Nuevo Dash Artillery for PSP

Bueno, igual está posteado ya, pero yo lo acabo de probar y va de fabula, la verdad es que me ha sorprendido y me atrevo a decir que me ha gustado más que el PsiX....




There’s a lot happening on the MbShell front today! Last month Blue2k released the latest version of the MbShell program Artillery for the PSP and it was an instant hit with the community. Today, Artillery was upgraded along with the launch of their official website and the announcement of the Live Fire! service.

With the release of the website a new build of Artillery is available, the 0.06 version. For Artillery this marks the end of a specific range of builds. It will be the last 0.0x version, meaning it has gone beta. The 0.06 also marks the end of the C era for Artillery, I've been working hard to convert the whole shell to C++. Every piece of code was rewritten and checked, making the shell more stable for you, and easier to work with for me. The 0.06 version features everything I've been working on to the point I've stopped working in C. It's new features are:

* Homebrew loading
* Extensions loading
* Full skinning support (windows, icons, etc)
* Font support (skinnable too)
* Much more...

Another new service provided with the website is Artillery: Live Fire!. This is a service for anyone interested in checking out the latest of Artillery shell. From now on you can download a build updated almost every day. It will contain the latest features, options and graphics. It is basically a version I'm working with on that particular moment. Be warned though, as it is a development build it can contain bugs or might not even work at all. But hey, bleeding edge comes at a price.

A ver que opinais vosotros pero está bastante bien...

Download: [url=""]Artillery Shell v0.6 – Default[/url]
Download: [url=""]Artillery Shell v0.6 – Plasmatique[/url]

No esta nada mal la verdad este shell, aunke bajo mi opinion promete mas el PSIX [666] ESo si, este no tiene nada q despreciar pa ser la primera version q hacen publica ta muy bien, kizas un poco vacio el escritorio pero bueno, nada q no se peuda solucionar conforme vayan actualizandolo [jaja]

U slaudoy gracias x la info ArriDJ
Yo lo ejecuto y se me queda la pantalla en negro [maszz]
Hay que meter las 2 carpetas en PSP/GAME y la otra, la de shell, en toda la raiz, con sus correspondientes carpetas dentro tal cual vienen.

ops no vi la carpeta shell :P gracias por el aviso.
perdon por mi desinformacion, pero, podriais hacer un pequeño resumen de lo que es please?

ok, ya se lo que es.

una cosa, a mi, cuando lo inicio, se me queda:
"loading modules..."
que hago?
es komo el psp-oss
osea un sistema operativo pa la psp??
8 respuestas