Nuevo launchelf 3.41L unnoficial

Nueva version de launchelf 3.41L, esta, a diferencia de la K, si que incorpora mejoras interesantes, por lo que es recomendable actualizar.

Cambios(que yo haya entendido):
-Añadido soporte para mass en ftp(no tiene mucha utilidad pero bueno)
-resueltos muchos problemas con el mass(pendrive), entre ellos los de los directorios
-resuelto algun problema cuando teniamos 2 memory cards insertadas.

Aquí el extracto de readme

LaunchELF v3.41l
-Added a modified makefile for loader to the source package that was forgotten early on.
-Added "Development related issues.txt" file to the source package.
-Added Slam-Tilts "NETWORK SETTINGS" option that allows the user to edit the IPCONFIG.DAT file at mc0:/SYS-CONF.
-Renamed a few things such as menus and menu messages.
ps2ftpd new additions and changes: Included ps2ftpd.irx and source changes.
-Added a fix for multiple mc directories bug, which occurs when both slots contain PS2 memory cards.
-Added "mass" as a supported filesystem device so it shows up with "mc" and "pfs" in the root device listing.
-Changed a few things in order to accommodate support for USB mass fixing a sub directory issue.
-Created a workaround to fix a "mass" listing issue do to timestamps not being able to be accessed. (Note: Hopefully this is only temporary but as of now all files/folders timestamps for "mass" show up as "1/1/1970").
-Altered files: config.c/launchelf.h=Network Settings option, main.c=load usb device driver when launching ps2net, draw.c=version_id

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