No puedo optar al puesto de trabajo porque me faltan 19 culos.

Para una vez que me llega una oferta de trabajo al correo, y me faltan 19 anos para cumplir los requisitos :( :(

Fortson Florrie <>
16:43 (Hace 5 minutos)

para israel
El descanso pertenece al trabajo como los parpados a los ojos.
(Rabindranath Tagore)


Tenemos el grado de informarles que nuestra firma e asesoramiento al cliente esta en busqueda de personal para el puesto de "Gerente Regional" en Europa!
Nuestra compania le da cursos de formacion para cualificacion mas alta y un crecimiento profesional. Todo esto puede ser de usted solo si usted lo desea! Estamos interesados en personas junto a las cuales nuestra empresa podra ser mas exitosa!
Requisitos de trabajo:
-Deseo de trabajar bien
-Educacion Media
-Desde 20 anos
-Derecho de trabajar oficialmente en el territorio de Espana

Si esta propuesta le interesa, escriba a mi correo electronico. Favor de ubicar la region del territorio de Espana al cual usted pertenece!

Con los mejores deseos!
Human Resurces

Son unos cachondos estos príncipes nigernianos [+risas] [+risas]
Me ha llegado un correo parecido, cambiando algunas palabras:

Ayudamos a encontrar placer en el trabajo
Recibido a las 10:13 (hace 6 horas)

El trabajo ennoblece a quien lo hace.
(Jhon Eruld)


Estoy feliz de comentarle que en nuestra compania tenemos abierta una vacante para el puesto de "Gerente Regional"
Nuestra compania le da cursos de formacion para cualificacion mas alta y un crecimiento profesional. Todo esto usted puede tener si lo quiere! Estamosen busca de profesionales junto a los cuales la empresa crezca!
Requisitos del trabajo:
-Dedicacion y minuciosidad
-Educaion Secundaria
-Edad desde 20 anos
-Derecho para trabajar oficialmente en Espana

Si le interesa la oferta, favor de escribirme al correo electronico. Seria favorable que usted ubique la region de Espana a la cual pertenece!

Tenga un buen dia!
Human Resurces
Ya no solo basta con tu culo, que tienes que pedir prestados... [agggtt]
Aleman666 escribió:Ya no solo basta con tu culo, que tienes que pedir prestados... [agggtt]

Si es que teníamos culos por encima de nuestras posibilidades [qmparto]
Los culos son ETA.
Yo también recibí un correo similar, de una dirección de hotmail. Todo muy serio y muy profesional, me dieron ganas de aceptar el puesto, pero me lo pensé mejor y ahora estoy esperando a ver si me llega una oferta de la NASA o de Coca-Cola para dirigir sus filiales europeas.
Normal que exijan a los candidatos tener 20 culos. Un solo culo lo hace trizas en un suspiro el nigeriano que ha enviado el email.
Es una pena. Hacemos deporte para rebajarlo y ponerlo duro cuando lo que hace falta son más culos.
Yo te puedo prestar el mío hasta mañana a las 9:00 que lo volveré a necesitar (gracias, All-Bran).
SI habéis jugado a Dev Game Tycoon os habrá hecho gracia el guiño relacionado con estos temas [+risas]
Es que es normal. Tal y como está el percal con un solo culo no da para que te jodan lo suficiente.
Me ha gustado mucho el post! pero tiene una pinta de ser una estafa o una irregularidad por la que puedes ir a la carcel...
Yo he recibido el mismo correo esta misma tarde. [+risas]
futuro mad max está baneado del subforo por "cibervoluntario"
Esta semana me han llegado varias verdaderas ofertas buscando 20 anos y todas desde correos

Edwards Mariann <>
22:00 (hace 2 horas)

para mí
español Traducir mensaje
Desactivar para: inglés
Un dia mi abuelo me dijo que hay dos tipos de personas: la que trabajan, y las que buscan el merito. Me dijo que tratara de estar en el primer grupo: hay menos competencia ahi.
(Indira Gandhi)


Estamos felices de contarle que la compania e asesoramiento esta en busca de personas cualificadas para el puesto de "Gerente Regional" en el territorio de Europa!
La empresa le otorgara crecimiento profesional y cursos de formacion para cualificacion mas alta. Todo esto puede ser de suyo solo si usted lo desea! Ahora estamos en busqueda de personas con las cuales nuestra firma sera mas exitosa!
Requisitos para el trabajo:
-Deseo de trabajar
-Educacion Media
-Edad de 20 anos +
-Derecho para trabajar oficialmente en Espana

Si le interesa la oferta, favor de escribirme al correo electronico. Por favor ubique la region donde se ubica en el territorio de Espana!

