Nuevo emu de GC "GCube"

Sobre el cierre del foro

Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

En este contexto y, tras ser advertidos de que el contenido de numerosos hilos del foro podría infringir los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de terceros y analizar con nuestro servicio jurídico la situación, hemos decidido cerrar el foro. En consecuencia, tampoco se podrán volver a tratar los contenidos de este foro en otros foros de temática general.
pues eso que acaba de salir una nueva varion de este emu que es capaz de rular juegos, y es multiplataforma!


En 2 minutos me pongo a probarlo xD ojala tire mi ToS!




0.3 - should now work on mac os x (thanks to Adam Green)
- basic hle system
- function mapper
- fixed a few problems with pad emulation
- further debugger improvements
- killed some ugly cpu bugs
- fixes here and there

0.2 - support for gcm's and compressed gcm's
- virtual dvd support (mounting directory as the dvd root)
- improved gx emulation
- debugger is working on windows
- file / gcm browser
- OSReport emulation
- various fixes

See notes in README for more description.

0.1 first release
README (Linux Version):

gcube - Nintendo Gamecube emulator

gcube is a gamecube emulator for linux, windows and mac os x.
Compatibility is still very low so don't expect much.

Software requirements:
* SDL library 1.2.7 or newer (won't work with older versions):
* zlib:
* GNU C compiler

Hardware requirements:
* Something good. I'm developing it on Athlon XP 2.0 with 0.5 GB ram and
GeForce 2 GTS, and that is not enough for a full-speed game of pong;)
* Video card must support the follwing extensions:
- GL_EXT_texture_rectangle or GL_NV_texture_rectangle
- GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat

Building gcube:
* Before compiling check Makefile for options.
* To compile just type 'make' or 'make release' (optimized)
(on windows use cygwin and type make -f, and on mac use
make -f Makefile.mac).
* To install, copy gcube to /usr/local/bin.

Usage tips:
* If You have binfmt_misc support compiled into kernel,
copy gcube to /usr/local/bin and put this in some
startup script (eg rc.local):
echo ":DOL:E::dol::/usr/local/bin/gcube:" >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
echo ":GCM:E::gcm::/usr/local/bin/gcube:" >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
echo ":IMP:M::\x7fIMP::/usr/local/bin/gcube:" >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
You will then be able to run gc-binary files / mini-dvd images
just like any other executables.
* The easiest way to use it on windows is to make a shortcut to gcube
on the desktop and then just drop Your gc-binary files on it. You can
also associate gcube with dol / gcm files.

A few notes:
* Some games will need specific settings to run. Run gcube --help to
see the list of parameters. If the game doesn't work, try starting it
with hle enabled (-ls) or bigger refresh delay (-r value, eg. 900000).
HLE might also help if the input isn't working. If the games stop trying
to play a movie, try running it with -i1 or -i2.
* GCM's can be compressed with the supplied utility isopack. Compression
uses a very simple method but it is quite effective with some dvd images.
For example, size of 'The Legend Of Zelda - Four Swords' decreases from
1.4G to 255M. Other files might not compress that well (if at all).
* In order to run most of the SDK demos, a directory containing files needed
by the demo will have to be mounted as the root directory of dvd.
If a directory named 'dvdroot' is present in the same path as the 'elf' file
it will be mounted automagicly. Otherwise, use the --mount option to
specify the needed dvdroot.
* Only interpreter is implemented at the moment. That means it is slow
and You might have to wait a long time before something happens
(eg action replay and xrick).
* Debugger is integrated with emulator, so it will always pop up
whenever a fatal error occurs. Pressing F11 (or using 'x' command)
will run the program ignoring the error (if further execution is
at all possible). F12 will quit emulator.
* Configuration file is kept in users home directory
("/home/username/.gcube-0.3" on Linux and
"/documents and settings/username/.gcube-0.3" on windows).
* Default keys are:
arrows - digital pad
keypad 8/5/4/6 - first analog
home/end/delete/page down - second analog
q/w/a/s/z/x/c - A/B/L/R/X/Y/Z

F1 will disable/enable texture caching (slow workaround until correct texture
caching will be implemented).
F2 will switch wireframe mode on / off.
F4 forces linear filtering on all textures.
F5 makes all textures transparent. use if one texture occludes the view.
F9 will create a screenshot.

Big thanks goes to:
* Dolwin authors, org and hotquick. If they wouldn't release
sources of their emulator, gcube wouldn't exist.
* gropeaz / hitmen for Yet Another Gamecube Documentation,
also to everyone who contributed to it in any way.
* Frank Willie (phx) for PowerPC disassembler.
* Every GC homebrew developer releasing sources.
* Metalmurphy for gcube homepage and staff for hosting it.
* Adam Green for helping me out with the Mac OS X port.

* Great icons by rodimus:

Keep in mind this is a beta-quality product. It hasn't been throughoutly
tested and may contain bugs. Patches and suggestions are always welcome.

If You want to report a bug, ask a question or share a solution to a
common problem, check out gcube section at (thanks to
the courtesy of staff).

Be sure to checkout the gcube homepage:


Fin del README.

Lastima que pida tanto equipo, porque ahora mismo no puedo probarlo, postead aki como son vallan plz!

PD: Creo que es legal (sobre todo lo de postear la web pero si no es asi que me lo diga el moderdor y la quito) [chulito]
No te esperes muxo pq ademas de que es la version 3 no tiran los juegos a muxa velocidad( dentro del juegos entre 4 y 8 fps , que no esta mal la verdad). Y los unicos juegos confirmados que rulan creo que son:
- Donkey kong konga 2(el 1 no pasa de la intro).
- El wario world(no se hasta donde).
- Bust a move 3000 y Custom Robo.

"Todos" los demas juegos solo llegan hasta el titulo y poco mas .

PD: advierto que el emu no tiene gui(es decir , se ejecuta desde msdos o shell con comandos ej:
gcube -f prueba.gcm -r30000 bla bla
me estoy haciendo la picha un lio con el faq en ingles, que si make no se que que si makefile no se cuanto........
seria alguien tan amable de explicarlo en castellano
2 respuestas