Sacado del foro de Vandal:
Neither a fighting game nor an action game, apparently...
16:54 Madcap Tecmo head Tomonobu Itagaki has been speaking to Japanese mag Dorimaga about forthcoming title Dead or Alive: Code Cronus. First murmurings of the game came back in September 2002, when it was widely assumed this would be the fourth edition in the DOA fighting series. According to leading videogame eccentric Itagaki however, such reports are wide of the mark.
Itagaki reckons that the game isn't a fighting title like the previous DOA games, nor is it a sports title like DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. It's not even a straightforward action title in the vein of Ninja Gaiden.
The game will revolve around Kasumi and Ayane, two characters from the DOA games, while the perenially entertaining Mr Itagaki has decided to pitch the game on the basis that it explores "the innocence and cruelty of children". Which sounds more like a John Cassavetes movie than a videogame, but hey. More on this intriguing title as Tecmo dreams it up.
El juego girara entorno a Kasumi y ayane y "explorara la inocencia y crueldad de los jovenes", esto...comorrrrllll!!(lease a lo Chiquito)
el juego estara basado en las 2 chicas cuando eran jovenes? O la trama tendra que ver con algo relacionado con el pasado? dios, que puto lio