Al parecer el programador de nestergp (emu de la nes para gp32) se ha cansado de esperar a ke los programadores de dreamsnes terminen su emu, y ha comenzado a programar el suyo propio. Ahora mismo esta en una version pre-pre alpha (solo esta haciendo pruebas kon alguna PDrom), pero algo es algo. Personalmente, dudo mucho ke una sola persona mejore lo ke todo un grupo ha hecho, y menos aun comenzando desde 0, pero habra ke darle una oportunidad.
esto es lo ke puso el autor en los foros de dcemulation
Hello, I'm the author of NesterGP (RIP), the port of NesterDC for the GP32.
Dreamcast is not dead. Projects die and new ones arise. One project that seems to have died is DreamSNES. We've waited, with hardly a peep of news from the authors for over a year now. I feel that I should be proactive regarding SNES emulation of the Dreamcast...
So last weekend I began porting the latest version of snes9x, 4.12. And last night, my mouth dropped when I finally saw "nintendo" from the beginning of Super Mario World appear on my TV. Frame rate was no so good, but one of the hardest parts is out of the way.
My intention of developing yet another snes9x port for Dreamcast is to make it open source. Closed source == death. I figured if I lay the ground work down, talent from around the internet will chip in to make this what DreamSNES isn't: full speed. I'm not saying that DreamSNES isn't already impressive and that it's development team isn't capable. They just have left us in the dark.
Certain parts of the source will have to be rewritten in asm, such as the cpu core, and I am not an assmbler expert. The 400 plus pages of the SH programming manual is very daunting. I will need help.
If you can help out, let me know.
Right now, it only loads one ROM out of the romdisk and runs it. What I want to do myself before I release the source is just the basics:
* Menu system / configuration
* ROM browser
* Controller support
* SRAM saves
After that, it will be the community's project. I will probably set up a sourceforge project and assemble a programming team from volunteers that will make official updates.
I already have a name in chosen. If anyone thinks it's lame, well... FU! Just kidding. It's called:
Super FamiCast or SFCast for short
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