Con los mejores deseos!
Gerente de recursos Humanos

Yo voy a responder [qmparto]

Lo siento mucho, pero me temo que no cumplo los requisitos de ésta oferta de trabajo. Por desgracia, sólo cuento con un único ano de los 20 mínimos requeridos.
Mucha suerte en su búsqueda
Bueno, si nos juntamos todos los que hemos recibido la oferta seguro que cumplimos el requisito de los culos [carcajad]
Este lo he recibido yo y por duplicado xD
El mío es de un tal Wadley Pansy, y en el asunto pone que "Ofrecemos trabajo inamovible". ¿Alguien ha contestado para ver exactamente qué intentan conseguir? xD
Joder macho, nunca había recibido un mail de este tipo ni ningún nigeriano quería darme pasta by the face, pero justo esta madrugada....

Paugh Stefani <>

02:02 (hace 8 horas)

Trabaja para mantener viva en tu pecho esa pequena chispa de fuego celeste, la conciencia.
(George Washington)

Buenos dias!

Estoy feliz de informarle que en nuestra compania tenemos abierta una vacante para el puesto de "Gerente Regional"
La compania le otorgara crecimiento profesional y cursos de formacion para cualificacion mas alta. Si es que usted lo quiere, lo podra tener si quiere! Vamos interesados en personas junto a las cuales nuestra firma podra ser mas exitosa!
-Dedicacion y minuciosidad
-Educaion Secundaria
-La edad de 20 anos a mas
-Derecho para trabajar oficialmente en Espana

Si le interesa la propuesta, favor de escribirme al correo electronico. Es favorable adjuntar su CV y decir de que region de Espana es usted!

Tenga un buen dia!
Gerente de Personal

Y una cosa curiosa, justo debajo de donde pone Gerente de Personal el correo seguía en blanco y "supuestamente" no hay nada escrito, pero justo al copiar para pegarlo aquí he seguido con la copia y esto es lo que seguía en el correo

