He resucitado mi XBOX RGH tras un fallo de update de nand, y ahora tengo el FSD 3.0 y el dash a la ultima version.
La consola no carga el FSD directamente al encender,SOLO si tengo conectado el disco externo usb con un launch.ini en su raiz. Si arranco la consola sin él me manda directamente al NXE sin posibilidad de cargar el FSD,salvo reinicio
Os dejo en negrita lo que ignoro si es correcto,¿hay algo mal configurado?
En otro hilo un forero me dijo de flashear con autogg marcando lo de dashlaunch,creo que se hizo asi pero continua pasandome lo mismo
; launch.xex V3.0 config file
; parsed by simpleIni
http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/; currently supported devices and paths:
; internal hard disk Hdd:\
; usb memory stick Usb:\
; memory unit Mu:\
; USB memory unit UsbMu:\
; big block NAND mu FlashMu:\
; internal slim 4G mu IntMu:\
; internal corona 4g mu MmcMu:\
; CD/DVD Dvd:\ (not recommended to use this one)
; buttons can point to any xex, or any CON with default.xex in it on any of the above devices
; note that Right Bumper is ALWAYS default to return NXE
; if you want to assign an additional one, use the path Sfc:\dash.xex ie:
; BUT_A = Sfc:\dash.xex
; all comments and fields in this file are optional, you can remove anything you don't need
; sorry for any double negatives
; njoy, cOz
; example entry
; Default = Hdd:\
Start =
Back =
LBump =
RThumb =
LThumb =
; Default is what loads when you hold no buttons
; leave this blank if you want NXE as default
Default = Hdd:\
; at boot time, default can be overridden based on how the console is turned on
; if you start with wired/wireless/IR guide button, this item if existing will be used instead of default
; note that the Guide item is ALWAYS overridden by option: remotenxe = true
Guide =