Nueva información GTA IV...Resumen y scans con nuevas imágenes(Actualizable)

Bueno, ya he posteado esto en el hilo oficial, pero como pienso que son grandes noticias, y que a mucha gente se le puede pasar, creo que vendría bien ponerlo aquí también. Este resumen a sido realizado por mi, traduciendo y sacando la información del artículo de Gameinformer.

...Aquí está todo...

Bueno, decir un par de cosas después de haber leído lo que a colgado, que no es todo porcierto, parece que va a postear mas...La ciudad de NY se va a recrear casi al completo, e incluso también vamos a poder visitar una parte de New Yersey...Mas cosas:

-Dicen que la extensión del mapeado es menor a la de San Andreas, pero que todo el mapeado está mucho mas aprovechado...

-Cuatro de los cinco distritos de NY estarán representados.Con sus respectivos nombres en la ficción de Liberty City.

-[Historia]El personaje principal se llamará Nicko Bellick, y es de Europa del Este. Viene desde su país porque allí tiene muchos problemas, y porque su primo, Roman, que vive en Liberty City, le ha enviado mails constantemente contándole que está viviendo la vida americana con 15 coches, y muchas novias...Pero estos mails no son mas que mentiras, que su primo le cuenta para esconder sus propios errores en la vida...Roman tiene muchísimos problemas, y es la única persona que Nicko conoce en New York.

- No viajaremos a Rusia, ni veremos a nuestro personaje allí. La historia comenzará en el momento en el que Bellick pone su primer pie en Liberty City.

-Podremos hacer las misiones del modo que queramos, y actuar en el juego de forma distinta, afectando esto directamente al juego.."A big part of the game is delivering stories in new ways and allowing the player to plot their own destiny"

-Gameinformer afirma que el detallado de la ciudad es mucho mayor de lo que se imaginaban.

-Nombres de los distintos distritos que podremos ver en el juego.

Brooklyn > Broker
Manhattan > Algonquin
Queens > Dukes
Bronx > Bohan
New Jersey > Alderney

- Detalles de la demo que han jugado: [Traducción]La demo que hemos podido ver, nos a sido mostrada en una 360. La demo comienza con Bellic, de pie, en el interior de un edificio para Taxi's, que su primo Roman dirige, en el distrito de Broker, en una zona industrial. El escrito de roman está sucio y lleno de porquería, las paredes recesitan desesperadamente una mano de pintura, y las ventanas del almacén no parecen haber sido limpiadas nunca. El sol está brillando fuera, pero no pasa a través de la ventana, por toda la suciedad de estas. La única vida de este despacho es una radio, y Bellic, depie, y listo para la acción.
Aunque Bellic podría hacerle un favor a su primo y limpiar su despacho, tiene algunos asuntos que arreglar. En el momento en el que sale de la oficina, sientes el peso de casa paso que realiza. Las variaciones en el terreno hacen que la forma de andar de Bellic cambie, con animaciones muy reales. Cuando cambiamos de posición, rotamos, y nos movemos, sentimos que el juego está dotado de un gran motor de físicas."Las físicas van a ser impresionantes"

- Imágenes del juego que se pueden apreciar en el artículo.Click para agrandar.