Body mass index of low income African-Americans linked to proximity of fast . Defects in Developmental Pathway Associated with Congenital Condition of . Private copying extension: a closer look. Ecopetrol: Company looks to build on post-privatisation boom. Producer price index falls 0.7 percent in April. Home Economia Imu, Letta: non sar decreto dei.... Introducing Strongbox. Take a walk: 4 cultured strolls to guide your feet this week. A Scientific Search for the Most Remote Places in the United States. Apple Releases MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0. Quoted: Wilt Chamberlain on his social life and his height - Washington Post. The Latest Mets Scandal Is So Stupid Even By Mets Scandal Standards - Deadspin. Hand Gestures Design Printable 3D Shapes - Laboratory Equipment. SUNY Potsdam women's soccer volunteers for marrow donor 'Be The Match'. Chip Kelly heartlessly kills 'Taco Tuesdays' and 'Fast Food Fridays'. Instax mini 8, ritorno all'analogico ma sempre web 2.0. AP records seizure just latest step in sweeping US leak probe. Fresh-milled poi from the farm, delivered by Kako'o 'Oiwi. Berg Cloud Sandbox: A tool to unite connected devices and the companies that . The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Instax Mini 8 . Different actions of endothelin-1 on chemokine production in rat cultured . April income tax collections climb in many states, but may be a blip. Pick of the Vine: Seductive pleasures of Sancerre ready to sip. Control nematodes during hotter months. After AP leak controversy, White House pushes for media-shield law. Copying Bible by hand becomes epic effort. Virident tempts EMC flash boss over, creeps up on Fusion-io. Producer prices post biggest drop in three years. Attorney General Eric Holder Had Stepped Back From AP Leak Investigation. Recipe: Chicken Marbella. Ron Weaver dies, leaving legacy as 'Bold and the Beautiful' producer. Friday Night Lights Movie Getting Crowdfunded?. With new tool, fewer planes forced to circle airports. Sequencing Study IDs Spontaneous Mutations in Congenital Heart Disease. Plugging leaks the right way. Researchers take important step in unlocking what causes congenital heart . Chelsea defender Ivanovic happy for ex-teammate Matic over Benfica success. The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Avian flu? Hong Kong's rubber duck deflates. Agricultural Exports Hit All-Time High. May-hem: Marshall's Nathan Kerns earns berth in NCAA golf tournament. SUNY Potsdam women's soccer volunteers for marrow donor 'Be The Match'. Baker Leslie Mackie's Vashon barn is truly home sweet home. Ham Lake Half Marathon record set. Man who spent years copying out the Bible nears revelation. Sodium still high in fast food and processed foods. Lancaster to battle on in Giro for teammate Goss - Sydney Morning Herald. My Mother ... and Motherhood. Attorney General Eric Holder Had Stepped Back From AP Leak Investigation. The leak that triggered the AP phone probe scandal. Quoted: Wilt Chamberlain on his social life and his height - Washington Post. Mount Sinai Researchers Identify Gene Mutations in Congenital Heart Disease. April income tax collections climb in many states, but may be a blip. Waynesboro infant is Batson's 1000th congenital heart operation. Quintero Puo Andare Al Genoa Che Colpo Jovetic Arsenal E Poi. IPL6: Sreesanth sent teammate Chandila to meet D gang bookies in Gurgaon . 10 Percent of Congenital Heart Disease Cases Are Caused by Spontaneous . Interview: Anthony Mackie Shares Workout Secrets, Talks NoBar BK And 'Pain . Marathon Oil Corporation Reports First Quarter 2013 Results. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Mesa fire destroys abandoned fast-food restaurant - PernixData Nabs $20M for Flash Storage Virtualization. Did you see buck-toothed teenager rob two women in West Bridgford?. Spontaneous Gene Mutations Linked To Congenital Heart Disease In Kids . NCSC Delegates Elect New Leaders. Instax mini 8, ritorno all'analogico ma sempre web 2.0. Worse than fast food? Meals at independent restaurants average over 1300 . Penguins jump on Senators in series opener, 4-1. Boston victims: A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman, a graduate student. Sun God 2013: Behind the Music - UCSD Guardian. Heart Surgery Program Celebrates Milestone 1000th Procedure. Poland's role as producer of meat for Jews, Muslims in limbo as country awaits . Worse than fast food? Meals at independent restaurants average over 1300 . How to make your own personal-care products. Instax Mini 8 . Abbreviations: EMR = electronic medical record; CCHD = critical congenital . Man hurt in explosion; Sealant fumes create 'flash explosion' at Butte residence. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Google TV updated to Android 4.2.2, removing Flash and adding Chrome . Allentown industrial leak controlled by truck driver, firefighters - UPDATE. Heartbreaking Images Of The Giant Rubber Duck That Mysteriously Deflated In . Prom Dress Nightmare: Girls Use Social Media to Avoid Copying Each Other. Minnesota fishing opener: Icy lakes await anglers. UP police beat 3-year-old girl inside court premises. HK giant rubber duck in need of rest. Cannes: A Paean to Excess and Flash That Has Something for Everyone. Zimbabwe: Baba Jukwa - Legion of Malicious Engagement. Lundqvist ready to face former teammate Jaromir Jagr. NCSC Delegates Elect New Leaders. Testy Battle Over Tests. Chris Brown: I'm giving fans a new experience. Physical activity encouraged for adults and children with congenital heart disease. A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman: Victims in Boston. Mark Post building a $325000 burger. NASA says new pump fixed space station leak. Americans Are Eating Too Much Salt, Processed Foods And Restaurants Are . How David Moyes and 'the god squad' infuriated a former team-mate with their . Feds recommend stricter DWI limits for states. Ex-teammate plunks Ryan Raburn: Cleveland Indians Chatter. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Apple Patent Suggests Using Smartphones as Off-Camera Flash. Ron Weaver dies, leaving legacy as 'Bold and the Beautiful' producer. Usher, Bieber Sued for Copyright Infringement Over 'Somebody to Love'. Could cultured meat be the answer to the global food crisis?. Wednesday's Scholastic Highlights: Western Beaver advances. Now We Know What Early Earth Smelled Like - National Geographic News. To Whom Much is Given Much is Expected.. Man hurt in explosion; Sealant fumes create 'flash explosion' at Butte residence. Heart Surgery Program Celebrates Milestone 1000th Procedure. You can get KFC in Gaza it just take four hours and a trip through an . NASA: New pump resolves big space station leak. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Sweet-toothed Gujarat braces for flavoured milk war. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. American Festival for the Arts at Fresh Arts' Cultured Cocktails. Kentucky-based Cultural Resource Analysts takes pride in keeping past alive. Floorplanner Acquires 3D Room Planner Tool Mydeco3D - The Next Web. The States That Use the Most Green Energy. My Mother ... and Motherhood. New Yorker launches new leak submission system, written by Aaron Swartz. Gay Marriage 2013: What Can Other States Learn From This Week's Big Three?. Power tool industry resists table saw technology that could save digits. Repost: WIC, POI Track Results. SCHOLASTIC SOFTBALL: Ashley Cruise, Olivia Lattin fuel Kingston win. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Ancient microbes caught in the act. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Man finishes hand-copying Bible. Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed. Tuesday's Scholastic Highlights: Blackhawk lacrosse wins. Physical activity encouraged for adults and children with congenital heart disease. Let's stop this influenza outbreak before it becomes a pandemic. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Swazi witches are set flying height - New Do Fast-Food Restaurants Fall Short on Their Health Claims?. Producer price index falls 0.7 percent in April. Fast-Food Workers Decry Widespread Wage Theft In New York: Report. Urgent security patches for ColdFusion, Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash. Congenital asymptomatic diaphragmatic hernias in adults: a case series. First Animal-Free In Vitro Meat Burger is Ready for Debut. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Fast-food workers protest, rally in Milwaukee. Tool Britannia: UK consulates reveal weirdest requests. Is Fast And Furious 6 Another Success? Critics Score It 92%. Agricultural Exports Hit All-Time High. Whistleblowing: The New Yorker plugs its leak-proof leaking system. New Yorker launches new leak submission system, written by Aaron Swartz. The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Pick of the Vine: Seductive pleasures of Sancerre ready to sip. City Dragged Stop-and-Frisk Judge Through the Mud. Avian flu? Hong Kong's rubber duck deflates. Forex Flash: USD/CHF to go higher, but EUR/CHF? - UBS - Panama City Chiropractor Helps Rehabilitate Rough-Toothed Dolphin - PRWeb. Built To Last: Flash Cadillac continues to bring it's brand of rock n' roll to . Friday Night Lights Movie Getting Crowdfunded?. ZAKK WYLDE To Appear at 'Spooky Empire's MAY-HEM' - Apr. 25, 2013. State Said to Be Reviewing Pay for Fast-Food Workers. White House email paints different picture than earlier Benghazi leak depicted. Waist-Height Ratio Beats BMI for Gauging Early Death - MedPage Today. Hanwha Q CELLS to launch G3 solar modules Q.PEAK-G3 and Q.PRO-G3 at . ZAKK WYLDE To Appear at 'Spooky Empire's MAY-HEM' - Apr. 25, 2013. Did you see buck-toothed teenager rob two women in West Bridgford?. Comment of the week: in praise of alcohol. Some question whether AP leak on al-Qaeda plot put US at risk. Copying Bible by hand becomes epic effort. Ticketfly Launches FanBase Customer Analytics Tool. Tony-Winning Producer Jed Bernstein Named President of Lincoln Center. Hand Gestures Design Printable 3D Shapes - Laboratory Equipment. Chip Kelly heartlessly kills 'Taco Tuesdays' and 'Fast Food Fridays'. How to make your own personal-care products. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. Lawmaker: Holder must probe leak of Romney tax returns. Cultured Cocktailing at The Hoxton. A fifth of gays, lesbians live in states where they can marry. District One boys lacrosse: Penncrest playing for injured teammate Drew Hanna. Utah Utes baseball embraces young boy with congenital condition. Man who spent years copying out the Bible nears revelation. iPhone 5S parts leak online: Will the next Apple handset be available in GOLD?. O2Media's The Balancing Act Talks Cultured Cheese, Retirement Planning . Waynesboro infant is Batson's 1000th congenital heart operation. 10 Percent of Congenital Heart Disease Cases Are Caused by Spontaneous . Milwaukee Becomes Fifth City Where Fast Food Workers Strike. