Nueva released, para los afortunados que quieran disfrutar de su añorada consola nes, en la xbox.
MednafenX-NES - NES Emulator for XBox v10
Well I released this because it was the one x-port "Medna" emu that didn't make the last round of releases by Nes6502. Special thanks to Nes6502 for his proof of concept.
---------------- Added support for video previews. Video previews must be in xmv format . Users running at 1080i need to adjust the font for the game select screen to the following:
Game Select Settings Max Text Width: 220 Number of Lines: 10 Font Size: 20 Line Height: 32
The Xbox does not have enough CPU power to render several true type fonts at 1080i and update the video preview. This does not apply to 480i/p or 720p.
---------------- Because of this, though. I had to make numerous changes to the x-port interface. Here is what they were.
Created a new configuration menu called "Screenshot/Movie Preview Configuration". It now contains the new Movie Preview settings as well as all the screenshot related settings that USED to be in "General Settings".
The "Screenshot/Movie Preview Configuration" is as follows.
* Show Screenshots? No, Screenshots Only, Movies Only, Screenshots 1st- Then Movies, Movies 1st- Then Screenshots. * Play Sound From Movie? Yes, No * Seconds before auto-advancing screenshot - # * Auto-Screenshot Capture Delay - # * Show Screenshots While Scrolling? Yes, No
These were removed from the "General Settings Menu" and I shuffled around the "General Settings Menu" to better balance things.
You can set the movie/previews directory in the "Change Default Directories" section. The default location is "D:\VIDEOS\ in order to save confusion with the other two recent Medna releases. However if you point the movie/previews directory to any drive other than "D:" it changes to the standard x-port emu format of "E:\VIDEOS\EMU_NAME". That way if you want to you can store all your movies in the same directory and avoid mix-ups with other x-port emu's as they are released with movie preview.
The movie name has to be exactly the same as the ROM name. Only one movie per game.