¿no existe ningun modo de grabar en -r dl?

Hola! Hoy he cometido el cagadon de comprar dos dvds verbatim -r dl a 4 euros cada uno, y llego y el imgburn me dice lo de que no puede configurar el salto de capa en modo DAO.
Total, que leyendo veo que no se puede grabar en -r dl... pero alguno dice que haciendo algo si se puede.

Para salir de dudas, existe algun modo?


PD: ya que estamos, alguien sabe donde venden dvds -r dl en granada baratitos?
En principio, que yo tenga entendido, no se pueden grabar backups con Discos -R DL

Un Saludo!
No lo tienes todo perdido, hay un metodo, es un poco arriesgado...

Los DVD-R llevan el booktype grabado de fábrica a DVD-R y NO se puede cambiar por bitsetting. (Cuenta la leyenda que algunos modelos antiguos de grabadoras QSI, NU y Philips podían "cambiar" el booktype de un DVD-R a DVD-ROM haciendo un truqui, pero que no funcionaba en todos los lectores...)

Although you will understand that it's not possible to change the booktype field for DVD-R discs there still excists a DVD-R bitsetting. Some claim that this increases the compatibility but this has not been independently confirmed by anyone and as it's technically impossible to change the booktype field it will still be possible for the hardware to find out that a disc is a DVD-R. The booktype setting for DVD-R discs seems to be based on a workaround that has not been proven to be working.

According to Michael Spath who studies both the +R and -R format and is known as an expert on technical DVD recording issues; "the trick is based on the fact that some drives read the booktype from the last border-in and not from the lead-in. Therefore if you create a second session on the disc you will create after the first session a new border-in, where you should normally copy the informations from the lead-in (including
the book type). With this trick, you instead write a DVD-ROM booktype in this second session, which violates the - standard. Also drives which read the booktype from the lead-in will not be fooled by this method (eg. some Pioneer drives".

En resumen, NO. Para XBOX360 -> DVD+R DL "bitseteado" a DVD-ROM (y gracias, que alguna gente con ciertos lectores Benq nuevos ni eso xD)

Salu2 ;)
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