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Executive Producer Josh Friedman . Van Pelt remembers Whaley as a teammate. Freeze warning tonight: 5 things you can do to help save your plants. O2Media's The Balancing Act Talks Cultured Cheese, Retirement Planning . Uccide la moglie e una donna, poi si suicida a Palermo. Evander Holyfield Jr. Donates His Bone Marrow And Saves a Life. Naxals strong in non-Congress ruled states: Ramesh - Zee News - India. Tool Britannia: UK consulates reveal weirdest requests. Producer prices post biggest drop in three years. Bit.Trip discounts games for May'hem sale, hopes you see what they did there. A riot sprang from The Rite of Spring. The marathon remains the running equivalent of Mecca - Montreal Gazette. Sodium still high in fast food and processed foods. Leak of city memo 'nothing short of outrageous'. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Nigeria president declares state of emergency. Cold, strong winds will greet anglers Saturday. Twitter Audience Data Tool SocialBro Adds Tweet Analytics - The Next Web. Prototype Your Own Google Glass App With This Tool - Mashable. 22 years with UW Band started with just a hem. Com Hem signs Zitius agreement. Self-release for Hem's new album - DOA. Born In May? May-Hem At Tortillas This Saturday Is For You. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Adobe unleases critical patches for ColdFusion, Reader and Flash. Nothing like a Red Bull 'sock'-tail. Ancient Earth May Have Smelled Like Rotten Eggs. SCHOLASTIC SOFTBALL: Ashley Cruise, Olivia Lattin fuel Kingston win. 4.5 inches of rainfall triggers flash flood warning. An In-Depth Look at What Prevents Teammate vs. Teammate Fights in MMA. Usher, Bieber Sued for Copyright Infringement Over 'Somebody to Love'. Sweet-toothed artists in Wanstead want residents to join in bake-off. This entrepreneur ditched the United States for Canada. Take a walk: 4 cultured strolls to guide your feet this week. IPL6: Sreesanth sent teammate Chandila to meet D gang bookies in Gurgaon . Cannes: A Paean to Excess and Flash That Has Something for Everyone. Babies who survive congenital illness face treatment challenges as adults. Could cultured meat be the answer to the global food crisis?. How David Moyes and 'the god squad' infuriated a former team-mate with their . Collingwood president Eddie McGuire slams rumour he offered Dane Swan to . Jagr compares Bergeron to Hall of Fame ex-teammate. Instax Mini 8 . Scott Kara: A bunch of funny buggers. Govt prepares post-MDGs agenda stressing poverty cut. Monmouth College women's basketball team adds height for next season. Coronation Street fan arrested after copying Sylvia Goodwin storyline by . Penguins jump on Senators in series opener, 4-1. Libya's health service could improve by copying USA. AP records seizure just latest step in sweeping US leak probe. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Karlie Kloss: Embrace your height. Apple releases Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0 for mid 2012 MacBook Air. Lopez credits mom for his persistence. Blood drive, bone marrow testing May 19. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman: Victims in Boston. SCHOLASTIC TENNIS: Kingston's Alec Cohen qualifies for sectionals. Mike Connell: Port Huron struggles with poverty. Bradford Junior High Scholastic Bowl competes. Northern views await on Border Route Trail. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Researchers take important step in unlocking what causes congenital heart . Bone marrow test for gangrape accused, jail rejects poisoning charge. Mark Post building a $325000 burger. SCHOLASTIC GIRLS LACROSSE: Red Hook rolls to another win. Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed. Jed Bernstein, Broadway producer, to head Lincoln Center. Alan Titchmarsh: a fresh egg is the height of sophistication. Com Hem to supply services to Zitius open access grids. Pre-Moisten Soil Before You Dig or Weed to Avoid an Aching Back - Lifehacker. Urgent security patches for ColdFusion, Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash. Apple Recap: the Average Joe Investor, Copying, and China Mobile. Avian-origin influenza A virus associated with severe lower respiratory tract . To Whom Much is Given Much is Expected.. Virident tempts EMC flash boss over, creeps up on Fusion-io. Madalena poised to capitalize: Mackie Research. Eisenhower students become more cultured. Nigeria Declares State Of Emergency In 3 States. Apple Releases MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0. National Geographic launching locally built travel guides in BP oil spill states. Whistleblowing: The New Yorker plugs its leak-proof leaking system. Berg Cloud Sandbox: A tool to unite connected devices and the companies that . Fast Food Restaurants Finally Have Something to Brag About (Sort Of). Minnesota fishing opener: Icy lakes await anglers. S delle camere in seduta comune, poi referendum: cos pu nascere la riforma. Ajit Chandila owed money to many, says teammate, Chavan family shocked. Two Weeks, Three States: Minnesota Becomes the 12th State to Legalize . POI Meet set for Truro Tuesday. He's a 5-tool entertainer. Hospitals screening newborns for heart defects. Arctic states open council to China, India, Korea. Iowa State surveys livestock producers on distillers grains use. Avian guests vanishing for want of measures. Puerile Muckraking Rubbish. Would you eat a $325000 test-tube burger?.
Suputamadre, eso era el tochaco blanco de abajo?
Me ha llegado esa oferta así que...... nos vamos a tener que pelear por el puesto!.
pues yo creo q cuanto menos culo tengas antes te cogen.
PeSkKoLL escribió:Me ha llegado esa oferta así que...... nos vamos a tener que pelear por el puesto!.