Link a un .rar con todas las imágenes del artículo. MUST HAVE

- Añado lo que viene en las páginas literalmente...
Pág.1 escribió:Like Bellic, Grand Theft Auto is traveling to a place where many people have gone to find the so-called "American Dream." Some people call it the Capital of the World. Others have learned that it is the City That Never Sleeps. No matter what you call it, New York City is a place where anything can happen. It is the biggest stage in the world, and the perfect place to usher in the next step for the series.
This new enty marks a number of dramatic changes for the sries, but it isn't Grand Theft Auto merging with the real world. New York City doesn't exsist in this universe, and it likely never will. The Big Apple is simply being used as an inspiration bluepoint for the re-cretaion of Liberty City, a place some gamers have gotten to know better than their hometowns. While the original Liberty City took many visual cues from New York City, this dramatic reinvention of the fictional metropolis seeks to capture the feel of the world's greatest city like never before.
Despite its incredibly large stature, the next installment in the sries has remained one of the best kept secrets in the world. Rumours have swirled and speculation has been raised, but nothing that you've heard or read is even close to the truth. Some people thought Grand Theft Auto IV was going to become a massively multi-player experience; others were certain the game would take place across the entire world. A few misinfroemd souls even thought the next iteration would be set in space. The truth of the matter, however, is that it's going back to the city that made this series a phenomenon.
The new Liberty City is a bustling metropolis that is desnse on the streets and intimidating vertically. Many of New York City's iconic sights fid new homes here, and may look strikingly similar, but are twisted to fit into the Grand Theft Auto would. The MetLife building now bears the name Getalife, the Stature of Liberty is now the Stature of Happiness, and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is called BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).
"We live here," notes the game's vice president of creative Dan Houser, "We've been here for a number of years. Even the guys in Scotland spend lots of time here with us. I was an enviroment we felt had never been done to the level we were envisioning it in a video game. Form looking at all of the locations, this was the one that really stood out to us, and really had that impact. IT has all of these iconic things that you couldn't put into a game before."
Within Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar North has recreated four of the five boroughs that make up New York City, as well as a section of New Jersey. It's a smaller geographical mass than San Andreas, but not an inch of this world is wasted or dedicated to vast streches of country or desert. It's a tightly packed metropolis that captures the eye with its decades of world-class architecture, sun-blocking towers, and extraordinary walks of life. In the GTA universe, Brooklyn has been transformed to Broker, Manhatten has mutated into Algonquin,Queens is now Dukes, The Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey has become Alerney.
"It's not the full city", injects Houser, "It's an approximation thereof. We make a city that feels like the real thing, but is perfectly tuned for gameplay in the broadest sense. The world is not designed to be a video game. We are trying to make a video game that feels like the world, but still plays like a video game."
The design of the city and the missions that unfold within it are designed hand-in-hand and complement each other perfectly. Everything in this world is here for a reason, where it is directly tied to gameplay or simply there to create atmmosphere.
"We are trying to give the city next-generation life. Trying to give it the felling of being there. The feeling of - which to us is always a big part of a GTA game - walking the streets or driving them slowly, watching the life go by, trying to make that a lot more engaging," says Houser.
"We are ttying to make this something that is more fun, more believeable, more alive than it has ever been. That is something we've done a huge amount of work on. To give lots of varied bahaviours to the pedestraisn, make them mroe context sensitive, more dependant on the environment.
Something that we've done bits of in the past, and really blow that out. When you see the streets, and see that this person's smoking, another person is on the phone, and this other person is sitting on a bench, it looks amazing. It feels a lot more real than just a lot of people walking down the street."

Pág.2 escribió:This city is brought to life with an amazing level of realism. Sunlight flistens beautifully off of glasswork, illuminates the intricate detailing of century old brick, and even relveals how realistic an ordinary bag of trash can look. As the sun begins to set the city takes on a whole different appearance. Buildings that were once eye popping attractions slowly become ominous obelisks. As any New Yorker will tell you, there is a big difference between New York during the day and New York at night. Liberty City will perfectly capture this quality.

Even the texturing of the Algonquin streets, which are filled with crater-like potholes and occasional glimpses of the brick used in a world gone by, are greatly varied in design and something you can't tear your eye from. The visual makeup of the city "was something we could capture real well and really understand the minute aspects of its personality," adds Houser. "Trying to put that into a videogame is something that we think is unique to the video game medium. It was a wayy that we could capture some aspects of the experience of living there that you couldn't put into a film, you couldn't put into a TV show, and you couldn't put into a book - because you are actually wandering about and meeting some of the freaks that you meet on the streets here. And that's what it is all about - meeting the same kind of the freaks that you meet on the streets, the angry yuppies you'd met there. A big part of New York life is walking around the streets and meeting lunatics. That's something that we definitely tried to put into the game. We are trying to give it that life and difference between the neighborhoods and the difference between the kinds of people. We are tying to capture that Capital of the World aspect of New York. There are lots of non-American characters in the game."

