HARTOS con un prog tipo GenList para pasar de .smd to .bin se podria solucionar el problema de las roms que estan en smd no? Es que yo me lo he bajado pero no se hacerlo funcionar, por el tema de mi ingles que no es muy fluido, os posteo el readme para ver si me podeis ayudar.
Genlist 1.0 by Anthony DiPasquale
1. What is it?
It will create a list of your genesis rom files (so far only supporting
.SMD and .BIN) in a directory, output it to a text file nicley formatted
with file sizes, and the actual name as extracted from the rom.
2. How do I use it?
Place a copy of the .EXE in a directory where you have genesis roms. Type
GENLIST LIST.TXT - where LIST.TXT is, you may substitue any file you'd like.
3. What does it/doesn't it support?
Right now only .SMD and .BIN roms. It doesn't support long file names..altho
I suppose I could do it if I really wanted to. Don't count on any updates.
4. Why do some of my rom descriptions look like stupid characters? Or arn't
even there?
Well..thats not GENLIST's fault, its the ROM file fault. SOme roms simply
don't have the name. There is a good chance when you are seeing the wierd
stuff its because the ROM image is bad.
5. Whats these run-time errors?
This is VERY rare, but if you do happen to see one..make sure 1: you don't
have any of your ROMs open (in an emulator, hex editor, etc), and 2: you
don't have any partially downloaded roms that got cut off smaller then 16kb.
Its a funny trick to pull on a program to tell it to read the data at 16k,
when the file is smaller then that

No real rom file will ever be that
6. What are all the files it comes with?
README.TXT - i wonder.
GENLIST.EXE - the executable
GENLIST.PAS - the source code (its in Pascal/Assembly).
Before doing anything to or with the source, completley read my notice at the
top of the source file.
7. Disclaimer: ok ok, i wrote this, but won't take no responsibility for what
it does. Thats all your fault.

Yea, its copyrighted material, so please
do not distribute it commercially. It is FREEWARE, but not public domain.
Do not attempt to decompile or reverse engineer, if you do anyways yer a dummy
because the source is included.. FREEWARE implies it is free, so if you
payed for this not only are you a dummy, but the person who sold it to you is
too. As you can tell this isn't an official disclaimer from some lawyer guy,
but just don't try screwing me. Thats all. Have fun.
8. This software rules! What other great programs did you write that I can have?
I also wrote the "BATCHZIP" util, a great utility to facilitate the use of
pkzip when dealing with large amounts of files. Perfect for zipping many files
of the same type to put on an FTP, web page, etc. Feel free to email me and I
will be happy to send you a copy.