Nueva Versión de Universe Bios para NeoGeo

New Controller support
Added full four player support to the unibios if relevent hardware detected.
This allows Kizuna to be played in 4 player mode without requiring cheats.
HARDDIP 2 must be ‘ON’ when using MVS hardware, not required for AES.
The AES controller test (2up ABCD) is no longer accessable from MVS hardware
due to lack of exit option, use the hardware test (test mode) instead.
Added a four player controller test which will automatically show in the
standard ’2up ABCD’ controller test if the four player hardware is detected.
Added a Mahjong controller test which will automatically show in the standard
controller test if a mahjong controller is detected. Press ABCDE on the
mahjong controller to enter test. This code works on either joy1 and joy2.
MVS test mode improovments
HardDIP 3 (use mahjong controller) now shows on HardDIP screen.
Improoved visibility of active DIPs in the HardDIP screen.
4UP controller I/O test added if adapter detected and HardDIP 2 on.
Mahjong controller I/O test added in test mode if HardDIP 3 on.
Improoved I/O test layout and visibility.
The memory card check in the test mode hardware test does not delete data from cards
up to 16kb in size. This was also in 3.1 also but forgot to list it in whats new.
Fixed crash during the memory card test if the game in system is either Puzzle
Bobble or Puzzle Bobble 2.
Fixed rare curruption issue when drawing the red cursor in main menu.
Hiscore saving changes and fixes
High Score loading from memory card now works for all games in a multislot system.
High Score saving now supported in the following games;
Pop n Bounce, Spin Master, Quiz King of Fighters, Zupapa, Zintrick,
The Irritating Maze, Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz, Soccer Brawl,
Legend of Success Joe, Temco World Soccer.
Fixed High Scores (shown during gameplay) in the following games;
Viewpoint, Fight Fever, Mutation Nation, Ninja Combat.
(You must also delete any v3.1 created H.S. saves for the following)
Art of Fighting, Art of Fighting 2, Ghost Pilots.
Fixed High Score saving in KOF2001 (delete v3.1 created HS save).
Fixed High Score saving in Neo Drift Out (delete v3.1 created HS save).

Changed the way DebugDIPs are handled.
On multislot hardware DebugDIPs are now cleared on gamechange (DEV mode setting is remembered).
DebugDIP changing stopped for games known not to use them (solves high score curruption).
Changed the way hardware errors are displayed on screen.
Added ability to access PC-2-NEO from the ingame menu (move over ‘soft reboot system’
and move right.
Changed the AES hardware test button code to B+C+D. Also added a message before the
test starts so there is no confusion wether the test is running or not.
Changed the way overclock patches work on the ‘Max 330 Mega’ spinning splash logo.
Added overclock patches to stop curruption on the ‘Giga Power’ spinning splash logo.
Only exception is Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 which cannot be patched at this time.
On a multislot system in console mode you will no longer jump to the next game after
game over. Some games do not follow the rule, Shock Troopers 2 and Magical Drop 3
will jump to the next game regardless due to the way they are programmed.
Stopped ‘Your card is still inserted’ message when in console mode on MVS hardware
if using a memory card.
Stopped ‘Your card is still inserted’ message when in arcade mode on MVS hardware
if using a memory card with High Score saving enabled.
Stopped splash screen and main menu curruption from potential new NG:DEV.TEAM games.
Tweeked Jukebox init, now less chance of an ‘Error starting sound’ message.
Compressed the memory footprint in the bios of the cart crc database.
Added The King of Fighters ’97 Oroshi Plus 2003 the the crc database.

Fixed ’1UP coin move’ operation which was broke in v3.0 / v3.1. Option allows coin
in chute one to credit as coin in shoot two if 2up start held and region is USA.
Fixed region/mode saving when using a 16bit memorycard on AES hardware.
Fixed ingame menu color saving when using a 16bit memorycard on AES hardware.
Fixed disable splash screen not working when using 16bit memorycard on AES hardware.
Fixed lockup on AES SoftDIP page if game is Korean version of AOF3.
Stopped ‘NEXT PAGE’ showing in the AES SoftDIP settings page for some games.
Games with no softDIP handled better on AES SoftDIP page (vliner/jockeygp).
Fixed crosshatch screen not showing after a hardware error if no cart inserted.
Fixed 2020 Super Baseball cheats to work in all versions and regions.
Fixed AOF3 cheats which would sometimes stop working.
Fixed ‘Infinite’ spelling in the cheat menu (typo in version 3.1).
Fixed KOF94 game title not showing in the cheat menu.
Compré la 3.0, no la instalé.

Envié a actualizar la eprom, no la instalé.

Me monto el chiringuito, abro la AES, monto el zócalo y saca la 3.2


Creo que por precio, esta vez la voy a comprar.

Gracias por el aviso.
Nueva versión!! Genial!!

Voy a ver que avances tiene y cómo se van a aprovechar, sobre todo pensando en el uso de las tarjetas de memoria en AES y MVS que parece que es por donde está tirando ahora la scene de este sistema.
Ya no me sorprenden las unibios, cada vez las mejoras son menos notorias :(

kanyero escribió:Ya no me sorprenden las unibios, cada vez las mejoras son menos notorias :(

Hombre cada vez hay menos cosas y de menor importancia que resolver, pero en esta unibios, y basadas en las pruebas que realizamos en su día ( ... recognized), se ha incorporado la opción para que puedas jugar con tu mando de mahjong a los juegos de mahjong.

Un saludo
Ya no son mejoras globales sinó cada vez mas parciales y especificas, a la mayoria de gente no le aportará nada pero tendrán su publico y... en esto nunca se puede decir "de ese agua no beberé" [sonrisa]
bertobp escribió:Me viene a guevo!!!!

Cuidado, que el tema Neo Geo engancha [+risas]

Por cierto, tutorial sobre cómo utilizar la versión 3.1 en la última revisión Mame:
7 respuestas