One of these foreigners is Niko Bellic. His home is in Eastern Europe, and he likely may never have traveled to Liverty City if it wasn't for his cousin Roman. With life not working out in the homeland, "Bellic turns up in Liberty City because he has been receiving emails from his cousin Roman, that read like: 'I love this amazing life, it's the American Dream come true. I have two women. I have 4 hot tubs. I have fifteen sports cars,'"

[Actualización]Nombres de los distritos
[Actualización]Añadido un comentario de Gameinformer y link a TODOS los scans en formato Zip.
[Actualización]Añadida la información de la demo
[Actualización]Añadidas imágenes.
[Actualización]Añadida la información de las páginas 1 y 2 en inglés.
petasking87 está baneado por "ATPC"
asias tio , mu weno todo
O me parece o tiene mejor pinta q ese trailer.


[amor] [amor] [amor] [amor]

octubre ouch

pa cuando la demo?
Puff me esta entrano ganas de que salga. Muy buen avance del juego, esperemos que no nos den la informacion con cuentagotas
El personaje que manejaremos me da un patras increible [lapota] .

Espero que se pueda editar o al menos den la posibilidad de seleccionar entre unos cuantos. [oki]

Por lo demas pinta estupendamente el juego.

Welcome to a new era! GTA4 is comin' motherfuckers! XD
SouthPole escribió:El personaje que manejaremos me da un patras increible [lapota] .

Espero que se pueda editar o al menos den la posibilidad de seleccionar entre unos cuantos. [oki]

Por lo demas pinta estupendamente el juego.

Welcome to a new era! GTA4 is comin' motherfuckers! XD

Derrepente le puedas arreglar la cara en un lugar de cirugia estetica como en el saints row XD y lo dejas como michael jackson.

Bah q tampoco querian un leon s.kennedy.

[jaja] A q todos querian un prota q fuera guapo.

A mi lo q me mola es no parecen de plastico como el saints row.
Si tiene OnLine dejare que algún amigo me la moldee con un bate de beisball:

"Te voy a poner las orejas mas pegadas al cebollo, pon ese lado e intenta no llorar que esta te va a doler... XDDD"

SouthPole escribió:Si tiene OnLine dejare que algún amigo me la moldee con un bate de beisball:

"Te voy a poner las orejas mas pegadas al cebollo, pon ese lado e intenta no llorar que esta te va a doler... XDDD"



XD Jejje como q tienes razon en eso.

Un para de batazos en la cara para q quede como Leon y le pones una peluca de por ahi.
bueno aparte de que es el inicio y logicamente como se ve el tio parece yonki y no tiene nada, esta mas tirao que sarda de cronicas marcianas, pero esa es la gracia, empezar de 0, de ahi seguro como siempre terminaras con un tio evolucionado con sus trajes y casi seguro y eso espero el pelo arreglado peinado y cortado afeitado etc, amos que parecera otro.

esperemos haya peluqueros y barberos etc. buenos scans tiene buena pinta, me ha sorprendido lod e la fisica que incluso cambian las animaciones al andar por los cambios en el terreno etc.

pues finalmente parece que sera mas pequeño que SA pero mas vivo y real. bueno es que vayan saliendo nuevas infos, aun hay tantas y tantas incognitas, ahora por lo menos ya sabemos el principio de la historia, pero de momento no me dice nada la verdad el inicio de historia, aun falta ver muchos detalles, que espero le den vida y detalles a esta.

esperando ansiosamente mas detalles

10 respuestas