Iwata reveals that Nintendo plans on setting up Wi-Fi access points at game retailers throughout Japan. DS users will be able to connect to these for free. Currently, Nintendo is looking at establishing something on the scale of 1,000 such points throughout the nation. Of course, DS owners will also be able to use other access points, including those that are available in their own homes.
The term Iwata uses to describe the Nintendo Wi-Fi experience is "seamless." This includes a pain-free connection process both at the retailer kiosks and,
if you use one of Nintendo's specified wireless routers, in your home. Nintendo is hoping that, even when playing Online, players will feel like they're playing with a DS that's located in the same room.
Online gaming through the DS will be a free experience, if Nintendo has anything to say about it. Iwata reveals that Nintendo will not charge users a dime (or, perhaps we should say, a yen) to play Online DS games. This means there won't be a monthly fee ala what Microsoft charges for Xbox Live access.
This doesn't necessarily guarantee that all future Online DS titles will be free. Nintendo is not forbidding publishers from charging for Online content, so it's foreseeable that some charges may appear from some publishers. However, Iwata states that Nintendo is working towards keeping the experience completely free of charge.
¿lo resaltado en negrita significa que funcionara solo con un posible router sacado por nintendo o cualquier router que Nintendo considere como compatible? My English is very Bad