No me deja restaurar garyopa 2.1

solo tienes q poner RESTORE.BAT E
E es la letra q le asigna window a tu lector
si no te funciona fijate en la bios algo esta mal lo cmabias y ya listo
saludos ale

Restoring your drive
RESTORE.BAT automatically restores your drive back to original state

* To RESTORE a drive, it must be in "Mode B" and have "Drive Letter"
* Then just run RESTORE from "Command Prompt" while running windows.

* The new RESTORE does not need any backup, it will 100% restore your
drive back to "ORIGINAL" state as long as it is visible in Windows!

* Program will not start unless it detects the version of your Hitachi!

* You can restore any drive, even "v1.1" or "f900" or your own hacks.

* System will check flashed firmware, and redo until 100% completed.

* Once you get the PASS / DONE line, you can shut-down the system.
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