Buenas a todos...
A ver lo del Flash Advance de 256M no es más ni menos que una memoria SmartCard o similar de 32 Megabytes (vamos la mismas que usas en tu reproductor de MP3) solo que modificada para el caso.
"The Flash Advance 256M is the first professional mass produced flash Card for the Gameboy™ Advance.
Just like a Memory Stick from Sony, or like a Smart Card or Smart Media Card you are using for your MP3 Player, it will simply hold the game data in it's Flash Memory. Once you have sent games, demos or programs to it's memory using the Flash Advance Linker, it can simply be plugged into the Gameboy Advance and it will act like an original game!
The Flash Advance 256M will also allow you to store savegame data. This means once you've opened a lot of levels or you got some extra points in your game, you won't need to start from the scratch - it will save the game status just like an original cartridge with the game. Savegame data can be stored on your local PC Harddrive too, so you won't loose any data when you are using the flash card for other games.
Flash Advance 256M can be re-written, feel free to use it how often you want, as said, just like any other Flash Card on the market (Smart Media, Memory Stick etc.).
The Flash Advance 256M is furthermore the perfect choice for any professional Gameboy Advance developers or even home developers - Create your own games using your PC (free software is available) and simply use the Flash Advance 256M to show your game/demo to friends or test it on real Hardware. If you believe it or not, even large software companies are developing their games using exactly this Hardware and this methods"
Nada de que funciona con las ROMS de Game Boy, para eso hay un adaptador que es el GB Bridge que como su nombre indica es un puente entre el Flas Advance y la Game Boy Advance de esta manera se pueden usar las ROMS de la Game Boy "clasica".
Me extraña de que no se pueda hacer por software pero weno.
Aqui teneis bastantes info. de los items que hay, podeis contrastar las funciones de cada uno de ellos.