Nueva Review Half Life 2 (PCZONE UK) NOTA: 97%

Mas notas de reviews de Half Life, esta vez Half-Life 2 recibe la nota más alta de la historia de PC Zone (UK) --> 97% :P

Half-Life 2 Scores Best Ever PC Zone (UK) Review

This week is the week that subscribers to PC Zone magazine in the UK will start to receive their copies of the mag containing their Half-Life 2 review. It's the best scoring Half-Life 2 review yet, and indeed also the best scoring game ever to be reviewed by PC Zone.

The guys over at PC Zone, now being published by Future, have scored Half-Life 2 at a whopping 97%, improving on the Half-Life's score of 95%.

This brings up the average Half-Life 2 review score up to around 95%.

Our forum member, Dedalus, is to be thanked for this scoop.

As for a summary of the review, I think you'll agree that this sums it up rather well:
Play it, enjoy it, savour it. Games may never get this good again.

Con lo que las notas por ahora quedarian asi

PC Zone (UK): 97%
PC Gamer (UK): 96%
PC Format (Slovenia): 96%
PC Gameplay (Benelux): 90%

Saludos ya queda menos :)
pues debe de estar bien no? xDDDD

aun no he jugado al doom 3, cuando pueda reciclo la TI 4200 y le doy caña a mi 2800+ con una grafica en condiciones.
almenos las notas son buenas...
zEsArDRX escribió:ya queda menos :)

eso seguro :)

mi portatil se va a freir (literalmente) con este juego, pero da igual [reojillo]
Bueno ya van saliendo cosillas de la review de PC Zone hasta que tengamos los scaneos :)

De momento los puntos buenos y malos:


Beautifull realised world

Great storyline, script and characters

Wonderfull use of physics

Excellent, Powerfull weapons

Fantastic sence of pacing with huge veriety of action


No new Multiplayer (yet)

AI occasionally fails to impress

Ahora cuidado quien lea todo esto por que CONTIENE SPOILERS aunque no todos trascendentes.

warning* contains MINOR spoilers, dont read if you want to keep information fresh when you play the game. I've included most interesting new info in spoiler tags to be safe. */warning*

I haven't seen anyone post a detailed summery on the PC Zone review yet so I will give it a shot. Theres only so much I can comment about without giving you the review so go buy this mag if you can, it really pumps up excitement for the game.

Spoiler rating: Low
New info: Quite a bit but none totally new.
New screenshots: A few.

New screenshots that are interesting:
(or ones I have forgotten seeing before)

Picture of 2 people from City17, ones on the floor dead, woman looking up, sad, great expression

Picture of a Vortigaunt shooting blue lightning in some sort of warehouse / hanger.

Spoiler rating: Low

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Picture of DOG throwing a car, looks sweet!

Spoiler rating: High

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Picture of a new enemy. Organic creature, big, standing on two feet with big arms and big pincer/claws to stab. Has a totempole like face

An interesting picture I cant quite work out, looks like a Ant lion on fire.

A nice but small picture of the organised resistance force (the ones in blueish clothing.

A picture of Gordon about to throw something, maybe a small drop ship, at dog on a basketball court.

Spoiler rating medium:

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Gordon is on his airboat on a cannal aprroaching one of those cirtcular tunnel/pipes and a phat rocket is comming at him. Looks like its going to hurt.

Newish or interesting info:

They think its the best FPS ever, but more importantly the best action game ever.

The combine rifle is now called the Overwatch Pulse Rifle.

Spoiler rating: low

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Barney calls headcrabs "face-humpers"

Alyx can take car of herself, ie you shouldnt be needed to quickload every 5 seconds because she dies.

Spoiler rating: medium

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Puzzles are back but not over used. Good ude of physics ie may have to stack bricks on a seesaw to get to an unaccessable area. Or use use floating barrels to make a makeshift bridge.

Spoiler rating: low

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
Known form other reviews but you can smash manhacks against walls with the manipulator

As seen in the ravenholm bink you can fire circular blades through zombies, but whats more interesting (but rather obvious) is that you can get multiple kills with one blade. (gouranga from GTA anyone? )

Spoiler rating: low

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
You can also paint the zombies white with tins of paint!

You can change difficulty levels 'on the fly'. Eg your stuck at an enemy you can change it down to easy!

Bad areas

The AI for the combine soldiers was not groundbreaking, it wasnt as impressive as the rest of the game in parts. But it still would probably equal most games.

