El change log:
I'll let him do the explanation in the changelog:
Emulator menu is now directly available on startup
Add turbo modes, but it can result in graphic artifacts but you can win up to 20% ! (turbo modes don't work for all games)
Add ARM tick average change option (can be used to increase speed)
The file default.kbd (keyboard mapping) is now loaded on startup
Screenshots are now save in BMP format instead of PNG (less memory consuming, so it should not freeze your PSP).
Many more bug fixes
And as usual, the application is released under the GPL license, which means that the source is bundled along. Plus, there are 2 separate versions, one for 1.5 and the other for 2.0 and above.
One note of caution though, the emulator doesn't work on 2.0 using the TIFF exploit. If you're running it on 2.0 or above, you'll need to use the GTA exploit.
Bufff... al final me va a rebentar la cabeza kon tantos avances casi simultaneos, y ademas he apriovado la selectividad... pues ya que mas se puede pedir?? xDDD ahh si!! una novia mandenmela por MP.
Cuando haya provado mas el deevhook i tal me pondre tb con el emu este aver ke tal.