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iND-BiOS escribió: We have finally released our first public build, 5001. See below for full release notes
Release info:
We are a group of xbox enthusiasts that just wasnt satisfied in how far BIOS
development has come, and decided to take matters into our own hands.
Basically, we went through the current bioses feature lists, and the requested
bios hacks thread on forums.xbox-scene.com, and implemented all that we could.
We are open to most feature suggestions, especially if you feel that you can
help implement them. We are aware of 2 of the most requested features that we
have not done; xbox live hack, and embedded ftp. The former we will not be
touching, sorry. As for the later, never say never!
We know how many people love to customize their bios to fit their exact needs,
and we made an effort to make every option that we could configurable. All of
the configurable options are controlled by a .cfg file (ini style) on the
xbox hard drive. We have included a win32 application that will edit this
file for you, which should eleminate user error for the most part.
Loading the config file from the disk requires a short delay while the IDE is
initialized. If you don't like the delay you can inject your config file into
the BIOS with our ConfigInjector tool. Note that an injected config does have
its disadvantages. Please see the ConfigInjector readme.txt for more info.
Please remember that this is our first public release, and bugs are expected.
Please report all bugs in the bios forum, on forums.xbox-scene.com, or #ind-bios
on EFnet.
Files included in this release:
\iND-BiOS.5001.06.bin (md5: 0d7c02c44410dc570cd26598933a3dc9)
\iND-BiOS.5001.67.bin (md5: f27de71b28f27b1f5fc9f4263c9b4b3e)
\Config Injector\ConfigInjector.exe
\Config Injector\ReadMe.txt
\Win32 CFG Maker\ind-bios-config-maker.exe
\Win32 CFG Maker\Xpreview.dll
Feature Summary (see notes for details):
Bootloader for 1.0-1.5 (evox's)
Supports conexant and focus video encoders
lba48 support
Boot All Originals
Boot All Unsigned Code
Boot All Backups
Macrovision Disabled
Custom error screen
On the fly .xbe patching:
--Media patch
--FATX Patch
Hard Drive Swap Hack
Eject Fix
No AV Cable Hack
In Game Reset - Off/Quick/Complete
--Reset to Game/Reset to Dash
Configurable bios intro:
---Custom Flubber, loads from c:\flubber.x or user specified file
---Flubber, glow, scene(3), fog colors
---Flubber radius
---Camera angle (15 choices)
---Spikey and/or Wireframe blob
--Splash Screen:
---Custom "X" logo, loads from c:\xlogo.x or user specified file
---The 'normal' hacks: lip, lip highlights, inner walls, inner glow
---Enable/disable light (the white light coming in from the top right)
---Enable/disable Trademarks
---Replace "XBOX" text with "IND-BIOS"
---Custom "XBOX" text, loads from c:\text.x or user specified file
---XBOX text color
---Change Background color
---Custom "Microsoft" logo, loads from c:\mslogo.bmp
Configurable LED color
Configurable fan speed
Configurable boot sequence
Use e:\dashboard.xbx (optional) - used to specify a dash to boot for debug
Will boot some BFM bioses from e:\xboxrom.bin (make sure you can recover
if you try this)
No DVD Rom Hack
Auto Load DVD Disable/Enable
To be added:
xcalibur video chip + 1.6 smc support
Advanced In Game KeyPress Features:
--Tray Eject
--Tray Close
Xbox LIVE Block - In alpha testing
And more...
The configuration file must be placed in C:\ with the name ind-bios.cfg
A list of all the configuration settings and values is listed in the sample
ind-bios.cfg included.
Default file paths:
Custom Flubber - c:\flubber.x
Custom "X" Logo - c:\xlogo.x
Custom "XBOX" text - c:\text.x
The .x files we tested from http://xfiles.kernelbase.com/ needed their face
orientation reversed to show as logos, so if yours doesn't show that could be
the problem.