A mi también me ha llegado :p
2pac4ever escribió:
Body mass index of low income African-Americans linked to proximity of fast . Defects in Developmental Pathway Associated with Congenital Condition of . Private copying extension: a closer look. Ecopetrol: Company looks to build on post-privatisation boom. Producer price index falls 0.7 percent in April. Home Economia Imu, Letta: non sar decreto dei.... Introducing Strongbox. Take a walk: 4 cultured strolls to guide your feet this week. A Scientific Search for the Most Remote Places in the United States. Apple Releases MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0. Quoted: Wilt Chamberlain on his social life and his height - Washington Post. The Latest Mets Scandal Is So Stupid Even By Mets Scandal Standards - Deadspin. Hand Gestures Design Printable 3D Shapes - Laboratory Equipment. SUNY Potsdam women's soccer volunteers for marrow donor 'Be The Match'. Chip Kelly heartlessly kills 'Taco Tuesdays' and 'Fast Food Fridays'. Instax mini 8, ritorno all'analogico ma sempre web 2.0. AP records seizure just latest step in sweeping US leak probe. Fresh-milled poi from the farm, delivered by Kako'o 'Oiwi. Berg Cloud Sandbox: A tool to unite connected devices and the companies that . The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Instax Mini 8 . Different actions of endothelin-1 on chemokine production in rat cultured . April income tax collections climb in many states, but may be a blip. Pick of the Vine: Seductive pleasures of Sancerre ready to sip. Control nematodes during hotter months. After AP leak controversy, White House pushes for media-shield law. Copying Bible by hand becomes epic effort. Virident tempts EMC flash boss over, creeps up on Fusion-io. Producer prices post biggest drop in three years. Attorney General Eric Holder Had Stepped Back From AP Leak Investigation. Recipe: Chicken Marbella. Ron Weaver dies, leaving legacy as 'Bold and the Beautiful' producer. Friday Night Lights Movie Getting Crowdfunded?. With new tool, fewer planes forced to circle airports. Sequencing Study IDs Spontaneous Mutations in Congenital Heart Disease. Plugging leaks the right way. Researchers take important step in unlocking what causes congenital heart . Chelsea defender Ivanovic happy for ex-teammate Matic over Benfica success. The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Avian flu? Hong Kong's rubber duck deflates. Agricultural Exports Hit All-Time High. May-hem: Marshall's Nathan Kerns earns berth in NCAA golf tournament. SUNY Potsdam women's soccer volunteers for marrow donor 'Be The Match'. Baker Leslie Mackie's Vashon barn is truly home sweet home. Ham Lake Half Marathon record set. Man who spent years copying out the Bible nears revelation. Sodium still high in fast food and processed foods. Lancaster to battle on in Giro for teammate Goss - Sydney Morning Herald. My Mother ... and Motherhood. Attorney General Eric Holder Had Stepped Back From AP Leak Investigation. The leak that triggered the AP phone probe scandal. Quoted: Wilt Chamberlain on his social life and his height - Washington Post. Mount Sinai Researchers Identify Gene Mutations in Congenital Heart Disease. April income tax collections climb in many states, but may be a blip. Waynesboro infant is Batson's 1000th congenital heart operation. Quintero Puo Andare Al Genoa Che Colpo Jovetic Arsenal E Poi. IPL6: Sreesanth sent teammate Chandila to meet D gang bookies in Gurgaon . 10 Percent of Congenital Heart Disease Cases Are Caused by Spontaneous . Interview: Anthony Mackie Shares Workout Secrets, Talks NoBar BK And 'Pain . Marathon Oil Corporation Reports First Quarter 2013 Results. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Mesa fire destroys abandoned fast-food restaurant - PernixData Nabs $20M for Flash Storage Virtualization. Did you see buck-toothed teenager rob two women in West Bridgford?. Spontaneous Gene Mutations Linked To Congenital Heart Disease In Kids . NCSC Delegates Elect New Leaders. Instax mini 8, ritorno all'analogico ma sempre web 2.0. Worse than fast food? Meals at independent restaurants average over 1300 . Penguins jump on Senators in series opener, 4-1. Boston victims: A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman, a graduate student. Sun God 2013: Behind the Music - UCSD Guardian. Heart Surgery Program Celebrates Milestone 1000th Procedure. Poland's role as producer of meat for Jews, Muslims in limbo as country awaits . Worse than fast food? Meals at independent restaurants average over 1300 . How to make your own personal-care products. Instax Mini 8 . Abbreviations: EMR = electronic medical record; CCHD = critical congenital . Man hurt in explosion; Sealant fumes create 'flash explosion' at Butte residence. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Google TV updated to Android 4.2.2, removing Flash and adding Chrome . Allentown industrial leak controlled by truck driver, firefighters - UPDATE. Heartbreaking Images Of The Giant Rubber Duck That Mysteriously Deflated In . Prom Dress Nightmare: Girls Use Social Media to Avoid Copying Each Other. Minnesota fishing opener: Icy lakes await anglers. UP police beat 3-year-old girl inside court premises. HK giant rubber duck in need of rest. Cannes: A Paean to Excess and Flash That Has Something for Everyone. Zimbabwe: Baba Jukwa - Legion of Malicious Engagement. Lundqvist ready to face former teammate Jaromir Jagr. NCSC Delegates Elect New Leaders. Testy Battle Over Tests. Chris Brown: I'm giving fans a new experience. Physical activity encouraged for adults and children with congenital heart disease. A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman: Victims in Boston. Mark Post building a $325000 burger. NASA says new pump fixed space station leak. Americans Are Eating Too Much Salt, Processed Foods And Restaurants Are . How David Moyes and 'the god squad' infuriated a former team-mate with their . Feds recommend stricter DWI limits for states. Ex-teammate plunks Ryan Raburn: Cleveland Indians Chatter. