http://www.ps2ownz.com/ dicen que posiblemente dentro de poco saquen un metodo que nos salve del swap a todos nosotros mediante el exploit, todos sabiamos que esto llegaria, el AR Max ha sido crackeado y en el juego ENTER THE MATRIX han encontrado unos codigos de sony que son mas o menos lo mismo que tienen los cdboot de la PS2, metiendo esto en la MC, modificando el exploit quizas se puedan cargar juegos de PS2 sin necesidad de hacer SWAP, os dejo aqui la noticia original, esto tendria las mismas funciones que un chip "no solder" segun dicen.
How better to spend a Holiday week than reading about what goes on behind the scene in our latest "Rumor Mill" update!
AR Max- encryption has finally been cracked we're told. Related to this news, we've also heard that the Enter The Matrix release from last month contains standard $ony code (they took out the symbols tho- GRR!) to open the drive tray of the PS2... similar to some of the older GS2/AR2 discs that were based on Datel's proprietary SDK.
What's the advantage of this? Well, if this code can be implemented modifying Marcus Ross Brown's infamous exploit then perhaps in the near future all that will be required to play PS2 back-ups will be a stock PS2, a Memory Card (with the exploit), and the Swap Magic v2.0 discs... no Flip-Top or Slide Card would be necessary as the tray could be opened via the exploit similar to a 'no-solder' mod
Un saludo y estar atentos a las noticias