Nueva Pegatina en xbox360!


He leído esta notícia hoy en xbox-scene:

Microsoft using new Warrant Seals on Xbox 360?
>> Several European forums like and report that they got their Xbox 360 back from repair with a new warranty seal.
It's not clear right now if this is only on Xbox360s coming from the repair centers or if new units will get this new seal too. However it wouldn't be the first time the repair centers introduce something new, the new GPU heatsink also came first on units coming from a repair center and appeared only later in retail units.
The warranty seal is located under the face plate. The new sticker with a metallic line looks a lot like the seals used by Microsoft with OEM version of Windows (that you are supposed to stick on the back of your PC).

Link a las imagenes:

Alguien las ha visto??
Se acabó usar el secador de la parienta??

Un saludo,

P.D.: Hubiera puesto directamente las imagenes, no estaba seguro si era posible.

Fuente oficial de la noticia:

Un saludo,
1 respuesta