Nueva version (beta) emulador NES pocketnes

Pues desde hace un tiempecito existe una nueva version de esta magnifico emulador de nes, aqui las mejoras, destacar el poder buscar y usar trucos al estilo del action replay.

Newest Changes 3-18-08:
* More speedups from using EWRAM to store rom pages (instead of reading them from the cartridge)
* Many savestate fixes
* Now uses correct identification for savestates created with compressed roms. Old savestates made with compressed roms will not work.
* Added in something developed a year ago and then I forgot to merge it in o_O (I thought it had been integrated in, but apparently it wasn't)
* Fixed cheats getting lost after loading state
* Fixed compressed VS games
* Some internal code changes to allow certain features to be excluded at build time

changes 3-13-08:
* Fixed loading state graphics glitches

Changes from 3-8-08:
Major bugfixes:
* Fixed the bug where the SRAM went back in time after entering the UI
* Fixed sprite collision when games don't update the sprite tables every frame (Bomberman 2 works again)
* Fixed a bug which may have caused sram corruption

No longer broken from alphas:
* Added the punchout hack back in
* Re-added PPU hack
* Re-added cheat finder

Minor bugfixes:
* Fixed a cheat finder bug (kept old cheats active after changing games)
* Fixed bug where savestates did not load correctly from previous alphas

* Changed IRQs for Mapper 69 [FME-7], (Mr. Gimmick, Return of the Joker...)
* Savestates now save sound information

Aqui la descarga

Aqui el post de la noticia, tambien podeis encontrar versiones alfa y demas utilidades
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