It is a hybrid firmware of 2.71 and 3.00 .
Also is hybrid of IE and SE because with this firmware you can have two recoverys.
This version only include the recovery of OE (on the part of IE).
- Put a decrypted dump of the firmware 3.00 on ms0:/301.
ms0:/301/kd ... (use psardumper for do it, and press square to decrypt the firmware)
- Install it from 2.71 SE-C of Dark_AleX
For activate the part of IE activate the autoboot. For launch the recovery of OE (part of IE) , activate the autoboot function, power on the PSP and press START

If you have a eboot on PSP\GAME\BOOT the PSP will auto launch it.
About the flasher...
The flasher is of Team FWI. Thanks