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Apple Patent Suggests Using Smartphones as Off-Camera Flash. Ron Weaver dies, leaving legacy as 'Bold and the Beautiful' producer. Usher, Bieber Sued for Copyright Infringement Over 'Somebody to Love'. Could cultured meat be the answer to the global food crisis?. Wednesday's Scholastic Highlights: Western Beaver advances. Now We Know What Early Earth Smelled Like - National Geographic News. To Whom Much is Given Much is Expected.. Man hurt in explosion; Sealant fumes create 'flash explosion' at Butte residence. Heart Surgery Program Celebrates Milestone 1000th Procedure. You can get KFC in Gaza it just take four hours and a trip through an . NASA: New pump resolves big space station leak. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Sweet-toothed Gujarat braces for flavoured milk war. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. American Festival for the Arts at Fresh Arts' Cultured Cocktails. Kentucky-based Cultural Resource Analysts takes pride in keeping past alive. Floorplanner Acquires 3D Room Planner Tool Mydeco3D - The Next Web. The States That Use the Most Green Energy. My Mother ... and Motherhood. New Yorker launches new leak submission system, written by Aaron Swartz. Gay Marriage 2013: What Can Other States Learn From This Week's Big Three?. Power tool industry resists table saw technology that could save digits. Repost: WIC, POI Track Results. SCHOLASTIC SOFTBALL: Ashley Cruise, Olivia Lattin fuel Kingston win. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Ancient microbes caught in the act. KFC smugglers now delivering fast food through Gaza tunnels, report says. Man finishes hand-copying Bible. Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed. Tuesday's Scholastic Highlights: Blackhawk lacrosse wins. Physical activity encouraged for adults and children with congenital heart disease. Let's stop this influenza outbreak before it becomes a pandemic. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Swazi witches are set flying height - New Do Fast-Food Restaurants Fall Short on Their Health Claims?. Producer price index falls 0.7 percent in April. Fast-Food Workers Decry Widespread Wage Theft In New York: Report. Urgent security patches for ColdFusion, Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash. Congenital asymptomatic diaphragmatic hernias in adults: a case series. First Animal-Free In Vitro Meat Burger is Ready for Debut. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Fast-food workers protest, rally in Milwaukee. Tool Britannia: UK consulates reveal weirdest requests. Is Fast And Furious 6 Another Success? Critics Score It 92%. Agricultural Exports Hit All-Time High. Whistleblowing: The New Yorker plugs its leak-proof leaking system. New Yorker launches new leak submission system, written by Aaron Swartz. The Neck Bones' Condiment Hall of Fame: Pickapeppa Sauce. Pick of the Vine: Seductive pleasures of Sancerre ready to sip. City Dragged Stop-and-Frisk Judge Through the Mud. Avian flu? Hong Kong's rubber duck deflates. Forex Flash: USD/CHF to go higher, but EUR/CHF? - UBS - Panama City Chiropractor Helps Rehabilitate Rough-Toothed Dolphin - PRWeb. Built To Last: Flash Cadillac continues to bring it's brand of rock n' roll to . Friday Night Lights Movie Getting Crowdfunded?. ZAKK WYLDE To Appear at 'Spooky Empire's MAY-HEM' - Apr. 25, 2013. State Said to Be Reviewing Pay for Fast-Food Workers. White House email paints different picture than earlier Benghazi leak depicted. Waist-Height Ratio Beats BMI for Gauging Early Death - MedPage Today. Hanwha Q CELLS to launch G3 solar modules Q.PEAK-G3 and Q.PRO-G3 at . ZAKK WYLDE To Appear at 'Spooky Empire's MAY-HEM' - Apr. 25, 2013. Did you see buck-toothed teenager rob two women in West Bridgford?. Comment of the week: in praise of alcohol. Some question whether AP leak on al-Qaeda plot put US at risk. Copying Bible by hand becomes epic effort. Ticketfly Launches FanBase Customer Analytics Tool. Tony-Winning Producer Jed Bernstein Named President of Lincoln Center. Hand Gestures Design Printable 3D Shapes - Laboratory Equipment. Chip Kelly heartlessly kills 'Taco Tuesdays' and 'Fast Food Fridays'. How to make your own personal-care products. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. Lawmaker: Holder must probe leak of Romney tax returns. Cultured Cocktailing at The Hoxton. A fifth of gays, lesbians live in states where they can marry. District One boys lacrosse: Penncrest playing for injured teammate Drew Hanna. Utah Utes baseball embraces young boy with congenital condition. Man who spent years copying out the Bible nears revelation. iPhone 5S parts leak online: Will the next Apple handset be available in GOLD?. O2Media's The Balancing Act Talks Cultured Cheese, Retirement Planning . Waynesboro infant is Batson's 1000th congenital heart operation. 10 Percent of Congenital Heart Disease Cases Are Caused by Spontaneous . Milwaukee Becomes Fifth City Where Fast Food Workers Strike. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Executive Producer Josh Friedman . Van Pelt remembers Whaley as a teammate. Freeze warning tonight: 5 things you can do to help save your plants. O2Media's The Balancing Act Talks Cultured Cheese, Retirement Planning . Uccide la moglie e una donna, poi si suicida a Palermo. Evander Holyfield Jr. Donates His Bone Marrow And Saves a Life. Naxals strong in non-Congress ruled states: Ramesh - Zee News - India. Tool Britannia: UK consulates reveal weirdest requests. Producer prices post biggest drop in three years. Bit.Trip discounts games for May'hem sale, hopes you see what they did there. A riot sprang from The Rite of Spring. The marathon remains the running equivalent of Mecca - Montreal Gazette. Sodium still high in fast food and processed foods. Leak of city memo 'nothing short of outrageous'. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Nigeria president declares state of emergency. Cold, strong winds will greet anglers Saturday. Twitter Audience Data Tool SocialBro Adds Tweet Analytics - The Next Web. Prototype Your Own Google Glass App With This Tool - Mashable. 22 years with UW Band started with just a hem. Com Hem signs Zitius agreement. Self-release for Hem's new album - DOA. Born In May? May-Hem At Tortillas This Saturday Is For You. Yankee Ridge garden an educational tool. Adobe unleases critical patches for ColdFusion, Reader and Flash. Nothing like a Red Bull 'sock'-tail. Ancient Earth May Have Smelled Like Rotten Eggs. SCHOLASTIC SOFTBALL: Ashley Cruise, Olivia Lattin fuel Kingston win. 4.5 inches of rainfall triggers flash flood warning. An In-Depth Look at What Prevents Teammate vs. Teammate Fights in MMA. Usher, Bieber Sued for Copyright Infringement Over 'Somebody to Love'. Sweet-toothed artists in Wanstead want residents to join in bake-off. This entrepreneur ditched the United States for Canada. Take a walk: 4 cultured strolls to guide your feet this week. IPL6: Sreesanth sent teammate Chandila to meet D gang bookies in Gurgaon . Cannes: A Paean to Excess and Flash That Has Something for Everyone. Babies who survive congenital illness face treatment challenges as adults. Could cultured meat be the answer to the global food crisis?. How David Moyes and 'the god squad' infuriated a former team-mate with their . Collingwood president Eddie McGuire slams rumour he offered Dane Swan to . Jagr compares Bergeron to Hall of Fame ex-teammate. Instax Mini 8 . Scott Kara: A bunch of funny buggers. Govt prepares post-MDGs agenda stressing poverty cut. Monmouth College women's basketball team adds height for next season. Coronation Street fan arrested after copying Sylvia Goodwin storyline by . Penguins jump on Senators in series opener, 4-1. Libya's health service could improve by copying USA. AP records seizure just latest step in sweeping US leak probe. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Karlie Kloss: Embrace your height. Apple releases Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0 for mid 2012 MacBook Air. Lopez credits mom for his persistence. Blood drive, bone marrow testing May 19. Apple's 'social camera flash' connects multiple iPhones, iPads to light a scene. A gap-toothed little boy, a sunny woman: Victims in Boston. SCHOLASTIC TENNIS: Kingston's Alec Cohen qualifies for sectionals. Mike Connell: Port Huron struggles with poverty. Bradford Junior High Scholastic Bowl competes. Northern views await on Border Route Trail. United States scores eight goals, routs Russia at hockey worlds. Wall Street traders are freaked by Bloomberg message leak. Researchers take important step in unlocking what causes congenital heart . Bone marrow test for gangrape accused, jail rejects poisoning charge. Mark Post building a $325000 burger. SCHOLASTIC GIRLS LACROSSE: Red Hook rolls to another win. Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed. Jed Bernstein, Broadway producer, to head Lincoln Center. Alan Titchmarsh: a fresh egg is the height of sophistication. Com Hem to supply services to Zitius open access grids. Pre-Moisten Soil Before You Dig or Weed to Avoid an Aching Back - Lifehacker. Urgent security patches for ColdFusion, Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash. Apple Recap: the Average Joe Investor, Copying, and China Mobile. Avian-origin influenza A virus associated with severe lower respiratory tract . To Whom Much is Given Much is Expected.. Virident tempts EMC flash boss over, creeps up on Fusion-io. Madalena poised to capitalize: Mackie Research. Eisenhower students become more cultured. Nigeria Declares State Of Emergency In 3 States. Apple Releases MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.0. National Geographic launching locally built travel guides in BP oil spill states. Whistleblowing: The New Yorker plugs its leak-proof leaking system. Berg Cloud Sandbox: A tool to unite connected devices and the companies that . Fast Food Restaurants Finally Have Something to Brag About (Sort Of). Minnesota fishing opener: Icy lakes await anglers. S delle camere in seduta comune, poi referendum: cos pu nascere la riforma. Ajit Chandila owed money to many, says teammate, Chavan family shocked. Two Weeks, Three States: Minnesota Becomes the 12th State to Legalize . POI Meet set for Truro Tuesday. He's a 5-tool entertainer. Hospitals screening newborns for heart defects. Arctic states open council to China, India, Korea. Iowa State surveys livestock producers on distillers grains use. Avian guests vanishing for want of measures. Puerile Muckraking Rubbish. Would you eat a $325000 test-tube burger?.

Ya le gustaria al Nigeriano [carcajad]
Es por higiene, no ves que ahora te va a dar por el culo asta el de la limpieza [risita]
24 respuestas