Atencion porque trae novedades interesantes... en un futuro se podria ver paginas webs y jugar a juegos de la xbox desde el disco duro del pc
So here it is.. the new RelaX with SHOUTcast support!!
here is the changelog!
+ SHOUTcast streaming support (Thanks to Tusse/nonSense for his XNSCast perl script showing how easy it really is to fake a mp3 file using SHOUTcast data)
+ SHOUTcast streaming info on connections tab!
+ Http requests support (for future versions of XBMP if it wants to download http pages from the internet!
+ Global tbn directory for your thumb files
+ Added TestClient.Exe + Source to the package.. An easy client to test the working of RelaX without XBMP.. (hej now i can also rip SHOUTcast streams:)
+ Added documentation to the package!!
* Fixed bug which prevented the usage of the global subtitle directory