Nueva version PStwo v13!

We received the latest PSTwo US console from our friend, its mode number is SCPH-70001 and a bit difference to last version SCPH-70011/70012. At first appearance, there are two things changed. One is the guarantee sticker shifted to a different place and the other is that they omitted the network line connector. Besides, there is also a small change is that the layout which is nearby around the motor driver IC of the main board.

- Mode No ............................... SCPH-70001 CB
- Console version updated......... V13
- Main Board updated .............. GH-032-XX
- The Pickup Lens No ............... PVR-802W
- The Bios Part No ................... B1110A D1010U
por lo k veo

le han cambiado la pegatina de la garantia y le han quitado el conector de red

vaya cabronada
Es version US, por lo que podria ser que hayan quitado el conector de linea telefonica....
porque si sacaron el de han pasado.. [enfa]

EDIT: si..han sacado el conector de linea telefonica...
Pues yo tngo una PsTwo SCPH-70004
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