Load times were mentioned as a bad point but I coudlnt tell if it was in sarcasm or not.

The control interface is old fasioned, basically the same as HL1. Having no 'lean' buttons was seen as a bad point too, apparently hard to live without in the later levels. (I'm sure this could be modded in within a week of release though)

And they mentioned a 'tenuous' bad point as having no themed multiplayer, however mentioned all the other titles available to buy too (DoD:S TFC:S(didnt think this was made, maybe confused with TF2?)

Spoiler rating: high

SPOILER: (highlight to read)
The end was apparently quite easy which some people could view as a let down. However levels leading too it sound great.

Good parts

Basically everything else, the storyline the gameplay the attention to detail, the realistic and believable world.

They say where there have been similar things in other games such as COD, MaxPayne2 and doom3 they have beaten these at their own game.

Final Score
97% : "Quite possible the best action game ever made"

Good review, its a lot better than my rambeling comments about it, go buy it when its out in shops

Estoy deseando poder hacer mi propia review :)
Empiezan a llegar los escaneos

y por cierto y por confirmar:

Confirmed today from Valve:-

Response (PatrickMc) - 10/06/2004 09:32 AM

HL2 [RETAIL] can only be played through Steam and will require an Internet connection, but you will be able to play in Offline mode once you have registered your cd key.


HL2 [RETAIL] can only be played through Steam and will require an Internet connection, but you will be able to play in Offline mode once you have registered your cd key.

Como si eso fuera a evitar la pirateria... ¬¬ Se han saltado la del CS: Source, y este caera igual.
Sin cuestionar la nota, ya que como es obvio no he jugado todavia al juego, eso de que la mayoria de los juegos que son continuaciones de obras maestras se lleven "puntos extra" por el nombre ya esta resultando demasiado evidente ultimamente, a mi me gustaria que estos analisis los haria gente que no hubiera jugado al Half Life y al Counter Strike ( lo pongo como ejemplo de este caso), aunque eso es algo imposible, creo yo XD. Y dentro del genero de Pc ni tan mal esta el asunto, que si nos fijamos como esta el asunto en las consolas......
Yo estoy de acuerdo en eso de k el nombre ya sube 2 puntos mas al juego. Vease el caso del doom3 ;)
Me fastidia que digáis esto. Primero jugad y luego pues ya especularemos sobre si el nombre sube o no la nota. No creo que los redactores de revistas tan prestigiosas sean tan tontos como para seguir según que criterios...

Lo cierto es que si tiene un 97%, la mejor nota de la historia de la revista, es porque así lo han decidido... y será por algo. No me vayais con lo del ultra-hype-decepción porque no es plan, al igual que los que dicen que el doom es una mierda.
Valoremos las cosas objetivamente u opinemos con criterio... que al fin y al cabo estos juegos son los que nos darán cientos y cientos de horas de diversión! ratataaaa
Herzeleyd escribió:Yo estoy de acuerdo en eso de k el nombre ya sube 2 puntos mas al juego. Vease el caso del doom3 ;)

Doom3 es un juegazo. Si no te gusta la esencia DooM (que aparezcan bichos de todos lados y sea un mata mata con habitaciones) ese es tu problema. Al menos el DooM 3 inova en el tema grafico y jugable (oscuridad). Para mi es y sera un juegazo, tecnicamente sin rival. El unico que le puede toser (y solo en la esencia Doom) es el painkiller.

Y de FPS que yo conozca las segundas partes en el 80% de los casos SIEMPRE han sido bastante mejores. Lease doom, AvsP, NOLF, quake, HL... a dia de hoy kien no inova se hunde ^^

Un saludo
Yo creo que la nota media de Doom 3 en todas las revistas no está sobrevalorada ni muchísimo menos. La media en Gamerankings es de 88%, y creo que es una nota justa para un gran juego, nos guste el género de mata-todo-lo-que-se-mueva o tal y como lo prometió Carnack ;).

Sobre Half Life 2 confio en que sea tan bueno como dicen las primeras notas XD.

Yo el doom3 me lo he acabado y he jugado a todos los dooms desde el primero, y creo k se deberia haber innovado mas en el sistema de juego. Vale k hallan kerido dar pinceladas de las anteriores entregas, pero eso no es motivo para la poca innovacion en el sistema de juego.
15 respuestas