You can download/upload .x models and mslogo.bmp's from http://www.allxboxskins.com
Custom 'Microsoft'
Filename: c:\mslogo.bmp
Specifications: Size - 200x34
Format - 24bit
Transparency Must be enabled in the INI, MSLOGOTRANSEN=1
Default color is in RGB - FF 00 FF or Hex - 0xFF00FF
To Overide color, MSLOGOTRANSCOLOR=[hex]
Paul B's (oz_paul) full lba48 mods are featured, including support for an
on-disk partition table.
.06 uses the "F takes rest of drive" partition scheme
.67 uses the "F takes upto 137, G takes rest of drive" scheme
Please note that both builds are lba48 compatible, if you have a drive smaller
then 137gigs, it does not matter which build you use.
XBOX Live Block
We have included an xbox live patch in this build - it is, however, untested.
All games should be patched with smo's patch to disable Xblive.
All MS dash .xbe's should be patched to block the network completely,
stopping dash updates which the first patch does not.
Thanks to smo for this patch info.
Custom Error Screen
Our error screen will give the standard error number + a brief description of
the error. Kudos to superfr0 for the first user-friendly error screens done
so long ago.
Thanks and greetz:
Barnabas, Complex, Evolution-X, MODCHIP-SOURCE, OzXodus, Paul B, Smartxx, thc,
Team Avalaunch, Xbins, Xbox-Scene.com, XBMC, Xecuter, and the rest.
NOTE that we are in NO way associated with ind-bios.com. We find Freakware to
be very childish in their recent domain registration.
ps. kl0wn is teh fagg0r!
Initial Public Release
iND-BiOS escribió: Nouvelle version de ce bios fonctionnel sur toutes les puces et développé par une Team indépendante.
Nouveautés/corrections :
- Correction : problème avec l'IGR.
- Correction : problème qui empêchait NOSOUND=1 de fonctionner
- Correction : config injector qui empêchait la vidéo de fonctionner dans certains cas
- Correction : distortion du bloc customisé lorsque le background du flubber était sur off
- Ajout : In-Game Shutdown, eject/close du tiroir, Power Cycle
- Ajout : MAC address modifiable
- Ajout : quelques petites choses dans les fonctionnalités qui étaient déjà présentes dans la version 5001 mais non notées
- Changement : les fichiers text.x n'ont pas besoin d'une inversion
Inclut également une nouvelle version de IND-Bios Configurator, v0.4.25
Reste à ajouter :
- chip vidéo xcalibur + support 1.6 smc et bien d'autres choses.
Voici également les nouveautés/correction de IND-Bios Configurator v0.4.25 :
- Correction du problème de sauvegarde des couleurs avec alpha lorsque R ou G étaient à 0
- Ajout de CFG Injector (Bios Build 5002)
- Ajout d'une fonction permettant de changer le path/nom de fichier où le bios cherche le CFG sur la XBOX (Bios Build 5002)
- Remaniement de l'interface. moins de cases à cocher, plus simple à utiliser.
- Correction du bug FOG1 Loading/Saving.
- Changement du Blob Radius en de la vue de la caméra en Sliders
- Ajout d'une vérification en ligne pour la mise à jour du programme.
- Correction du chargement du Fog/Scenerey Alpha
- Ajout de XLIGHTCOLOR sur l'écran 'X'
- Correction de la sauvegarde des couleurs (à cause du nouveau sélecteur de couleur)
- Importation XBT est entièrement fonctionnelle désormais
- Améliorations mineures du chargement/sauvegarde
- Color Picker amélioré
- Corrections internes
iND-BiOS escribió: Nouvelle version de ce bios fonctionnel sur toutes les puces et développé par une Team indépendante.
Quoi de neuf / fixé:
Fixé: bug dans l'ajout d'une config manuelle
ATTENTION l'utilisation de ce bios fait disparaitre la partition F: sur certain HDD à utiliser avec precautions
eGladiator escribió:Alguien sabe que demonios es esto:
No AV Cable Hack