New Release: Nester X v0.22 and U-VBAx 0.20 >> Nester-X includes both a NES and SNES emulator. U-VBAx is a Game Boy Advanced emulator.
What's new/fixed: * Fix - Back buffer overflow * Fix - Rendering of a font buffer * Fix - Resolution(NES) * Add - Hardware antialiasing x4(NesterX) * Mov - Rendering is changed into a polygon from sprite.
Download: n/a (build with XDK)
Pues aqui teneis las nuevas versiones del Nester X y el U-VBAx, que son un gran emulador de nes+snes y un gran emulador de gba
New Release: XPCE-X v0.05 >> Yet another new version of this PC-Engine emulator.
What's new/fixed (based on google translation) : * Problem of resolution control solved * Support ZIP compression * Upto 4 players
Download: n/a (build with K)
Y aqui teneis la noticia de la nueva version del emu de Pcengine, este emulador todavia esta en fase de pruebas asi que no espereis mucho de el
Virus T Positive!
2.620 mensajes desde jun 2002 en Almeria(ciudad sin ley)
Aparte de las nuevas versiones, el Hikaru team se ha puesto manos a la obra con las fuentes del Gens, que si no lo sabeis es el mejor emulador de genesis/megadrive para pc, tiene soporte para megacd y 32x, asi que cuando completen el desarrollo tendremos un maravilloso emulador..
Gens-X coming Soon ? Posted by Sin-Tex at 10:44 AM
News Source: .:TOP SECRET:.
It looks like Hikaru (who iam sure by now is a very much loved emu coder by the Xbox Community) will be porting Gens (Mega Drive & 32x & Mega CD Emulator) to the xbox.
He has only just acquired the Source Code for Gens & iam sure has most likly already started to port it.
It may still maybe awhile untill any sort of beta is release though.