Nueva version SMS 2.8 rev5

    Changelog for Version 2.8 (Rev.5)

    - updated OSD information panel (added available memory indication at IOP side);
    - video decoders are redesigned in order to reduce RAM usage;
    - implemented 32 bit color resolution for 720p (playback and browser modes) and
    1080i (playback mode only) video modes. Note: synchronization parameter 1 and display
    position adjustments might be necessary for these modes in order to avoid some
    screen artefacts. Note: synchronization parameter 3 was added. This one affects audio
    playback, so in total there're 3 parameters related to video synchronization:
    - parameter 1 is for video clips;
    - parameter 2 is for GUI;
    - parameter 3 is for audio playback;
    These parameters are quite important, so if there're some unwanted screen effects
    (broken picture during scene motion), screen flickering etc. then adjusting these

    parameters can remove aforementioned effects. Each video mode has its own independent

    parameter set. For parameter 1 SMS can approximate its value automatically by

    choosing 'auto' (formerly '0') value;
    - redesigned subtitle management code;
    - improved MPEG1/2 scrolling/positioning;
    - added 2 "eye candies" (clock and "please wait" indicator);

    Small note from 'Sebastiao Rocha' for Matrix Infinity Mod Chip owners: in order to prevent startup
    hang/crash try to delete SMS.cfg file from the memory card, disable "Use exception handler" and
    save settings.

Hola a todos e intentado probar el SMS 2.8 rev 4 pero no lo e logrado e borrado el archivo sms.cfg y lo e probado sin memory card y se queda congelada la pantalla en initializing SMS. Si alguien logra probarlo seria bueno que me pudiera mandar su sms.cfg o q me pueda decir como lograr q funcione

SMS 2.8 Rev5 Sin problemas
Esto solo pasa con freemcboot, yo tengo la rev3, e igual se me congela la pantalla si tengo un cd o dvd dentro del ps2, si tienes uno prueba sacandolo. Esto no pasa con el exploit normal(psx original) el SMS corre bien y no se congela si tengo un disco en el ps2.
No se porque pasa eso. Parece que la compatibilidad con aplicaciones en ULE disminuye poniendo el freemcboot
maov escribió:Esto solo pasa con freemcboot, yo tengo la rev3, e igual se me congela la pantalla si tengo un cd o dvd dentro del ps2, si tienes uno prueba sacandolo. Esto no pasa con el exploit normal(psx original) el SMS corre bien y no se congela si tengo un disco en el ps2.
No se porque pasa eso. Parece que la compatibilidad con aplicaciones en ULE disminuye poniendo el freemcboot

Creo q eso ya lo prove yo uso la rev3 con el freemcboot y funciona perfecto el problema es con la rev4 no funciona aunque use otro metodo para abrirlo se queda colgado y solo cambia el reloj pero de todos modos gracias y es cierto lo de la compatibilidad con el freemcboot xq algunos programas no funcionan al 100% como el snes station se congela al entrar al menu pero solo cuando lo abres por el freemcboot
Gracias XD
A mi me funciona sin ningun problema, solo que yo actualice de la version 2.8 a secar a la revision 4 sin borrar nada y me va de lujo con unos videos que misteriosamente no se reproducian completos
ARESSI_YASHIRO_ escribió:A mi me funciona sin ningun problema, solo que yo actualice de la version 2.8 a secar a la revision 4 sin borrar nada y me va de lujo con unos videos que misteriosamente no se reproducian completos

Gracias por tu comentario al menos ya se q en otro ps2 sirve el mio es un pstwo v13 y creo q ya no intentare mas hacerlo funcionar y gracias a todos
Implemented 32 bit color resolution for 720p (playback and browser modes) and
1080i (playback mode only) video modes. Note: synchronization parameter 1 and display
position adjustments might be necessary for these modes in order to avoid some
screen artefacts. Note: synchronization parameter 3 was added. This one affects audio
playback, so in total there're 3 parameters related to video synchronization:

En serio puede reproducir alta resolución, o es que no me he enterado bien?
Me da que es lo segundo porque a parte de que he probado de reproducir un video a 720p y el SMS me dice que no, también he seguido un tutorial para reproducir mpeg2-HD en el SMS y lo único que he conseguido es reducir la resolución (me imagino que ese era el objetivo del tutorial):

One of the users asked me to write a small encoding guide to use high
resolution mpeg2, so i wrote him a quick one with the pack of needed
tools. I guess you already have most of these, but I have finetuned using

various collected information and custom quant matrices my settings for

high resolution mpeg2, and the quality of the encodes is at least comparable

to h.264 at the same bitrate .). I will paste you the guide here, but I

guess the only relevant things/information for you are the custom matrix

from the archive and the quenc settings I use. It is actually finetuned for

720p content, but SMS can't play that thanks to the texture size limit.

For maximum size possible (1024*576) there are little artifacts in corners

in 720p because we are using too much vram. It really does give excellent


- Download THIS archive. It contains all the tools you need. I assume you

have proper codecs for playing everything on you computer installed;
- Install avisynth from tools folder;
- Unpack quenc somewhere where you like;
- Copy sagit.xcm to the folder where your quenc is (or somewhere where you
can find it later when you will be setting up quenc);
- Copy the avisynth sample script somewhere and open it in you favourite
text editor. You will see two commands, change the first one so that it
points to the file you want to encode, and the second one to the
resolution you want to use. With the resolution settings you see there,

you will get CORRUPTION. You can't have bigger horizontal width then 1024

because of maximum ps2 texture size limit. So my recommendation is probably

960x540 or a little bit more, try a few tests to get picture without any

- After you have edit this file, fire up quenc program, select the avisynth

script, and set everything exactly as it is in Quenc_Settings.jpg. This

settings are actually optimal to encode to 720p mpeg2, so you can probably

lower the bitrate a little bit. You have to select the Custom quant matrix

sagit.xcm which was in the archive. There is also utility qmatrix in the

archive which is a editor of custom matrices, with plenty of examples.

However the matrix I use is especially good for high resolutions. So if

you have set up everything correctly you can start your encode. In the way

I have it set up, it is slow, but the quality at the bitrate you get is

comparable if not almost equal to h.264. Try playing with some small sample

files and you will see what you can get;

En resumen, ¿es imposible reproducir un video de más de 1024*576 en la ps2 sin el exploder hdtv? ( o como se llame )
5 respuestas