Nueva released MednafenX-NES v10


Nueva released, para los afortunados que quieran disfrutar de su añorada consola nes, en la xbox.

MednafenX-NES - NES Emulator for XBox v10

Well I released this because it was the one x-port "Medna" emu that didn't make the last round of releases by Nes6502. Special thanks to Nes6502 for his proof of concept.

Added support for video previews. Video previews must be in xmv format . Users running at 1080i need to adjust the font for the game select screen to the following:

Game Select Settings
Max Text Width: 220
Number of Lines: 10
Font Size: 20
Line Height: 32

The Xbox does not have enough CPU power to render several true type
fonts at 1080i and update the video preview. This does not apply to
480i/p or 720p.

Because of this, though. I had to make numerous changes to the x-port interface. Here is what they were.

Created a new configuration menu called "Screenshot/Movie Preview Configuration". It now contains the new Movie Preview settings as well as all the screenshot related settings that USED to be in "General Settings".

The "Screenshot/Movie Preview Configuration" is as follows.

* Show Screenshots? No, Screenshots Only, Movies Only, Screenshots 1st- Then Movies, Movies 1st- Then Screenshots.
* Play Sound From Movie? Yes, No
* Seconds before auto-advancing screenshot - #
* Auto-Screenshot Capture Delay - #
* Show Screenshots While Scrolling? Yes, No

These were removed from the "General Settings Menu" and I shuffled around the "General Settings Menu" to better balance things.

You can set the movie/previews directory in the "Change Default Directories" section. The default location is "D:\VIDEOS\ in order to save confusion with the other two recent Medna releases. However if you point the movie/previews directory to any drive other than "D:" it changes to the standard x-port emu format of "E:\VIDEOS\EMU_NAME". That way if you want to you can store all your movies in the same directory and avoid mix-ups with other x-port emu's as they are released with movie preview.

The movie name has to be exactly the same as the ROM name. Only one movie per game.

All settings are saved in the emu_name.ini file.

Juer con los vídeos, a ver cuándo meten soporte para faqs y maps que la opción que llevan los emus de xport deja bastante que desear :)
¿¿pero komo se hace pa grabar un video y luego k se vea en la pantallita??
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