the Wii.
"When millions of gamers take the controls of Wii this holiday season, the IBM logo will once again be front and center on this innovative new product," he said.
Ironically, IBM is also producing the Cell chips for the Playstation 3 at the same East Fishkill, New York fabrication plant.
Martino said production for the Cell chip is "going well and is meeting our objectives."
Sony declined to say when IBM started producing the Cell chips for the Playstation 3, but did say that they already have more than three million of the chips for their console.
revogamers escribió:Tras varias horas de especulación, varios medios de prensa estadounidenses han podido por fin romper el silencio sobre la última información proporcionada por Nintendo e IBM.
El Director de IBM Technology Colaboration Studios, Ron Martino, se mostraba muy orgulloso de las cifras alcanzadas, alegando que han estado enviando con buen ritmo desde julio.
El texto de la fuente que más ha "movido" a los seguidores antes de la exclusiva va más allá, sentenciando que "considerando que Nintendo tiene en sus manos una gran cantidad de Broadway finales desde julio, podemos especular fácilmente que sería viable un lanzamiento durante las próximas semanas. Quizás a finales de mes".
La palabra de Nintendo viene del conocido Genyo Takeda, Director General de la "Integrated Research & Development Division" de NCL: "El gran acontecimiento de hoy marca la fase final de nuestro camino para alcanzara ambos, jugadores tradicionales y no habituales, con una experiencia de juego atractiva, inclusiva y destacable."
Volviendo a IBM, comenta Martino que el chip Broadway, comparado con su predecesor (Gekko), es un 20% más eficiente hablando de consumo, y además rinde significantemente mejor. La clave es que está basando en la arquitectura PPC, personalizada y optimizada para Nintendo. Martino se muestra de nuevo encantado con el éxito del proceso de desarrollo.
Este anuncio de hoy sumado a las declaraciones oficiales del día de ayer, llevan casi irremediablemente a un comunicado oficial sobre los datos definitivos de lanzamiento, incluyendo por supuesto fecha y precio, durante los 3 eventos especiales programados para los días 14 y 15 de este mes en los territorios principales.
llorllo escribió:Entonces dejaremos de ver insistentes rumores sobre que los graficos mejoraran puesto que aun está en desarrollo??
Pues el consumo se reduce al 60%, si se usa la tecnologia de silicio que desarrollo IBM y que se usa en los Athlon64 el consumo se reduce a menos del 45%.NaNdO escribió:Una preguntita para los entendidos del hardware:
-Si un chip pasa de fabricarse de 180, a 90 nm y sin modificar nada más, cuanto consumo menos tendría? puede que así nos podamos hacer una idea del micro.
NaNdO escribió:
NUNCA! lo que aún no estaba acabado era la GPU
Y tienes razón, pero eso siempre y cuando el proceso no dé "sorpresas de última hora" y desde luego eso es algo de lo que Nintendo se ha cubierto las espaldas por lo que se está viendo (menos hablar, y más actuar)AcuTarA1 escribió:Pienso que la salida no varia dependiendo de cuando se hayan entregado los chips, si no que de otras cosas, como las estrategias de marketing.