pos mirando una kosa de esas de info ke trae el umd emulator bi esto
Flash0 emulation - on: redirect all flash0: accesses to memstick path F0/
Flash1 emulation - on: redirect all flash1: accesses to memstick path F1/
Flash redirection function
- if the file is present on memstick it gets loaded from there
- if the file is not present, original flash file gets loaded
- if the file IS present on memstick, and just contains the word "NOLOAD" (uppercase !)
the file isnt loaded at all !
e pensao (ke no tengo ni idea de si eso se ace ya o de si no es posible oke no tengo nidea) ke si se podria emular un firm 2.5 o algo asi pake lellera todos los juegos nuevos ke no kargan desde 1.5