Nueva Oleada de Baneos de Cuentas no Consolas

En el dia de hoy a mi a un amigo nos llego un email de Microsoft de suspencion de cuenta por codigo de conducta y dice haci

Notification of Enforcement Action‏
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Sent: Fri 10/16/09 5:17 PM


Notification of Permanent Suspension: Pre-release title play

[ DO NOT REPLY to this email address. It is not monitored. ]

This email is to notify you that your Xbox LIVE account privileges have been permanently suspended due to illegitimate pre-release title play.

Your conduct was brought to the attention of the LIVE Enforcement Team through the course of our operation of the service. The LIVE Enforcement Team has reviewed the complaints and other evidence regarding this content and determined it violates the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and/or Code of Conduct. Because your conduct is in violation, the Xbox LIVE Enforcement Team has enacted this permanent suspension against your gamertag.

During your suspension, you will not be able to log into Xbox LIVE. Your Xbox LIVE privileges will not be reinstated.

Customer Support is not able to modify or provide any further details about your suspension.

Microsoft expects that all customers abide by the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for appropriate behavior while using the service.

You can view the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct from the Xbox LIVE Dashboard under Xbox LIVE Policies in Account Management, or by visiting You can view the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use by visiting

Note: if you are not a user of Xbox LIVE, this suspension may have been enacted due to your activity in the Zune Social. You can view the Zune Social Code of Conduct by visiting You can view the Zune Social Terms of Service by visiting

Thank you,

LIVE Enforcement Team

Ambos jugamos Forza 3 Online
¿ Cual es la version a la que jugastes: "Forza 3 NTSC" o "Forza 3 PAL" ?
Forza 3 NTSC ya que estoy en USA y mi consola es NTSC
parece que es la ntsc que era una version de prueba, por ahora no se ven casos de paletos XD, si caemos pues oye, mala suerte, son mas de dos años jugando, si solo banean la cuenta pues se hace otra y listo, si tambien es la consola pues adios live, tampoco lo echare mucho de menos y no me pillare una consola nueva como hacen muchos, mientras dure la cosa pues guay, yo mientras ire jugando un rato al forza 3 XD
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