Work In Progress: X-ecuter 4975 bios
>> There's an interesting thread about the upcoming 4975 X2 bios on the X-ecuter forums.
I won't make wild guesses , so I'll just quote ubergeek and you can fantasy yourself about what this means

well one of the bios hacks involves having to use an extra piece of hardware - this particular hack will revolutinize the way current xbox mods work, it really is absolutley sweet and involves very very complex code which has taken a long time to produce.
the second hack - well everyone we've ever spoken to says its impossible, but as Xecuter we like to prove everyone wrong all of the time, thats part of the fun.
the third hack is remarkable and currently involves 15 differnt people. In a word its massive.
one thing i'll say is that we are not going any where near XBL.
however one of the hacks has been mentioned in this thread - im not saying any more
its all free so we dont HAVE to tell you anything yet hehehe
The hacks mentioned in the thread are (1 of them will be in 4975):
* Gameshark hooks
* SAMBA network share device support

K Debugger functionality