Nitrotux sigue investgando cual puede ser el bug que permite cargar dvd-r (Gracias por decir que existe a los que lo han dicho sin ellos nadie investigaria ya que era imposible por restricciones hardware, jaja . Por eso hay que estarles agradecidos sino hubieran dicho que habia bug pues nadie investigaria. Gracias).
Como decia parece que ha dado con algo :
I've been thinking about the DVD drive softmod lately, and the fact marcan has admitted they can read DVD-R's without a drive chip, and the fact that bushing has posted a nice note for Nintendo on his blog.
As I've explained before there's basically 2 ways for getting a working DVD softmod:
1) Disable Starlet from blocking the FF and FE commands
2) Find a way to exploit the DVD drive with the allowed commands
Now the fact that bushing wants to talk to Nintendo is something special.
If they found a way to disable the Starlet debug command filter (this would be done through an IOS hack or similar), then they would not be knocking on Nintendo's door to fix this.
The reason is that we would simply call this disable method ourselves from the Starlet (IOS) side, because it's already possible to fully control IOS (see patchmii, IOS5 and Waninkoko's custom IOS), and Nintendo cannot patch this (unless they patch homebrew unsigned code alltogether, which I doubt is bushing's goal).
Then, there's only one other reason left:
There's a bug in the DVD firmware, and they want Nintendo to fix it for future retail Wii's.
There's one thing which bothers me, and that's the fact that Nintendo seems to be checking the caller UID on the video enable command for any possible security breach (and they are not doing this for any other command):
"(%s) (diIoctl) Video enable returning security error - callerUid = %u; inLen = %u\n"
In any case, the DVD is not the only method for playing backups.
I am doing a thorough and complete reverse engineering of the DI module in IOS31, and the ultimate idea is to silently relay all requests which are being sent from PPC to "/dev/di", internally in Starlet to the SD card. It will "emulate" the DVD drive (status responses etc), but the data will be coming from the SD card.
Primero ha hecho unas cuantas deducciones y ha llegado a la conclusion que hay que el bug no es modificando el ios para deshabilitar el filtrado del starlet , sino que lo que hay que hacer es buscar un bug que permita manejar el DVD con comandos.
Despues ha seguido con sus investigaciones y ha posteado
I've looked into the video enable command some more.
It seems the PPC is not allowed to call this (the callerUID wont match with what IOS wants).
There is only one module which is allowed to call this, and that's the ES (the security-) module.
The ES opens up the device "/dev/di", and send an ioctl request with command 0x8E.
The DI module hears this, and simply calls a syscall, which does this:
syscall(int a)
if (a == 0)
D800180 &= ~0x200000;
D800180 |= 0x200000;
This register is also involved in setting DI into legacy mode (using bitmask 0x40).
So what's so special about clearing or setting bitmask 0x200000? Maybe it disables the Starlet filter?
I'm pretty sure this register will be fun to play with.
And to confirm once more, this was said on #wiidev recently by bushing:
<@bushing> daltonlaf: the wii has hardware protection that prevents you from reading anything that's not a Wii disc. We found a way around that
Que como podeis leer puede estar en lo cierto y modificando el registro en ese modulo de seguridad podria quitar el filtro del starlet.
Y como el dice puede que SOFTMOD HERE WE COME!
A ver como termina esto.
Y repito que de no ser por bushing que posteo que se podia hacer nada de esto (aunque no se consiga) , u otras investigaciones por parte de otra gente no serian posibles. Gracias
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