nueva aplicacion para la ps2, PS2SHELL

Hola amigos acabo de ver esta noticia en una conocida web italiana,han sacado una nueva aplicacion llamada ps2shell pero no acabo de comprender para que sirve,he estado leyendo los readme que trae y lo unico que he sacado en claro es que sirve para controlar la ps2 de forma mas especifica y para ejecutar scripts o algo asi.

Haber si alguien con mas conociemientos podia explicar para que sirve.

Muchas gracias.Un saludo
Deberias de pegar aqui extractos de los archivos readme.txt
Today I release for the first time in the public PS2SHELL after 3 months of development.
This program permit to use in a more deep way your ps2 by comanding it directly trought a normal usb keyboard like any shell program (for example bash or dos) all this in just 33kb (for keyboard support is needed a working USBD.IRX) but if you can't use the keyboard (or you just want some automation) you can use script, at load time it will execute a predefined script and you can still load a script of your choice. This is usefull for auto installing disc.

readme escribió:------------------------------------------------------------------------
||PS2SHELL | 0.0.3 | (c) 2005 weltall | | EN ||
This is a shell application for Playstation 2, it uses a standard usb
keyboard to acquire user input and permits to have more control over
things done by the playstation 2 than normal graphic programs, it
permits to load all device drives you want and it's not linked with
any irx other thant the keyboard one, so you can load the drives you
want for example the latest usb_mass.irx iop module that just come out,
or your own device driver irx. It can also load elf files and execute
script, it also support a startup script to load all thing you want from
startup it supports also a lot of command line commands from copy to
remove commands, from text reader to a list showing content of the
selected dir. All this in just ~80KB uncompressed and ~30KB compressed!!
-commands supported:
help: a list of implemented commands
info: information about license and version of built in commands
ls/dir: list content of a dir with space used by files
rm/remove: remove a file, it supports also directory content removing (still not perfect)
cp/copy: copy a file, it supports also directory content copy (with progress bar wither for normal and recursive copy)
mkdir/md: makes a folder
rmdir/rd: removes a folder
read: reads a file and stop every 20 lines, it'll wait for user input with enter
clear: erases screen content
exit: exit the shell, it support return exit and browser exit
copytest,putchartest,chdirtest: simple test commands about function being implemented, they don't do nothing other than things on screen
file.irx: loads a irx file called file
file.elf: loads an elf file called file (some modchips can break this, in a next version i'll use a more compatible way)
file.psh: loads a psh file called file. psh files are ps2shell scripts
keyboard layout at the moment is only US
This application looks for an USBD.IRX file on these locations:
-Add new builtin commands and completing current commands
-Adding Libchip and interface it with some builtin commands
-Add script function (eg: if)
-Better memory use
-Better keyboard use
-Change elf load method or make it selectable
-Add erl support (executing external 3rd pary program for ps2shell)

Fantastico, poder usar lineas de comandos para dar instrucciones de si queremos ejecutar una aplicacion X -p.e. el HDL/HDA, el DumpBIOS para extraer el BIOS de la consola, el HDDFormat o las HDL_Dump Tools para repatrar las particiones del HDL/HDAel disco duro- directamente desde la misma consola.

Quizas algunos recuerden el uso del DOS en la PC.

Supongo usara una Shell de Linux para esto, puedes usar el teclado como en cualqyuier computadora para escriibir estas instruccionjes o comandos.

Para quienes utilizan Linux ya estarn acostumbardos al uso de la Consola, tambien los que usen Win2k/XP usan a veces esta consola, para quienes solo usan su computadora mediante la interfaz grafica les resultara raro y hasta inutil esto -no se diga los del entorno MacOS que solo hasta hace poco con la ultima version X se incluyo un modo consola, se les hara hasta imposible e inconsedible tal cosa-
seria interesante ejecutar el ps2fdisk para crear particiones compatibles con el pc...(las que usa ps2linux son compatibles con el pc no?)

solo le falta un teclado virtual para los k no tenemos teclado usb [fumeta]

x cierto, ms2 era un virus, ni dlls, ni instalaciones chorras...ains
¿Teclado Virtual?... no estaria mal, pero creeme, es mas rapido y practico el uso de un teclado real y este sale mucho mas barato que un control no original de PS2 -$6dll en adelante-

Supongo usara la Shell bash que es la mas comun en Linux.
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