Es lamentable que por una bandera se llegue a estas cosas. Pero bueno... la noticia me ha echo gracia. Recordad que lo único que importa de una bandera es que sea suave para limpiarse el culo con ella. Confunden la Senyera con la bandera de la Comunidad Valenciana. ... 56856.html
Kesil escribió:Curioso cómo en la traducción de la noticia se pasa de "cerdo" (por lo de "Danish", supongo que este) a "jabalí". Imagino que es porque, en inglés, la palabra "boar" sirve tanto para jabalí como para cerdo macho.
Ni idea, pero no es la primera vez que lo veo y sí es cierto que existen grupos antiespecistas que dicen que los animales deberían tener los mismos derechos que las personas.
@Carlos A. Le ha salido del alma, y son tres, no dos, la tercera igual de bonita por cierto. El el video del enlace que puse sale, no se las follan ni de rebote y la han tomado con las pobres gallinas.
@dark_hunter Gilipollas con mucho tiempo, humanizar a los animales es de no tener ni idea.
La pobre Policía de Glasgow (Escocia) tuvo que dedicar la tarde de este sábado a custodiar una tienda de Ikea después de que un grupo de 3.000 chavales se citaran a través de Facebook para jugar al escondite entre sus muebles.
Reales no se me ocurre ninguna, lo siento. Pero si quieres tipo El Mundo Today... En inglés, The Onion es el referente. En español, sé que está Rokambol.
Court records show that the Barnetts repeatedly tried to determine the girl’s exact age. In June 2010, the year that she was adopted, one doctor estimated that she was 8. In 2012, another doctor conducted a skeletal survey and determined that she was likely 11, a year older than previously thought.
That same year, authorities say, the couple went to an Indiana probate court and legally changed their daughter’s age to 22. Officials haven’t yet explained how they were able to do so, but Kristine Barnett gave WISH-TV a copy of a letter that purportedly came from another doctor who said that the date on the girl’s birth certificate was “clearly inaccurate,” since she had both the teeth and the secondary sex characteristics of a grown adult.
Lo de que sea una mujer que se haga pasar por niña, de momento es la versión de la madre y de una carta que supuestamente (purportedly) viene de otro doctor.
Her former husband, 43-year-old Michael Barnett, told a different story when interviewed by police earlier this month. As far as he was concerned, police said, the girl was a minor when they switched her age and left her behind in Lafayette, Ind. He also told detectives that his wife had counseled the girl to tell people that she was 22 if questioned, and to explain that she just looked young.
Pues la verdad tiene gracia ya que lle han dado la vuelta a una idea machista para hacerla feminista y los que tienen dos dedos de frente lo ven y se parten la caja de que se esta aplicando cosas machistas diciendo que son feministas
Court records show that the Barnetts repeatedly tried to determine the girl’s exact age. In June 2010, the year that she was adopted, one doctor estimated that she was 8. In 2012, another doctor conducted a skeletal survey and determined that she was likely 11, a year older than previously thought.
That same year, authorities say, the couple went to an Indiana probate court and legally changed their daughter’s age to 22. Officials haven’t yet explained how they were able to do so, but Kristine Barnett gave WISH-TV a copy of a letter that purportedly came from another doctor who said that the date on the girl’s birth certificate was “clearly inaccurate,” since she had both the teeth and the secondary sex characteristics of a grown adult.
Lo de que sea una mujer que se haga pasar por niña, de momento es la versión de la madre y de una carta que supuestamente (purportedly) viene de otro doctor.
Her former husband, 43-year-old Michael Barnett, told a different story when interviewed by police earlier this month. As far as he was concerned, police said, the girl was a minor when they switched her age and left her behind in Lafayette, Ind. He also told detectives that his wife had counseled the girl to tell people that she was 22 if questioned, and to explain that she just looked young.
Muy raro todo.
Mm, no es ciencia aeroespacial, para saber la edad con una radiografia de muñeca o de vértebras lo puedes calcular. Imagino que también tendrán catalogado como hacerlo en el enanismo.
Mejillón Rosaventero
23.894 mensajes desde nov 2002 en Pegado al teclado
Court records show that the Barnetts repeatedly tried to determine the girl’s exact age. In June 2010, the year that she was adopted, one doctor estimated that she was 8. In 2012, another doctor conducted a skeletal survey and determined that she was likely 11, a year older than previously thought.
That same year, authorities say, the couple went to an Indiana probate court and legally changed their daughter’s age to 22. Officials haven’t yet explained how they were able to do so, but Kristine Barnett gave WISH-TV a copy of a letter that purportedly came from another doctor who said that the date on the girl’s birth certificate was “clearly inaccurate,” since she had both the teeth and the secondary sex characteristics of a grown adult.
Lo de que sea una mujer que se haga pasar por niña, de momento es la versión de la madre y de una carta que supuestamente (purportedly) viene de otro doctor.
Her former husband, 43-year-old Michael Barnett, told a different story when interviewed by police earlier this month. As far as he was concerned, police said, the girl was a minor when they switched her age and left her behind in Lafayette, Ind. He also told detectives that his wife had counseled the girl to tell people that she was 22 if questioned, and to explain that she just looked young.
Muy raro todo.
Mm, no es ciencia aeroespacial, para saber la edad con una radiografia de muñeca o de vértebras lo puedes calcular. Imagino que también tendrán catalogado como hacerlo en el enanismo.
Leí en una noticia que a esta le sacaron la verdadera edad a través de los dientes.
Court records show that the Barnetts repeatedly tried to determine the girl’s exact age. In June 2010, the year that she was adopted, one doctor estimated that she was 8. In 2012, another doctor conducted a skeletal survey and determined that she was likely 11, a year older than previously thought.
That same year, authorities say, the couple went to an Indiana probate court and legally changed their daughter’s age to 22. Officials haven’t yet explained how they were able to do so, but Kristine Barnett gave WISH-TV a copy of a letter that purportedly came from another doctor who said that the date on the girl’s birth certificate was “clearly inaccurate,” since she had both the teeth and the secondary sex characteristics of a grown adult.
Lo de que sea una mujer que se haga pasar por niña, de momento es la versión de la madre y de una carta que supuestamente (purportedly) viene de otro doctor.
Her former husband, 43-year-old Michael Barnett, told a different story when interviewed by police earlier this month. As far as he was concerned, police said, the girl was a minor when they switched her age and left her behind in Lafayette, Ind. He also told detectives that his wife had counseled the girl to tell people that she was 22 if questioned, and to explain that she just looked young.
Muy raro todo.
Mm, no es ciencia aeroespacial, para saber la edad con una radiografia de muñeca o de vértebras lo puedes calcular. Imagino que también tendrán catalogado como hacerlo en el enanismo.
Leí en una noticia que a esta le sacaron la verdadera edad a través de los dientes.
Lo que pasa es que los dientes sólo te permiten valorar con precisión hasta los 13 años y son afectados mucho más por enfermedades, por eso hasta los odontólogos usamos a veces la radiografía de muñeca si hay que medir la edad ósea con precisión.