StoneCut escribió:
This is a maintenance release which mainly solves the following issues:
Bug Fixes:- Fixed screen corruption while changing CPU speed in PS1 games.
- Retained the overclock speed after exiting game/app while nethostfs is active.
- Fixed adhoc PC nethostfs connection problem. You no longer need to mess with the wlan switch.
- The MP3 will now resume at the exact position when switching firmware versions (1.5 iR Shell to 3.x iR Shell, or vice versa).
- Fixed the nethostfs crashing when fails to connect to the server. Nethostfs should no longer crash the PSP.
- Fixed autoboot plugin problem with some configurations. The updated version should fix the issue.
Special thanks:- Dark_AleX for his previous contributions & help in iR Shell development. We hope you enjoyed hacking the PSP. Happy retirement and we wish you best of luck for your future endeavors.
- Team M33 for continuing DA's work and their help in fixing M33 firmware compatibility issues with iR Shell.
- All iR Shell private forum and unofficial forum members for their contributions, including donations, testing, skin making, plugins, etc.
Please note:A previous installation of iR Shell 3.6 is required for the update to work.
Visit the unofficial iR Shell forums at for more skins and other goodies for iR Shell.
If you would like to show your appreciation then donate to
AhMan via Paypal.
To news posters, please retain the "Special thanks" section when posting the news.Download: <- no signup required <- Mirror

The long wait is finally over after more than six months. This is a special iR Shell public release brought to you by AhMan & StoneCut. To news posters: Please retain the "Special thanks" section when posting the news.
New features added since the last public release:- Added support for Team M33's newest custom firmware (See note 1). If you don't want to update to M33, you will still be able to use this new release with older OE firmwares
- Launch and multi-task with PS1 games from within iR Shell (works also via USBhostFS and NetHostFS) (see note 2)
- Backup ISO plugins now integrated into iR Shell 1.5 EBOOT and 3.5x EBOOT (also supports USBhostFS and NetHostFS)
- Backup UMD Video ISO support (also supports USBhostFS and NetHostFS)
- Direct switching between 1.5 EBOOT and 3.5x EBOOT via new shortcut combo
- System-wide "Quick Exit" function to quickly shutdown games, homebrew etc and return to iR Shell
- Improved Autoboot to iR Shell plugin
- New Comic Reader plugin based on PSPComic for CBZ and CBR files by suloku - Original version by Archaemic
- Added the ability to flash/blink the menu highlighting cursor.
- Added support for adhoc PC nethostfs connection under 3.xx CFWs (some additional firmware files required)
- Added a new config item in configurator to turn on/off the Music button for screen capture.
- Other bugfixes and tiny improvements.
Please Note:- CFW 3.51 M33 Original version, 3.51 M33-2 (patch 2 with WLAN fix) and 3.52 M33 are supported. 3.51 M33-3 to 7 (patch 3 to 7) are not supported due to a sceKernelLoadExecVSH bug which had been fixed in 3.52 M33.
- The launching of PS1 games via USBHostFS & NetHostFS works on all OE firmwares and also 3.51 M33 Original & Patch 2. FW3.52 M33 has issues with USBHostFS & NetHostFS, please update to FW3.52 M33-2 since Team M33 has resolved the issue in that revision.
Special thanks:- Dark_AleX for his previous contributions & help in iR Shell development. We hope you had enjoyed hacking the PSP. Happy retirement and wish you best of luck in your future endeavors.
- Team M33 for continuing DA's work and their help in fixing M33 firmware compatibility issues with iR Shell.
- All iR Shell private forum members for their contributions, including donations, testing, skin making, plugins, etc. Without their support, especially StoneCut, you won't see this special public release.
If you enjoy using this special public release and want to show your appreciation, you can make a paypal donation to
Unofficial Support Forums (support provided by iR Shell members) (General Support) (French Support)
Download: (Main Download) - [COLOR="Red"]temp. down ![/COLOR] (Mirror graciously provided by x3sphere)
Addtional (optional) files: site is currently down, sorry. Here's a temporary download location which includes all the files listed below in one package. Sorry for the incovenience ! [COLOR="Red"]<- temp. mirror ![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"](Temporary down files - see above):[/COLOR]
Pronto codes for over 2,000 infrared devices <- click !
USBhostFS for Linux <- click !
USBhostFS (Windows) with XBOX gamepad support for key redirection <- click !
USBhostFS (Windows) with generic gamepad and joystick support <- click !
NetHostFS for Linux <- click !
NetHostFS (Windows) with XBOX gamepad support for key redirection <- click !
NetHostFS (Windows) with generic gamepad and joystick support <- click !
Important note for OE firmware usersThe original download contained wrong instructions for users of older OE custom firmwares. The irspatch.prx needs to go in flash0:/k
n/ (and NOT kd). You can delete the irspatch.prx from the kd folder. Make sure you add it to the flash0:/kn/pspbtcnf_game.txt as instructed, though. The rest of the nstructions are correct.
I'm really sorry about that mistake !
The files have been updated and now also contain the revised instructions for OE users.
Team M33 has graciously released an update for their custom firmware that fixes the issues with iR Shell. Thanks Team M33, it is greatly appreciated !!!
Updated autoboot PRX for iR Shell 3.6For all those having issues switching CPU speed in iR Shell when using the autoboot plugin:
AhMan has revised the plugin so it should work 100 per cent for everyone. Please download this file and replace the one in /seplugins with it.