"Nuevo Gears of War" Microsoft lo Anunciará este Lunes


Microsoft anunciará el lunes durante su conferencia previa al E3 un nuevo Gears of War para Xbox 360.

El juego, del que se desconoce el título, aparece en la portada de la edición del mes que viene de la revista Game Informer.

De momento sólo se ha filtrado eso, la portada de la revista. Habrá que esperar al lunes para el anuncio oficial, pero los personajes que aparecen en ella no dejan lugar a dudas.

Tampoco se sabe si lo está desarrollando internamente Epic Games o si se encargará de él el estudio People Can Fly (Bulletstorm), que ya se hizo cargo del port para PC del primer Gears of War.
indigo_rs está baneado por "saltarse el ban con un clon"
Será cierto? Yo aun no me lo creo.
indigo_rs escribió:Será cierto? Yo aun no me lo creo.

Usually, we like to reveal the name and final cover art for our upcoming issue's cover story the Thursday before it hits subscribers. This time we're saving the full unveiling of the game's title until Monday during Microsoft's E3 press conference, but we can confirm that our next cover is the new installment in the Gears of War series and is coming to Xbox 360. We figure this news and a glimpse of the shrouded Gears of War cover are least some consolation, as the image raises some interesting questions: Who is in chains, and where? Take your time trying to decipher clues about the next game in the Gears of War universe, and check back on Monday when we fully pull back the curtain on both (yes, we said "both") of our covers. Also waiting for you on Monday is a teaser trailer jammed with sneak peeks at our month of online Gears of War coverage. As always, you can learn more about Epic's new game in the following weeks with a wealth of online videos, articles, and interviews that will populate our upcoming Gears of War hub, including an exclusive and extensive first look here at Game Informer that hits Monday morning. You don't want to miss it. Our world exclusive first look at next game in the Gears of War franchise isn't the only story worth diving into in our August issue. Get a sneak peek at the splendor of the next console generation with our in-depth article on Epic's Unreal Engine 4. Get ready for Call of Duty: Black Ops II with our extensive feature detailing the game's intense, globe-hopping campaign. We also have a new look at the long-awaited Tomb Raider reboot, along with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard and some exciting new projects that will be announced next
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