El Team Ghost2 esta trabajando en soluciones mas completas que el cambio de firmware, que a la larga dicen ellos que no es solucion
It's been a long time since last update on our progress.
In fact we were busy on another project for X360.
We ran through that several weeks ago, and one member of our dev team actively contributed to that project on XBH forums.
We are not far away for releasing something really special and using a different approach than those explained around and promised by differents web sites (especially TeamX). It will not be a free project as it will involve Hardware, but it will probably stay up for ever while Free project will be closed anytime soon on newer system and through Live update for existing system.
-And NO, we are not doing a modchip for DVD firmware patching. That would be lame, and mostly a scam compared to the Free solution people are supposed to release soon.
El articulo completo esta aqui
Vienen a decir que estan trabajando en otra linea, seguramente un chip tradicional de parcheo del sistema en si y no de su lector, vamos un chip al estilo ps2
Cabe recordar que esta gente son los sucesores de los creadores del famoso Meshias de ps2, asi que algo de credibilidad tienen